An Article from Witch Weekly, August 2000


Steven Ore, Reporter

The Ministry of Magic had more than England's victory of the Quidditch cup to celebrate this weekend. On Saturday, August 19, Harry J. Potter exchanged vows at the altar with Ginevra M. Weasley, the daughter of long-time Ministry employee, Arthur Weasley, in the St. Rosenburg's Church at the edge of Hogsmeade.

"The wedding was absolutely perfect, exactly how we envisioned. It could not have possibly been any better," Potter said in a statement. "Ginevra and I are looking forward to our life together."

The reception took place at The Setting Sun, a club in central Hogsmeade. Many friends and relatives of the couple attended the ceremony, including many friends who had attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with the bride and groom three years ago.

"They could not be any more perfect together," commented Hermione Granger, a close friend of Potter who also participated in the wedding as the bride's maid of honor. "They are going to be so happy."

The couple are going to honeymoon in France before returning to England, where Potter is expected to take a job the Ministry of Magic. Weasley is a Mediwitch at St. Mungo's.

Sunday,August 16, 2003


Mum always told me to follow my gut instinct. My women's intuition. But what happens when your instincts and your intuition are telling you things that you don't want to hear? Do you ignore them? Do you lock them in a box and swallow the key? I don't know. I don't know anything anymore.

However, there is one thing I know: there is another woman involved.

I'm watching Harry sleep right now. I've always found him so fascinating to watch when he's asleep. It makes me wonder what he dreams, what he sees. It makes me wonder exactly where he goes when he's wandered off into dreamland. I'll never know. Looking at him , I wish I could guess. His hair is a mess. Then again, it's always a mess. He can never seem to keep it tidy. His brow is furrowed, too, just like when he's thinking about something really hard. I wonder what he's thinking about.

He called me at around 7 o'clock tonight to tell me that he would be coming home late from the Ministry. Apparently, there had been a mishap with some exploding kitchen knives, and he couldn't duck out of it. He told me to leave his dinner on the table, that he would eat when he got home. I asked him if I should wait for him or not, and he said no. He didn't know how long he would be.

He came home around 1 (about an hour ago). Do exploding kitchen knives really take six hours of hexes and spells before they stop exploding? He seemed shocked to find that I was still awake. I told him that I couldn't sleep, and that I was just catching up on my reading. But really, I was just waiting for him.

I suppose he didn't know that I had noticed anything strange, but I had. His hair was definitely more messy than usual, his collar was upturned, his tie was untied, and his buttons were unbuttoned. I asked him about it, and he told me that it had been a long day at the office, and he "was tired" and just had to "get rid" of his tie. That still doesn't explain the unbuttoned buttons, though.

There's another woman involved, I just know it. It's as though the words can't leave my mind. There's another woman involved. There's another woman involved. There's another woman...

Does he really think I'm stupid? Does he really think I don't notice? He's such a terrible liar. He was never able to hide anything from me because his eyes always told the truth. So what makes him think he can get by with this? I can't lose him. I absolutely cannot lose him to another woman. And I most certainly will not. He is my life, my solace. He is my everything. And I will not let that fall out of my grasp because a primped and proper tart wants her way with him.

He's turning in his sleep, now. He looks bothered.

I wonder what's gnawing at him. I wish he would just tell me already.
