Summary: Two boys separated at birth…a princess caught in a war…a spirit rebelling against his master…one person to bring them all back together…

Rating: K+ (PG)

Genre: Fantasy/Adventure

Chapter Notes: Okay, I know I should be working on my other fanfiction, but I was having major Writer's Block, so I decided to start another one. Warning: this will be a long fic. Beware of extreme strangeness.

Pairings: TameoxHao, AnnaxYoh, PirikaxRen

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King.

Key: Anything in italics is something that happened in the past.


"No, don't take them away, leave us alone!" A female voice, begging.

"I'm sorry, but this has to happen. There's nothing to be done." A harsh male voice.

"You can't take them both away from me!"

"See reason, child. It's for the best…"

A scream, and the sound of babies crying. The patter of feet running away into the rain, followed by the clap of thunder. Another person yelling, more screaming. And then-

Silence. There will be little happiness in the Asakura household from now on.


I can barely believe that it's been two years since I lived a happy life. The Tamamura family have always been peaceful, or so my family has told me. I have learned from the past two years that you cannot trust anyone, not even your parents. Our country is in the middle of a long and terrible war. I have seen such things I never even dreamed were possible.

I never thought that a man could be kept alive in pain and agony. I never thought so many people could be killed at once. I never thought my brother would betray his own family…

I now have to live a secret life. I must lie to all but those who have taken me in. Because of my brother's hatred towards the enemy and his stupid desire to have power, I now have no family but Kino and Yohmei Asakura, my adoptive parents. If they hadn't found me, I would not be here to tell my story of pain, fear and love. My story of how one person can change the lives of so many others, just by being himself.

Throughout these two years, many people have called me many things: princess, lover, daughter, saviour, but mostly just friend. It is friendship, I have learnt, that helps you along when everything seems lost; it is friendship that binds us together. But it is love that kept me alive.

Many things make up the story of my life. But my story commences with hate and fear. Although I was told we were always peaceful, my brother hated me. He hated me and he hated my parents. I wish I could have tried to make peace with him, but I never had the courage.

The day it began, I was in my chamber. My mother had presented me the gift of an Ouija Board. I had no idea what it was used for, and I presume my mother thought of it as an elaborate decoration. Anyway, I was playing with it, covering random symbols and letting my mind wander, when suddenly I felt something.

I cannot explain what it feels like to have a prediction. A picture came into my head of my brother. I knew he wanted power, but what I saw shocked me. Surely he wouldn't kill us to seize the throne…?

Filled with fear for myself, I ran away. I just opened the doors and ran out of the palace. No one tried to stop me. I was the princess; I could do what I liked. I took the Ouija Board with me, feeling that it would have some purpose.

I ran. Away from the palace, away from my life, and away from the people I once thought loved me. At nightfall, I slept under a tree. I slept better than I ever had in the palace. In the morning, I awoke to people screaming around me. Covering me head with a cloth so that I would not be recognised, I asked someone what was going on.

"The royal family has been killed!"


So begins the story of Tamao Tamamura, princess and heir to the throne of Japan. This is my tale of how I fell in love, saved a life and lived happily ever after.


Hmm, maybe this is going to be too weird. The next chapter will be longer, I promise.

Please review!
