Dark Duo April 23, 2005 "Naga's Shadow"

'Knock, knock, knock' "Robin are you there?" Starfire asked as she floated outside the leader of the teen titan's door. There was no response but she thought she heard a rustling inside.

"Robin you haven't come out of your room today and your dinner is getting cold, correction was getting cold two hours ago." No response.

"I will assume you are ok but you really need to come eat something and if you do not at least tell me why I will be forced to have Cyborg or Raven open this door for me."

"It's open Star." A voice called from inside.

Starfire hit the open button on the side of the wall and the door slid open quietly. Robin's room was dark aside from a light in a little back area that doubled as a workshop. Starfire rounded the corner to find Robin busy at a sewing machine putting together pieces of a costume, a familiar costume.

"Robin you promised me you would drop the Red X routine."

"Look this is different."

"How I once again see you preparing to become a villain and not telling your friends about it."

"Look it's not like that at all really."

"Humph." Starfire turned around and prepared to leave.

"Starfire, I was going to tell you all at dinner but I wanted to finish this suit first, and well I suck with a sewing machine." Robin pointed to a pile of wasted black and red colored cloth.

"You could have told us before you started on this latest project of yours."

"Sorry Star, I only found out about this today."

"What is this?"

"Look if you give me half an hour, no make that twenty minutes and I'll be done then, I'll explain everything to everyone."

"Do you promise."

"I promise."

"Ok, I trust you, but do not make me come up here and drag you down."

Starfire turned and left. Robin turned back to his project; the suit was complete save for the piece of the mask he was working on now. The Red X he had thrown together today was simple compared to the original. He remembered the original Red X, the suit, the utility belt. Well he still had the utility belt but with out the xanopiom to power the systems the belt was pretty worthless, and it wasn't worth the risk. No this Red X was just a clever ruse not the ruthless villain he had created. He realized that creating the personality Red X was a mistake. He understood that masquerading, as a thief to gain favor with Slade had been foolish and wrong, especially since he didn't tell his friends, he was forced to fight them. He won, Red X had been built to undermine their strengths but that had made it no better. He had truly been sorry for what he had done but he still hadn't destroyed the suit.

Now his creation was out there somewhere. He had the utility belt sure but the suit was still dangerous. Yet now he was planning to do it again. True he was going to tell his teammates, there would be no subterfuge this time, at least not against them. Would they help him after what he'd done would they be willing to walk that road again? He could only hope so because he knew this lead was golden he had to take the risk, with or without their help. Robin finished the final stitch and regarded his creation. This Red X would have no special powers or any new gadgets; he was going to disguises one of his utility belts and bring it with him. Checking his watch he noticed that twenty-two minutes had passed since Starfire had left.

Robin took the central elevator to the common room, as he exited he noticed Cyborg and Beastboy were watching TV. Raven was reading a book and Starfire was sitting on the couch watching the clock.

"Good you showed up, was starting to wonder."

"Have you ever known me to break a promise Star?"

Robin walked over to the kitchen and checked in the fridge, his dinner was wrapped in cellophane and very close to frozen. No matter that's what microwaves are for.

"Robin." Starfire had walked up next to him and no one else could here her. "I expect you to tell us what you are doing."

"I will I just would like to eat something first, if that alright with you." Robin put his dinner into the microwave and turned the device on.


Robin paced as he waited for his meal to regain some of its warmth. Was trying the same trick twice really a good idea, yes he was endangering no one but himself and the benefits outweighed the risks. A loud beep brought him back to reality, his meal was done, he took it out and smelled it. Ok, well maybe not done but warm enough for him to eat.

"Everyone could you please come up to the meeting room in five minutes?"

A chorus of affirmatives and groans answered him. Robin took his plate with him sampling some of the food as he walked, first he had to go back to his room and get the stuff.