AN: As always.. I don't own Inuyasha.. (sigh)... Rumiko Takahashi does...(sob!).

Important AN: Heeey guys.. please don't be mad at me. I'm really, really sorry. School and practice is a drag.. and numba one bust - drama. Umm.. I tried to keep my grades up, clean up the after-Katrina junk, and the stress got me sick.. I'm really sorry - really I am. And the worst part is.. Christmas is coming - I know what you're thinking, 'What's wrong with X-mas?' ... my parents lost their job and so ya know.. the spirit moral is low, my birthday is coming and the stress is to much for people to remember 'bout me, and ... (sigh) much more than I can actually say.. so all I ask is that you guys gimme some time b/c I really need it right now. And I hope you guys love my story and no - it will not end soon, I promise you.. oh! and Merry Christmas guys, happy holidays. -Out..

I'd like to thank these people: azn-anime-kagome12, lil epad, demonpriestess07, kamilog, InuKagPar4Life, Inuyashas Lover13, Inuyasha's Chic, SesshomarusLady-XX, Inuyasha's Warrior Angel, InuPlusKagEqualTrueLuv, InuyashaForever14, PreseaCombatir13, dark hanyou kagome, aoiro kitsune, I'm still breathing, Chicken Inuyasha, and dreamer1010. Thank you guys soo much, I really love your support.

And a special thanks to:

Neko Kagome: a Nissan Skyline huh?.. Yea, I think I'll put that car in this story - just for ya. Thanks.

CakeIceCream4u: Thanks. I use to have a cousin just like that.. until he started to become a complete jackass.. but thanks for the support.

ChibiKenshin6490: Thanks for your forgiveness. It maks me feel a bit more at ease that you're not mad. Thank you for your compliment. I hope you also luck with your stories also. Thanks.

Sapphire Midnight: Thanks. I can't wait for the clubs either. Thanks for the wonderful review - 'preciate it!

lady kCassandra: Thank you. I do believe I put up a good fight. And I do hope that I never have to unergo your wrath. Thanks.

Enchanted - Princess: You know, I was checking my story the other day, and I noticed.. that you're my 100th reviewer! I practically fell out of my chair..! I didn't even notice how many I recieved - I was to focused on trying to get yall the story that I can't even pay attention. Thanks.

I love yall to the core. Keep me going and I'll pay back with my stories. Thanks guys...

Chapter Seven

Sango, Rin, and Kagome went everywhere. They practically strip the three story mall of everything it had. They had to go to their car six times just to unload everything they had in her their hands before they could continue shopping. Sango had her father's paycheck, and lucky for her, her father's a bounty hunter. She's everything like him - strong, courageous, and stubborn to the corps, which of course... makes her father very proud. Rin had a $50,000 dollar shopping certificate she got from Sesshomaru as a gift for being late for a date 'aww...what a sweetheart'. At first Rin didn't accept the gift knowing the excuse was already explainable - he is afterall a busy man handling an enterprise processed by hundreds... possibly thousands of people. And Kagome had Miroku's unlimited, platinum American Express card.

He gave it to her in the car on the way to the mall and ordered her to spend as much as she want, buy what she want, and get whatever she want. He said that ever since he got the clubs, he saved so much money that there was no need to buy anything since he already got what he wanted, so now that there was no need for him to hold it so...he let her spend it. Awesome huh?... I know.

Sango, Rin, and Kagome were so exhausted after stripping the mall that even blinking hurted. But there was one place they haven't been yet, and they were saving the best for last...Sweet Express, the candy shop. Once inside, they were like little school girls ranting on boys, except it wasn't was candy. A girls' number one best friend right after ice cream.

Rin walked out with twenty pounds of chocolate in a pink with light brown stripe colored plastic shopping bag, Sango walked out with twenty pounds of taffy or anything that was chewy, and Kagome... she came out with a thirty pound full of...well, everything. Kagome grabbed at least one or two of each thing. She thought to herself, 'doesn't hurt to have some sweets in the house'. Except when she walked out the manager stopped her and told her that they could send it home for her, instead of letting Kagome carry it all day. So she agreed and pulled out only a handfull of candy to bring with her.

