Props go to…

Raidersrule76 - Sure go ahead take all of the new fu you want

sillymail - putting up the chapter now… yay! It's tomorrow!

BBfan4evah - Thanks!

chitoryu12 - Thanks!

rae and bb fan - Thanks! (Updating now!)

racle - I didn't know that, thanks for pointing it out, but I'm still keeping the end the way it is

worthlessdeath - yeah they mentioned the cage thing in Braveheart… Longshanks can go to hell… he only does one cool thing in the movie (other than die)

- don't worry the jury may have found him innocent but he's still gonna suffer.

Shadowofazarath - Thanks!

StickLad - remember all good things never end, they get canceled or they get very long and start to suck. I'd rather cancel this.

A/N: Here ye go… the verdict. And thanks to everyone who ever reviewed this or favorited it!

All of the jury ran into the box, Starfire was still trying to break out of the webbing, "We the jury," Bumblebee said, "find the defendant not guilty." Robin, Raven and Beast Boy's mouths dropped. Slade and Killer Moth high-fived.

"There was reasonable doubt," Red X said, "I find the defendant not guilty of all molestation charges."

"WHAT!" Robin said. Raven glared at Beat Boy.

"I'm outta here," Spider-man swung to the window, "and for the record Marvel's cooler than DC and you know it!" he swung out, "stupid outta style drug addicts." He thought to himself.

"Hold on a second," Red X said, "I however do find him guilty of theft, first and second degree murder, plotting to take over the city and plotting to take over the earth. For that I sentence you to spend one month with Starfire." He banged his gavel.

"WHAT!" Robin and Slade said.

"Either that or jail time."


"Nope, one month with Starfire."


"Dang that kid really is obsessed with you."

"No! It's so I can um… make sure he… doesn't molest Starfire."

"You honestly expect me to buy that?"


"Slade, would you like a restraining order?"

"Yes! Please!" Slade begged him. Red X opened his drawer, took out a restraining order and filled it out.

"This expires in two months." He handed the paper to Slade, "Robin, if you come within two hundred feet of him you can face up to six years in prison."

If you've read the Spider-man comics you'll know that his webbing evaporates away after a while (he can't leave the bad guys hanging from the ceiling forever) this happened to Starfire, the she stared evilly at Slade. "You shall be taught why what you did to Robin was horrible! But first…" she got very happy, "I shall give you a makeover! We shall go shopping at the mall and we shall see many flicks of chicks and play with Silky and," she goes on and on talking about preppy girl stuff for a few minutes, "and then you shall say you are sorry to Robin, Terra and Raven."

Slade dropped his head into Killer Moth's open briefcase, "Do me a favor?" Slade asked.

"What?" Killer Moth asked.

"Slam this briefcase shut will you?"

A/N: And so Sleeping Beauty woke up, smacked the prince having no idea who the heck he was and the prince realized that she was at least 100 years older than him, but for some stupid reason they got married anyway and lived miserably ever after. The End.