Chapter One

"Thanks again for finishing this up Tony. You'll need to come back here in the next couple of days once all the reports have gone through to sort out some last minute things, you know the drill…but for now you can go home."

Tony rose in succession with Curtis.

"Thanks Curtis." Tony mumbled.

"Are you sure you won't take the job Bill offered you? You'd be a great asset…"

"I appreciate that but…"

"I understand" Curtis jumped in. "I just want to say that, I know before I wasn't exactly accepting of your authority here, but I really do appreciate what you've done for us. We couldn't have gotten through today without you." Curtis extended a hand.

Tony shook it slowly but swallowed hard. "Jack's the real hero." He said while staring at the ground.

Curtis nodded silently in agreement.

"Go home, get some rest." Curtis eyed Tony's face and added as an afterthought. "Michelle's probably finished debriefing too."

"Thanks." Tony spoke barely audibly and walked out the room. Curtis couldn't help but smirk to himself. A few hours ago the mention of Michelle's name would've sent Tony into a sullen, bitter state. Now it was the only thing that was getting him through everything that had happened today, including the death of what was probably his only friend. Curtis began collecting a few loose pieces of paper and made his way back to his desk. He too wanted to get home.

Tony swallowed hard. He hoped Jack would be almost at, if not in Mexico by now. He wasn't expecting any sort of communication attempt on his part, but he owed Jack so much, and just wanted to make sure he was okay. Who are you kidding here? He thought to himself. Of course he's okay…he's Jack. At this Tony smiled. If there was anyone who would get through this it was Jack. He'd be fine, Tony knew it.

He was about to walk to Michelle's office to see if she was in there with Bill when he saw the corridor that lead to the holding rooms. He turned quickly and found the room with the Secret Service Agent. Tony wanted to break down the door and beat the living crap out of him. It was his fault Jack Bauer was "dead", Tony wanted him to pay. Despite the temptation though, he remained standing outside the door, just staring blankly at it, lost in thought. He felt a hand come to rest lightly in between his shoulders, snapping him out of his reverie. It was Audrey.

Tony turned and saw the tears in her eyes. He wanted to tell her that Jack was okay, that he wasn't dead, that she hadn't lost both of the men she'd loved in her life in less than twelve hours but he couldn't. All he could do was comfort her as best he could, and make sure she was taken care of. She looked at him pleadingly for some sort of response.

"You okay?" He asked her quietly.

He heard her swallow. The tears began to flow.

Tony hesitated only slightly before pulling her into a bear hug. As soon as he did Audrey lost all sense of composure and began to sob uncontrollably into his chest.

"I'm sorry Audrey. I'm so sorry." He cooed.

She nodded against him, unable to believe that she was opening up so much to someone who she'd never even met until yesterday. But he knew Jack. She reminded herself. He's one of the few people who might actually understand how hard this is for you…And Jack trusted him above anyone else…which means you can too, he saved your life after all.

Audrey pulled back from Tony.

"I just wanted to thank you for everything." She said bringing her voice back to its normal, controlled, rhythmic tone.

"You don't have to do this Audrey. You don't have to pretend…"

"Yes I do Tony." She interjected. "I have to stay in control, I can't think about this…"

"You're going to have to eventually." He reminded her. He felt awkward. That wasn't exactly a comforting thing to tell someone. He was usually pretty good at consoling people, but then again, not when he too was involved in the grieving process.

"Audrey, he loved you." He softly wiped the tears from her cheek. "Anyone could see it."

"I know. I just can't believe he's gone."

"I know."

They stood there in silence for a moment.

"You should head back to the hotel with your dad. Get some sleep. It'll help." He reached out and gently stroked her arm.

"Thanks Tony." She started to walk away and then stopped. "Stay in touch, okay?"

Tony nodded, and waited for Audrey to leave. Then he continued back to the bullpen and went to go see if he could find Michelle.

Audrey hurried down the corridor to the locker room, she'd stashed her purse in there when they'd first come to CTU. As she pushed open the door she saw Michelle slipping on a white t-shirt. She'd changed from her business suit to jeans and turned around just in time to see Audrey enter. The women smiled weakly at each other. Michelle didn't know what she could say to Audrey. True, a few hours prior she'd been in the same situation Audrey was now, thinking Tony was dead, but she had no advice to give on how to deal with it. Come to think of it, she hadn't really "dealt" with it at all. All she'd done was sat in her car crying until she found out that Tony was still alive. It had been a matter of 20 minutes where she thought her life was over. Audrey was going to have to wait a lot longer before she found out Jack was really alive, if she ever found out he was alive at all.

Audrey eyed Michelle. In truth, Michelle amazed her. Here was a woman who had literally lost everything because of this job, and still managed to do it well. Michelle was one of those people meant for this world, Audrey wasn't. They were of a different breed.

"How do you do it Michelle?" Audrey asked abruptly. Michelle turned to face Audrey and looked puzzled. Audrey continued. "You've seen god knows how many people, friends of yours, die since you started working here, you continued to work even after it ruined your life, and your husband's life. You've been kidnapped, arrested and just today you thought Tony was dead, and yet still, you managed to get through it all somehow. And now I just lost Jack, Paul, and everything good in my life and I need to know how you deal with it, because I can't deal with this anymore." The emotion was apparent in her voice.