"Don't worry, ma'am, yourkyandi will be sent to you this afternoon, specially by me," he said giving her his sincerest smile. (candy)

"Oh, why arigatou...ummm," Kagome looked down at his name tag and said,"...Hojo, I really appreciate it." (thanks)

He was somewhat... gorgeous. Fairly tall, a light tan, bright chocolate orbs, and yet his body seemed decent. Not buff or scrawny.. more like something inbetween. Pretty much the school boy look. ' cute,' she thought.

"No need, it's my pleasure," before he turned around he threw Kagome a wink and headed back inside.

Her cheeks grew hot and immediately turn away only to be tackled by her friends. Giggling, teasing, and mocking the moment that just happen. Then Kagome felt something... more like someone... 'It feels like someone's watching me..' she looked around and saw nothing. So she ignored it and headed back to the food court with Sango and Rin to meet with the others.

"...damu ketsunoanahoho, think he's such a fucking juggalo...he's a piece of fucking kuso...that's what he is," grumbled Inuyasha while heading towards Miroku and Sesshomaru at the court. ( dumb ass, shit)

The whole day the guys went around the mall shopping for their ladies. Sesshomaru bought Rin an extrodinarynecklace and braclete of pure sterling silver, diamonds, andhad it engrave saying, 'To my only true aikou... Rin'- soo extrodinary, it cost about three mansions. Miroku (as his perverted self) bought his 'future love'... lingerie -lots of lingerie. (love)

And Inuyasha.. not sure if he should buy Kagome something, but of course as his playa self, bought Kagome something that would take her breathe away.. so he got her a small, heart shaped, crystal pink pendant that had the edges trimmed in sterling silver. It was a size a bit bigger than a dime. It look fragile and perfect for Kagome's small frame. It also came with a pure sterling silver lace.. 'perfect' he thought.

Afterwards they guys headed back to the food court and waited on the girls. Guessing that it tookthe girls longer than they thought it would, Inuyasha volunteered himself (but actually lost a game of rock, paper, scissors) to look for the girls. Only to stumble on Hojo to hit on 'his' toy. Pissed, he turned around and headed back for the table.

Miroku noticed Inuyasha's fustrated face and asked Sesshomaru what the hell Inuyasha was grumbling about this time.

Miroku sighed,"I guess Kagome met Hojo...well, he's not that bad of a guy..."

Sesshomaru just rolled his eyes. Then he caught a scent that could practically knocked him out for days. He covered his nose with his hand, making an irritated face and turned his head towards the door. 'No wonder...'

"Inuyasha..." someone called.

'Who the... '

Inuyasha turned his head and saw someone he did not want to meet right now. He didn't even have to look, the cold voice and poisinous scent was sick enough. When he sence that she was close enough he stepped back and said in a monotoned voice, "What the fuck do you want, Kikyou?"

Kikyou raised a brow,"Is that how you treat your ichuunoonna...hmm, Inuyasha?" (Girlfriend)

"Arghh...for the last time, you're not my girlfriend, I don't like your ketsunoana, and what we had a long time ago is over..." said Inuyasha through clench teeth. (ass)

She started to pout and said in her small,cold voice, "You always say that...but I know you're just denying it. What I did a long time ago was a mistake.. can't you see?"

Inuyasha sighed, "You're right, Kikyou. I'm sorry," with that said he leaned in for a kiss, but then stopped mere inches from her face and said, "...sorry that you're such a whore, now fuck off!"

Kikyou, wide eyed and pissed, growled and walk away with her pose, Kagura and Ayame, behind her.

As they walk away a small toy top twirled in front of them and it stopped them in their tracks. The girls just stood there staring at it.

A small youkai with messy, red hair and a red, fluffy tail with bright, emerald green eyes came and walked out of no where and retrieved the fallen toy.

"It's just a nasty kit...I hate rodents. Step to the side, rat," ordered Kikyou.

The kitsune just looked at Kikyou and her pose, scrunched up his face, stuck out his tongue and blew a raspberrry.

Her eyes twitched in annoyance, "Fine, if you won't move. Than I'll move you." Kikyou walked over to the kitsune and shoved him aside with her leg while stepping on the fallen top with a loud CRUNCH!

Kikyou and her pose walked away clucking like chickens. The kitsune crawled to his crumbled toy and began to cry. Tears began to fall from his now sad eyes. The boys over at the table saw the whole thing, feeling sorry for the kit, they decided to go over to him but someone beat them to it.

The kitsune was still crying when he smelt something sweet. His eyes was still pouring as he looked up to see where the sweet scentsation was coming from.

