Close to You

New and Old

Disclaimer: I own no one!


"Each candle represents your separate soul, individual and still very much the same," the Justice of the Peace murmured. "As you light the candle between the both of you, that signals the joining of souls."

Struggling to control his shaking, Randy struggled to light the candle. His hands were shaking, mostly out of nerves.

"Your individual candles stay lit, signaling the individuality you'll each keep," Randy placed his candle in its silver holder. "You may seal the ceremony with your first kiss as a committed couple,"

Licking his lips with the tip of his tongue, Randy sank into his lover's arms. Was this really happening? Could it just be a dream, a wonderful dream?

"Congratulations," The Justice murmured.


"Why did I have the feeling I'd find you here?" Randy murmured, approaching Trish. She glanced up, tears forming in her eyes. "Why are you crying, Sweetie?"

"I just felt like crying," she muttered, shoving tissues in her purse. "Is that a problem?"

Sitting beside her, Randy shook his head. She sighed, gazing to the city lights below her. He placed his arm around her, the cool air nipping through his tuxedo.

"No, it's not a problem," he said. "I just want to know why you feel the need to cry," She sniffled softly, her tears soaking into his tuxedo jacket.

"I love you," she murmured. Randy's eyes widened. She loved him? No wonder she was upset.

"I love you too," he murmured. It was true. Trish was his best friend, and he was unable to imagine life without her. "I also love John. You can't even begin to imagine what he means to me,"

Trish nodded, snuggling closer to him. Her tears were comforted by his mere presence. "I know that."

Randy wished he could show Trish there wasn't a problem with her feelings. He knew what she was going through. He was going through it himself.

"Trisha, you brighten my days. Before John, you were the best thing to happen to me in a long time. Did I ever tell you about my father?"

"I don't think you have," she murmured, taking a deep breath. He nodded slowly.

"My father disowned me because I was bi curious. He saw it as shameful. I hated myself for the longest time, because of him." Tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

Trish's hand drifted to her mouth. "I didn't know," Randy shook his head.

"It's not something I advertise," he said. She nodded slowly. "John's the only person who knows."

The more he spoke of the pain his father put him through, the better he felt. She listened to him, not caring. After all, he always listened to her problems. He was her greatest source of comfort. She didn't tell her fiancé half the things she told Randy.

"What are you doing up on the roof?" Randy jerked his head. John stood in the doorway. "Everyone's asking me where my groom is."

Randy chuckled, greeting John with a warm embrace. "I needed some air. Your cousin scares me,"

"The one with one eye or the twelve year old who won't leave you alone?" John asked. Randy sighed.

"The twelve year old," Randy murmured. John rolled his eyes. "What? You don't have Jessa throwing herself at you!"

"Good point," John murmured, wrapping his arms around Randy. Trish followed, struggling not to shiver in her light chiffon gown. "What a strange year it's been!" Randy nodded.

"Yeah. By the way, here," He handed Trish a package. Baffled, she tore the brown paper open.

"Bobo?" she asked, realizing it was Randy's teddy bear. He nodded. "Why? You sleep with him every night,"

"He's been with me twenty three years. It's time he went to a new mom. Besides, I have John and Bobo's bed duties would get severely neglected," Randy explained, tightly gripping John's hand. "Are you coming?"

Glancing to the Bear, Trish nodded. Then, she followed them inside.

Shaking his head, Randy hoped Bobo would do a good job with Trish. After all, the old bear had been his best friend and confidante for years.



Yes, this is the final chapter. Who knows? I might come up with another one. I appreciate ideas. Thank you so much for all your reviews during this and all my other fics!
