Disclaimer: Don't own "Swing Kids", but if I did, Robert Sean Leonard would be all mine. LOL.

Please note that this story is (of course) a fan fiction and has to do only with the movie itself. I do weave in work camp details and the Nazi's cruelty, but do not have enough knowledge (as of right now) to write a perfect Historically accurate story. It is meant to be read for entertainment only.

Rating:PG-13 for major angst and blood, medical issues ect.

This is a hurt/comfort story.

Thank You so much for viewing, and happy reading!

Thomas Berger checked the dark midnight streets of Hamburg for any H.J Nazi's before he even thought of reviling what was in his car. A hidden fear filled his mind as he slowly, cautiously opened the passenger seat and peered in. There, his dear, best friend lay asleep and in dangerous health.

"Peter?" he whispered tenderly. But the weak young man did not stir.

Looking around once more, Thomas gently took Peter in his arms and carried him easily to the house behind them. The stirring aroused his friend and he groaned in protest.

'He's so light' Thomas dreaded inwardly. "Hold on, Peter." he murmured

Walking up the door, he knocked quietly; hoping that Evey would be home.

Just then, someone came to the door and opened it cautiously. Thomas sighed in relief to see that it was indeed she.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her long lost friend and a cry escaped her throat.

"Oh dear God!" she quickly brought them into the warmth of the house. "Is he alive?" she sobbed and looked to Thomas through newly tear filled eyes.

"He needs a bed, now!" the young man ordered.

Evey ran up the stairs to her bedroom. "Quickly, this way." she beckoned.

Setting Peter on the bed, Thomas began unbuttoning his frail friend's shirt. "Where's your mother?" Thomas asked hurriedly. He almost lost it when he saw the damage done to Peter's body.

Evey grabbed towels and medicine from the cabinet and came back to the bed.

"She's still at the clinic-"

She nearly dropped the supplies at seeing what was before her. Peter was covered in bruises and cuts, and he had received two black eyes. His stomach had caved in quite a bit and his rips were slightly beginning to protrude through his skin.

Evey found herself starting to cry again as she watched Thomas tend to the beaten young man.

"Oh Peter.." she whispered.

A/N: Okay, This is just an introduction to my story. I promise to have longer chapters next. As soon as I get a review, Ill post the next chapter. In Chapter 2 we find out more about Peter and Thomas and how and why they came to be at Evey's. More drama and angst to come! Please review! ANYTHING!.lol flames accepted.