Higashi: Okay, here we go again. I apologize to the ones who read the original for starting over, but this fic just wasn't working. I rushed it way too much. I never dropped the story, I just had the worst writers-block in existance. Also, I renamed the fic. Through the Darkness was just a spur of the moment name, and Carol of the Bells works for something I have planned later on.

Marise: Hey, peoples. This chappie was written mostly by hikari. I still haven't gotten over my writers-block.

Higashi: And it's damn hard to write a serious fic when the TV across the room is playing comedy. Damn hard. And so I give you...Chapter 1! Or, at least the prologue...R&R please! Criticism is welcome, but flames with be used to satisfy my own pyro tendancies.


Carol of the Bells

Prologue: Wake Me Up



Is that the right word? I don't know...

Maybe it should be exhausted. Worn out? Yes, both of those work. That is how I feel now. It's how I've been feeling for...how long? Years, perhaps.

It doesn't matter, though. Time can't be judged in my world.

My world of darkness...

Yes, darkness is where I reside now. At first, I tried to fight it. Really, I did! I struggled and fought and cried and tried to force it away. Unfortunatly, it isn't something that can be overcome so easily. I eventually learned that, but by then I had given up. Now I spend all my energy keeping myself alive. There's nothing else for me, after that. I don't even know the current state of my physical body. I know everything I experience is mental, but that doesn't make it any less real. Does that make me crazy? Again, I don't know.

Memories? Yeah, I think of them every now and then...but I can no longer rely on them.

Soon after the...incident...the shadows began to take the form of my most cherished ones. The people who I left so long ago. They came to me with promises of being reunited once again, of regaining my lost life, of seeing my family. All I had to do was give in. Just let the darkness envelope me...I could tell what they were, though. Even when the forms were identical to the original and the voices were the same, they all lacked one key factor. Color. All of them were varying shades of black, white, and grey. Completely colorless.

I couldn't give in. I had promised to...to...to...someone, that I would never let go of my life. And even if I couldn't remember who the promise was too, I knew I had to keep it.

First my father came. Stupid pops. He was easy enough to ignore. Though I loved him dearly, I never really thought of him as the truthful type.

Then came my mother. She was completely the opposite. I adored my mother, and it broke my heart when she tried to convince me to give up.

After that were Ucchan, Ryoga, Shampoo, Mousse, and Cologne. Again, I defied the shadows and ignored the pleas that called after me.

Finally, the Tendos approached me. Soun, Kasumi-san, and Nabiki, all of who were ignored.

That was when I realized who was left. One person, the person closest to my heart, though I wouldn't admit it. I couldn't let her come to me, for she was the one memory I couldn't refuse. I had to hide my memories from myself, and in doing so, the darkness that was always around me. Fortunately, that stopped it, and she never came. Even now, with my memories still locked away, I can't remember her face or name. Which is better, because I don't want her imaged stained.

I feel so drained.


Angels. What are they? Angels are creatures that watch over people and take care of them. They help when needed and give support when it seems someone is hurting. At least, that was what I was told long, long ago. Personally, the fantasy was always appealing, but I never really believed in them. They were just that. Fantasies. After all I had experienced in my life, why should I believe in them?

Then, she came. An angel, truly, in every aspect. She emitted a shining light from the moment she stepped near me. I could feel her presence reach through the real world and enter into my mind. Such a wonderful light! It was so warm...so kind...

My heart stirred at her appearance. Surely I must recognize her from somewhere, this angel of light. But no, I can't open my memories. Why? I don't know. I lost the reason along with the rest of my past.

I didn't have to remember her, though. It was enough for her to simply be near me, almost as if she was touching my mind and offering solice from the darkness. It's like she's giving me the energy required to fight off the shadows and break free. Unfortunatly, I couldn't take up the offer. If I got my hopes up, they would just end up being crushed.

This feeling she gave forth wasn't a new experience. I'd felt it before, as she passed my by. Just at the very edge of my perception, but I'd felt it. I wasn't sure whether I was just making it up to comfort myself, so I had just ignored it. But now...now I'm sure. I'm being watched by an angel. A nameless angel of light and mercy.

How I wish she could save me!


She's been coming to me so often now, this unnamed angel of mine. Why does she do this for me? Does she even realize the difference she makes? Maybe...she is an angel...

But does it really matter? Probably not. All I know is that the reason for me to keep on is her, now. I anxiously await our next meeting, though it most likely doesn't seem like that to her. But again, it doesn't really matter to me.

