Disclaimer: I don't own the Village, Ivy, or Lucius. They are the creations of M. Night.

The Dance

It was a warm night, near a month after the incident with Noah. The wedding had just taken place; Ivy's blind eyes had filled with tears. And Lucius, her husband, was just now able to stand.

The people laughed. They smiled at the newly weds. The lanterns reflected off the glass walls of the greenhouse. They circled around Lucius and Ivy, asking them to dance. And when Lucius shook his head, they assumed that he was too weak still.

Ivy sat in thought beside her husband. This was the second happiest day of her life. She was now married to Lucius! Her first was the day that Lucius recovered. He had opened his eyes, and said one simple thing. "Hello."

She had burst out in tears, thankful that he was alive. And she was thankful that he could stand on this day. But part of her still heard his promise on that fateful night, and wished it were so. But it couldn't be. He was so weak.

For what seemed like hours later, Ivy felt Lucius' hand tighten around hers, and felt it leading her out the door. Though her brow wrinkled in confusion, she followed the awkward steps of her husband.

She felt the night air on her face, and felt Lucius turn to her. The hand he held in his own was placed on his shoulder, his hand curved gently around her waist. And his other hand caught her remaining, and lifted at an angle.

The music from inside the greenhouse drifted outside through the transparent walls, and Lucius began to move to the music, granted, a bit awkwardly.

Ivy bit back a gasp as Lucius stumbled. "Lucius. You don't have--"

She was cut off by a quiet shushing noise that arose from his lips. Then his lips pressed a soft kiss to her brow, quietly resting his cheek on her hair. His arms softly pulled her in closer, a quiet rhythm overtaking their movements. Tears fell from her sightless eyes.

And when the music faded, he pulled his head away and saw the tears. Smiling tenderly, he slipped his hand from hers, and brushed the tears from her face. And with his hand still at her face, he softly pressed his lips to hers, with only the stars as witness.

Author's Note: I just love Ivy and Lucius! I just love that it's genuine love, not lust. (has a goofy smile on face) I'm such a hopeless romantic!