Title: Doorways
Pairing: Wolfram/Yuuri
Notes: I really don't know why I'm suddenly writing this pairing/series...


Standing in the large, otherwise empty hallway, Yuuri stared up at the small plant adorning the top of the doorway. It looked like a miniature shrub with bright purple berries scattered throughout it. Earlier, he had seen Gunter prancing around putting these up on different doorways and glancing at him with a suspiciously happy smile whenever Yuuri had walked by. After that had happened a couple times, he had decided to just avoid Gunter, but now that the man had been called away for business and likely wouldn't return for hours, he had crept out to investigate.

"Yuuri," someone said, causing him to jump slightly before he turned to find Wolfram standing there beside him.

"Wolfram!" he exclaimed. "Don't sneak up on people like that!"

Scowling, Wolfram crossed his arms over his chest. "I didn't 'sneak up' on anyone. You just weren't paying attention, as usual."

"I do pa--" Yuuri abruptly cut off, glancing up at the small plant again, and then back to Wolfram. "Wolfram!"

Now Wolfram started, though he quickly tried to hide it and resume his casual posture. "W-what?"

Yuuri pointed up at the top of the doorway, Wolfram's gaze following his hand. "Can you tell me what that is, Wolfram?"

Now the blonde was giving him a weird look. "What?" Yuuri asked defensively.

"That's mistletoe."

"Oh. You have mistletoe in this worl--"

He was cut off as Wolfram suddenly leaned forward and captured his lips with his own, closing his eyes and placing his hands lightly on Yuuri's shoulders as he did so.

Yuuri's dark colored eyes were wide, wondering what had gotten into Wolfram and what he should do. He was kissing another guy - Wolfram no less! This was definitely not something he wanted to be doing! No matter how nice it felt!

But it's really not so bad, some treacherous part of his mind added in, and his eyes began to close as well...

And then Wolfram was pulling back, cheeks a light tint of red as he looked away from Yuuri. The kiss had only been a few seconds long, for all that it felt an eternity. Yuuri was left staring at him.

There was silence for a minute, neither of them sure who should say what first. "Be more careful where you stand," Wolfram said finally, before stalking off in some random direction.

Yuuri watched him go silently, waiting until he disappeared around a corner before looking back up at the strange plant. At least he knew for certain that he really did need to avoid Gunter for awhile.

He did wonder where Wolfram was heading next though, and with a smile went to find another doorway to wait beneath.