It bothers me that I can't see her face. Someone that emits such a radiance must be beautiful, but I can't tell. Oh, well. So long as she continues to come to me, I won't need to see her face. It would be nice, though...


Again, she appears before me!

Everytime she comes, the light seems to increase. Or maybe it's just my distorted mind. Who knows? Who cares? Certainly not me. If the shadows had this much appeal, I probably would-

NO! I can't think such things! I just have to think of her brilliance, of it wrapping around me and protecting me. At times like these, I can give a mental sigh of contentment. I no longer have to struggle to survive! How I love her for this, for all that she does.


Her visits are more frequent, now. It gives me strength. Again, I have to question my sanity. My surroundings, which I have resided in for what seems like eternity, are no longer never ending darkness. Even when she ventures off, my world seem lighter, more grey than black. Heh. Either way, it's all in my mind.

It's as if she's lifting the veil that has been over my mind. It hasn't been a quick progress, by any means. Slowly but surely, though, I've been allowed some form of freedom in my head. She can't comprehend how much her actions, even if unintentional, are to me! My heart yearns for her when she leaves, and rejoices when she returns.

Oh, my angel...


She's back! I have been anxiously been counting the seconds until her return since her last visit. Time? Yes, it is an understandable concept now. She's bringing me back. I know it! I still can't open up my memories, though. While being slightly liberated, I have never once forgotten where I reside mentally. I'm still trapped in the darkness. Although now it's as if she and I are making a secret plan behind its back to defeat it. It's almost enough to slightly excite me. Almost.

I'm confident now that I can be alive once again, with her help.


Her face! I can see it! And she's just beautiful as I had thought, with short, blue-black hair and warm chocolate eyes. But how can I see something in the real world? Infact, there are other things around me, too. What could this mean? I haven't been freed yet. So how...?

It's as if I'm in between worlds, the physical and mental. Not into the real world enough to distinguish objects or my surroundings, but enough out of the darkness that I actually have a surrounding. Maybe, just maybe, I'm almost there. A little longer, and I can see. See with my eyes.


Where is she? She's been gone for over a week. Has she finally given up no me? After we've come so far together? Perhaps it was all just a trick by the shadow creatures around me. A prank to get my hopes up, then crush them visciously. Trample on my mind, as if with spiked shoes, each step sending a shard of pain into my heart.

It's a possibility, but not necessarily true. I can have patience with her. After all, patience is something I've developed fairly well after all of this time. So I'll just sit and wait for her.

Again, my thoughts drift to her. What else is there to think of? I can think of the feeling she gives me.

Yeah, that's good. She makes me feel like someone I met a long time ago could only do. I think...no I know, that I love her. I just hope she comes back soon.


I'm almost there. She returned not too long ago, and I've realized that I'm at the very edge. My energy, instead of being used up to beat back the darkness, I saved. Now, I almost have enough to escape. All she has to do is lend me a little more encouragement and strength.

Yes! I have it! What's this? Is she actually...? She's holding my hand, unconsciously giving me support. This is my chance. I must use it now!

I reach deep into myself and draw from my deepest reserves, pulling and pulling and pulling, until I'm almost completely drained. This is where I've been storing my lifeline to the outside world. And still, I pull more.

I gather it all together inside of me, compressing it into its smallest form.

Something else is happening. The darkness is doing copying my moves, drawing energy from my surrounding.

I see. I guess I won't be able to get out of here without a fight. 'Come at me then!' I mentally scream. Ironically enough, for the first time since it's been with me, it obeys. A pinpoint in my head, where there was zero visability and even less emotion, suddenly comes rushing at me. It begins to solidify into a coherent form as it comes. A beast, or something close, with razer sharp claws and fangs that drip blood. Crimson eyes glare at me, not being able to imagine such a revolt after so long. It believes it is about the gain another victory over me. I can't let that happen.

Since my attention is fully focused on the approaching enemy, I never notice what I donext.

My hand, held by the girl's gentle grip, tightens in hers.

Just as it reaches me, I let go. Everything I've gathered is released and swallows the darkness whole.

And I'm free.


Higashi: Yeah, it's kinda rushed at the end. Parts like this always trip me up, and I end up regretting it later. To me, it seems better than the original, but to you readers? Who knows? Maybe I could find out in your reviews...(hinthint)-winkwink-

Marise: -sighs- You get the picture. Started past midnight, finished past noon, and posted at 3pm. We're tired, so we're gonna go watch some Naruto to make us feel better.

Higashi: Ugh. So...tired...and, uh, review!
