Disclaimer: nothing . . . Is mine

A Time to Tell

Sessshoumaru, hugged his Rin tightly but gently so as not to crush her tiny body. Rin sighed against the torso of her Fluffy, this was the life, just her and her Fluffy. For once in her life she knew that things could never be better. She had their child and she was his mate.

The soft breathing of Sessshoumaru against her neck, and his arm slightly loosened assured her that he was sleeping. "Sleep well sweet Fluffy." she whispered before crawling out of his arms, to watch him. She could feel the coldness of the wind and soon wondered why she ever left the safety and warmth of his arms.

Jaken came running up to her with a cloak of what looked like wool or maybe it was fur, or perhaps something softer. "Milady!" he cried finally reaching her, his arms waving. "I found this for you!" Rin smiled and accepted the cloak.

"Thank you Jaken." Rin said softly. Tears formed in her eyes and she glanced over to where her mate slept. "Jaken?" Rin asked very softly. Jaken looked up at her, she was his Lady now. "What is it milady?" Rin laughed softly and looked at him. "Do you think." Rin paused for a moment. "That Sessshoumaru really loves me?" Rin bent her head down, gripping her stomach tightly.

"Ask him yourself." a voice came from behind. Rin turned around and there he was her Fluffy. Tears began to fall as she thought of how angry her mate must be. "Lord Sessshoumaru .I didn't mean it that way! " Rin cried out. Sessshoumaru walked towards her his arms open wide. "Of course I love you Rin." he whispered. Rin walked into his embrace, snuggling into his chest. "Forgive me for my doubt?" she asked softly.

Sessshoumaru let out a low chuckle and ran his long fingers through her soft hair. "I forgive you Rin." he whispered. Rin looked up ready to kiss him, when Sessshoumaru, placed his finger on her lips. "Not now Rin. Someone is coming."


Who's coming? me I'm not sure

please R&Rfor me! Luv you all!