It took Michelle a few seconds to think of how to respond to this. Then she took a deep breath and, attempting to keep her voice even said; "I just remind myself that some things are bigger than me and my life and I can't be selfish." She paused. "But the truth is Audrey, I'm sick of having to do that. I want to be able to be selfish now, to live my life. You give up a lot for this job and as much as I love it, eventually you realize it's just not worth it. Or at least it's not to me."

The tears had begun to flow down Audrey's cheeks. Michelle reached out and squeezed her arm. "You'll get through it Audrey, I promise."

Audrey nodded. "I guess I'd better go. My dad's probably waiting for me."

"Take care, Audrey."

"Thanks you too." Audrey grabbed her purse, slammed the locker shut and turned to leave. Pausing at the door she turned back.

"Oh Michelle?"


"He loves you so much, and…you probably don't need to tell you this after today but just…always remember that."

Michelle smiled. "Thanks." She replied, fighting back her own tears

Audrey then ran quickly out of the room. It hurt to think that Michelle still had Tony after all this was over. She got to experience what it was like to lose him, and then got to make up for it all afterwards. Audrey would never have that chance, with ether of the men in her life. She'd barely had the door of the car closed for her when she collapsed in the backseat and began to cry until she thought she would be sick.

Michelle finished packing up all her things in the locker room. As she did she thought of Jack. She hoped he would get to talk to Kim eventually, after all of this died down. If anyone deserved to be happy for once, it was Jack. She was finally ready to go, grabbed her purse, and walked tiredly out into the bullpen. All she wanted now was to go home with Tony. She liked to think she'd at least earned herself that, if nothing else. She saw him talking to Bill through the glass to the main conference room. They shook hands firmly and Tony turned to leave. Michelle liked Bill and respected him very much. He'd been a huge asset to them, and she doubted she would have gotten through they day without him. She'd seen the pain in his eyes when he told her to go home with Tony after they'd finished debriefing. She hoped he'd be happy; he was another person who deserved it.

Tony saw her as soon as he exited the room. Their eyes locked. Michelle felt her heart beat increase drastically. She tried to remain steady as she walked towards him. It all felt too good to be true. Her husband had died and then he'd miraculously come back to her. Yes he was still her husband, and no matter what happened he would always be her husband. She had been given a second chance…she was one of the lucky ones. Michelle fought against every fiber of her being to remain composed and professional while they were still at CTU. It wasn't the time to lose control. That would come later, when they were alone. When she could lie there, entwined in his arms and feel the best she had in over a year.

Finally Michelle reached Tony. She looked shaky, emotional, drained. Tony wanted to pick her up and carry her out of CTU but he knew that was out of the question. Michelle would be okay, they would be okay. It would just take some time.

"You ready to go?" he asked her.

She nodded wordlessly, afraid that if she spoke she'd lose her composure.

"C'mon then honey," he grabbed her hand and leaned in to kiss her forehead gently. "Let's go home." Not wanting to make her uncomfortable Tony released her hand. Michelle had never been one to walk in front of everyone broadcasting their relationship, even when they'd been married, neither had he come to think of it; and now, especially now, he didn't want to make things uncomfortable for her. He wondered how many people knew their history, as he started to walk and scanned the faces of the crowd. He felt Michelle falling behind him and slowed his pace. She looked tired, both physically and emotionally; he hoped she'd be okay.

Michelle started to walk as Tony released her hand. They'd barely begun when she felt the exhaustion of the day overcome her. When Tony slowed to let her catch up all sense of refinement was gone and Michelle reached out quickly and slipped her hand in his, leaning her head on his shoulder, silently begging him to wrap his arm around her. He complied immediately, wasting no time recovering from the shock of her action. Michelle needed him, he was there. No question about it. Michelle buried one side of her face into his chest and was barely paying attention to where she was going, and completely oblivious to the warm glances they were receiving from everyone, even those who had only met them that day. When the pair passed Chloe's station they shared a final knowing glance.

"You should go get some rest Chloe. You're done everything for today aren't you?" Michelle questioned. It was her way of making sure that Chloe had taken care of the Coroner's report.

"Yeah I'm just gonna leave now. See you guys later."

"Night, Chloe." They responded in unison. And Michelle added; "Good work today."

Chloe smiled and continued to pack up her things. Michelle would give her speech about how great everyone had been once the dust had settled and everyone had had a chance to rest, but for now there was only one thing on her mind, and it was so close she could almost taste it.

After what seemed like an eternity they reached Michelle's car. Tony instinctively opened the door for Michelle and jumped into the driver's seat. Soon enough they were on there way out of CTU.

"Um Tony…" Michelle began slowly. "Do you not have to sort things out with Jen?"

"Should I call her and tell her I'm gonna be at CTU all night and then we'll sort it out tomorrow?"

"What if she tries to call back?"
"I'll tell her to call my cell. That way I don't have to leave you…" Tony's voice trailed off. He hoped he wasn't pushing things. Sure, they had kissed, they had said their "I love yous", but that was in the heat of the moment; Not that he hadn't meant every word or action that he'd expressed that morning, but he just wanted Michelle to have all the time she needed.

Michelle heard the uncertainty in his voice and leaned over to squeeze his hand.

"I love you." she reminded him.

"I love you too."

"I don't want to screw this up, there's no point in pretending. I can't be without you again Tony. I'll die…"
"Me too…"

"Okay so…"

"I'll stay with you until you're sick of me." he teased gently.

Michelle gave a small giggle. "Never." She responded.

Tony brought Michelle's hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently. He couldn't remember having been this happy in a long time.