
pairing: O/E of course

disclaimer: I don't own any of SVU character or anything having to do with SVU.

Summery: after a prostitute is found dead, Elliot and Olivia have to dive into a undercover operation involving high class prostitution. ( this is my first fanfic so be nice). In this story Elliot is divorced and Olivia is single.

Chapter One


Elliot Stabler walked up to the crime scene still rubbing his eyes from being called at 2am. He looked around until he located his partner Olivia Benson.

"What do we have" he asked as he walked up to her.

"looks like a dead hooker shot twice in the back possibly raped, she must have been running away." she said looking into her partners tired blue eyes. sometimes she thought that she could get lost in those eyes. She was amazed at how they could show exactly what he was feeling. She would even go as far to say that thy would change colors from a cold gray when he was angry to a soft comforting blue when he was worried.

"Don't people ever sleep" Elliot said with a smirk seeing the effect sleep deprivation had on Olivia.

Olivia let out a short laugh as they walked toward the body. The M.E. heard the footsteps of the detectives behind her and started calling off her findings"Twenty year old female ID in her purse says that her name is Katie Ross, there is seamen on her dress, also the only other thing that we found in her purse was a cell and a business card I though it was odd, a girl always has some sort of make-up in her purse"

Olivia nodded taking the bagged purse and headed back to the car with Elliot.

"What is with you girls and your make-up" Elliot with his award winning smile on. Olivia responded with a playful slap on the arm.

"What do say we go home and get some sleep and continue our investigation in the morning there is nothing left for us to do until then anyway."Olivia said

"I am not going to argue with that now can I, see ya in the morning Liv"Elliot said as he started toward his car.

the next morning

Detective Stabler and Benson sat side by side looking over the evidence from the rape-homicide from the night before.

"What do you make of the business card El, its pretty weird all that is written on it is a first name and a number, kinda weird huh"

" yeah I though that to I've never seen anything like this" Elliot replied as Captain Cragen walked up to the pair to check on their progress on the case.

" what do you guys have so far?" he asked

" so far the only lead that we have is this business card" Olivia said handing the card to Cragen.

"I've seen these before this guy is a rich guy that lives the big life as a high collar pimp, we can never get enough evidence to convict the guy because he is part of a group a friend mostly husbands and wives that have that whole once your in the crew you will never leave thing going on, I find it creepy." Cragen said

" So what do you think we should do" Elliot said

" well the way that I see it we can continue to work it like a normal murder case or..." he pauses for a moment almost afraid to say what is coming next " or we can run a undercover operation to try and break this crew."

"Ok well who do we have that can go undercover." Oivia said

"Well ... there is you two, you could go undercover as husband and wife and get the information we need."

Olivia and Elliot just stood and looking at each other for a moment before they both eventually nodded.

" OK great I want you two to take the rest of the day off and put together your story and meet back here at 7 am tomorrow." Cragen said as he left the room

Elliot turned to Olivia and said " Ok so how about pizza and your place to night and we will put together our aliases"

Olivia nodded and grabbed her coat and headed home.


I know that I kinda rushed the story but it is getting late and I am getting tired I promise that if you guys want another chapter it will be much better and I also promise that it will have plenty of E/O

I am open to constructive criticism and all reviews if you want anouther chapter just tell me and I will write it

ok thanks for reading.
