You can't make your Heart Love Somebody

Disclaimer: I own no one!

A/N- Title comes from the George Strait song



Dave gently patted his pocket, making sure the small box was still there. It wouldn't do any good to lose the ring on a night like this.

"Christy," he murmured, staring at the fiery red-head. "You look beautiful,"

Christy had seemed so distant lately. She acted the same, but she didn't do things with the same spirit.

"Thanks," she said, heisitantly. Then, she took a small sip of wine. The candlelight showed off her dark red highlights. "This is lovely,"

This is the perfect time, he thought. She was calm. She was quiet. This would surely make her happy. He pulled the small black box out of his pocket.

"Christy, I love you so much. You put the sun in my days. You put the moon in my nights. You make everything alright," he said, opening the jewlery box. "Would you do me the honor of being my wife?" He stood up, and stooped on one knee, in front of her chair.

Christy began to cry. She had to be crying from happiness, Dave decided. After all, why would a marriage proposal make her sad?

"I should have seen this coming," she said, biting her lower lip to restrain from sobbing. "I'm sorry, Dave. I can't marry you," She continued to cry.

Dave was baffled. Why had she rejected his proposal? Was there someone else? If so, who was he? Why was she hurting him?

"Why?" His lips formed the word, but no sound came.

"My mind loves you," she said, dabbing her eyes with a white linen napkin. Her mascara ran down her face in a long black streaks. "My heart doesn't,"

What did that mean? How can your mind love while your heart could not? That made absolutely no sense! How could Dave ever recover from this?

Only one thing was certain.

Dave's heart was broken.

Dave Bautista had always vowed to guard his heart against love. He had always been terrified of heart break. He would have rathered lived alone than love someone only to lose her. Yet, Christy had been the one. The one to break through the barrier around his heart. The one he had wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

"What do you mean?" he asked again. No matter how much he tried, he just couldn't comprehend what she was telling him. He glanced down at the diamond ring, still nestled in its velvet prison. She sighed.

"Dave, you're the best thing to happen to me in a long time," she said, reaching for his hand. He jerked away. After a few moments, he allowed her to grasp his hand between her own hands. "My heart doesn't love you. I can't marry someone my heart doesn't love,"

"How can your heart not love someone?" Dave asked, on the verge of tears. Christy tightened her grip on his hand.

"I've tried everything I can do," she murmured, trying not to cry harder. "I've tried to convince my heart you're the one. I've tried to rekindle the spark I felt when we first met,"

Dave was horribly confused. What was she talking about? Could he change her mind?

"I love you," he murmured, closing his eyes.

She said nothing.