"Shh...aww, it's okay, sweetheart. Don't kyo.." said a soothing voice. (cry)

The kitsune turned his head and saw a large lollipop out stretched to him from a beautiful girl with shiney black locks and clear, bright grey-blue eyes. The girl wrapped her arms around him and handed him the lollipop while standing up.

" one's gonnakizu you. You're okay..." her voice was so soothing it calmed him down to only sniffles. (hurt)

"Hi, I'm Kagome..what's your name?" cuddled Kagome.

He giggled and sniffed,"... Shippo..." His voice was so cute, Kagome couldn't help but cuddle him some more.

"Well aren't you just the cutest kit I ever seen," she giggled. "Shippo...Oh!'re the one we were talking about awhile back... if I knew you were this cute, I wouldn't have squealed on Miroku."

While Kagome caring at the young one, from a distance was watching someone who also had an eye for her right on the spot.

"Wow, Kouga, did you see what that chick just did? That human is all over that kitsune like it's hers," said a spiked head boy.

Kouga examined herfrom a distance. He was amazed by what she did, usually humans don't like to encounter youkai, especially pups. But she was different, they could see it clearly.

She was gorgeous.Face of an angel and a body of a goddess. Her thick locks were yet somewhat wavey as it framed her beautiful face. Grace of a movie star and a perfection of a model. He could smell her sweet scent. He knew it wasn't the candy, it was her. 'Kami... she's an angel,' he thought.

"Yes, Hakkaku, I saw the wholechikushou thing. You don't have to give me the fucking play-by-play," said Kouga. (damn)

Kouga was a wolf youkai, heir as Prince of the Wolves. He was wealthy just like Inuyasha and the top jock, neck and neck with the rival mutt. He was very masculine, tall, and darkly tanned. He wore his hair in a high ponytail, his eyes were sapphire blue, and his tail was just like Shippo's, except light biege and puffy. He had a straight nose, a strong jawline and a husky voice of a star. And as you could see, he and Inuyasha are very much alike.. except for one thing. He isn't a dog or hanyou, and he hates them with passion.

The girls at school basically faints just looking at them. Kouga's isn't arrogant like Inuyasha, but somewhat stubborn. Very. And to think you might see them as friends right? Na, always trying to out-do the other, being the best at something the other isn't, and killing each other at every chance they got. How childish, yes?

"Ginta," called Kouga,"I need you to do something for me.. and don't screw up."

Kagome was stillplaying with Shippo, she didn't notice that two youkai was approaching the table where Inuyasha and the others sat.

"Miroku? Is that you?" said a stronge voice.

Miroku immedialtely turned around to see the Kitsunes back from their buisness trip.

"Oh, why good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. K, I didn't expect you back this early," said Miroku scooting over for them to sit.

"Don't worry , Miroku, we need not stay long. We were just wondering if you knew who that girl was playing with Shippo? I have a feeling that you and her are somewhat related," said a gentle voice that came from Mrs. K who smiled warmly at him.

"Ara, I see! I didn't notice that it was Shippo... that would have to be my lovely cousin, Kagome, Mrs. K," said Miroku giving them one of his toothy smile. (Oh)

"Well, isn't that wonderful! I assume she's staying with you?" asked Mr. Kitsune.

"Why yes she is... why?... may i ask." curiosity ringing in his voice.

"Ah.. yes. It seems that our old babysitter has moved away to college. And since you and Kagome live next door, do you think that Kagome would well..." Mrs. K pause for a slight moment.

"...Babysit Shippo for you? Of course she would! From what I could see, I believed she has fallen inaikou with him," stated Miroku glancing over at Kagome. (love)

"How splended! Miroku, you have the most charming cousin. Keep her safe I should say, Miroku. She's one in a million, the rarest of heart I do believe. Darling, we must get going if we wish to meet our dinner reservation. It was nice meeting you Miroku. Thank you, young chap! Good-bye!" waved Mr. and Mrs. K as they went to get Shippo.

Inuyasha listened to the whole conversation. And he do believe that it's true Kagome has fallen for the young blood. And as the cause of that, it reminded him of his mother. The only women who loved him of human heart. As it is in this century, it is rare for one of ningen to fall for a youkai... and yet - hanyou.

I know... you're upset b/c I didn't write as much as you thought I usually did, but I promise that'll update the next one as soon as possible.

Hugs and Kisses,