I Hate You, Son Gohan


A/N: A quick one-shot to get me writing again.

Disclaimer: We've all been through this quite a few times already…

I should be the one who has her.

It should be me making her laugh, making her laugh so hard she actually falls backwards. It should be me who crawls over her body after one of her coughing/laughing fits to give her a sound kiss that leaves us both breathless.

I don't understand why she looks at you the way she does. You're just a nobody, or you were, until you made her see you.

What does she see in you, that I haven't got? I'm strong, good looking, and well known around the area. What do you have to say, huh? That you're really smart.

That isn't how you keep a girl interested.

I should know. I've dated tons of girls, and whenever I get tired of them, I dump them…

I'd have never dumped her though.

She's to interesting to get tired of, and her father is so famous! Just thinking about all the things that he could teach me…it makes tears practically come to my eyes! The Great Hercule! My father-in-law! I would be famous and be thought of whenever anyone thought of Hercule!

"Oh yes!" People would say. "Hercule saved us! Did you hear that his daughter got married? Oh yes, she married one of the few people to be lucky enough to reach and talk to Hercule. I hear he's as strong and as brave as Hercule is too!" They'd gush about me. "His name is Sharpner, isn't that amazing? I'm so happy to see that the Satan bloodline won't be shirking anytime soon!"

They'd be so proud of me and Hercule. We'd be giving them more heroes, filled with our strength and bravery. The world will never have to fear anything, what with so many of our lineage running around.

But…if this keeps up…my girl and him… the world will have everything to fear. They won't look at him as brave and great. They'll only see a weakling. A weakling I know for a fact Hercule hates.

How could she do this to her father?

To me?
She's killing her current life by doing this. She won't be making money with the twirl of a finger for a magazine anymore, she won't have strong guys like me competing for her. She'll only get nerds.

Why is she doing this? Why is fate punishing me like this?

Why Videl? What does he have that I don't?

I hate you, Son Gohan.
