Radio Talk

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"Hello, Kagome at your service, how may I help this caller?" A beautiful woman asked her lips only inches away from the microphone in front of her. Her long raven hair tied in a ponytail and her and her deep-set chocolate eyes watched the man on the other side of the glass in front of her.

"Um yes, I have a problem. My boyfriend has a lot of fan girls and when I get even one guy fan, as he calls them, he's gets angry and chases him away, but I can't do that to his 'girls'." The caller said.

Kagome smiled, her pink lip-gloss sparkling. "You should tell him how you feel, and if he doesn't give up his 'girl' fans, then dump him, easy as that." She sat back and smirked.

The man across from her scowled and leaned towards his microphone. "No, you should just let him be. He can't help it if he's a babe-magnet, and if you can only get a 'few' men, then he shouldn't be wasting his time with you anyway."

Kagome sneered at the silver haired man in front of her. His amber colored orbs fixed on hers. "Hello? Caller?" Kagome groaned as she realized that the woman hung up.

"Well callers, lets take a short break and go onto 'I'm Not Okay' by My Chemical Romance." Kagome said wheeling her chair around and standing up. Her companion also stood and walked out of the room.

"Great show Sesshomaru. Kagome. This is a hit! Ratings are sky rocketing!" The narrator Naraku of the show stated. He stared at Kagome. "The way you get emotional and then Sesshomaru makes a smart remark! Priceless!"

Sesshomaru ignored Naraku's usual ramblings and went to the refrigerator and grabbed a Pepsi. Kagome was just getting pissed off at him.

She wore a casual pair of jeans and a perfect fitting t-shirt. While Sesshomaru wore baggy jeans and a tight tank from his morning work out. The funny thing was, he wasn't sweaty at all, and his hair wasn't messed up either.

Kagome moved a couple of strands from her hair. You know what's sad? When a mans hair is finer than yours. Kagome sighed.

"I think you should be a little less harsh and a bit more caring Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru turned around from looking out the window and looked at her emotionless.

"What?" He wasn't paying attention to her.

"Ya know what? The average number of words a woman says per day is about 30,000 and the average number of words for a man is 15,000. Do you know why?"

Sesshomaru smirked. "Because you women talk to much?"

"No, because men always say 'what' when we say something to them and we end up repeating our selves all over again."

Sesshomaru shrugged and got back to his Pepsi. He took one last sip and threw it in the nearest trash bin. Kagome sipped a bit of her water before walking into the room and sitting in her usual chair.

Sesshomaru sat in his usual chair as well. The song ended and Kagome went on air.

"Hello everyone! We're back and the lines are open for any callers. Lets see whose on line 1."

Sesshomaru pushed the first button on the phone and moved up to the microphone. "How may we help you?" He whispered in a sexy voice.

He and Kagome heard many girls scream in the background. Kagome rolled her eyes and placed her right cheek in her right hand as it was propped up on the table. She stared at Sesshomaru. It was amazing that whenever he answered...he knew what to make his voice soudn like.

He gazed at her as the woman calling talked about her problem. "Yes, um, hehe, well we were wondering if you could help all of us. See there's this really hot guy at our school and we all have a crush on him. We don't know what to do."

Sesshomaru's eyes never strayed from Kagome's. "Well ladies, you should just see which of you he likes better and go with that."

'Oh my god, good advice for once!' Kagome thought breaking the trance from Sesshomaru's eyes. She found the desk of papers very interesting for the time being.

"Wow, thanks Sesshomaru!" Click. Sesshomaru sat back satisfied in his seat.

Kagome pushed the button on the microphone. "Next caller."

Kagome looked at her nails for a moment before she heard a deep males voice. "Hey, uh, Kagome, my name is Koga. And I live just down the street from the radio station. I was just wondering…if you wouldn't mind going out on a date with me."

Kagome was shocked and never noticed Sesshomaru slowly moved up to the microphone glaring at Kagome and her microphone. Kagome stared at the microphone with wide eyes.

"B-but I hardly know you-"

"Yes all the more reason to say no to this man." Sesshomaru's voice rang out. Kagome's eyes snapped from the microphone to Sesshomaru.

"Yo buddy, this is Kagome's decision." Koga's voice shouted into the phone on the other line.

Kagome was smirking inside. "Actually Koga, I think I will. This Friday at 8:00. Pick me up at the front of the radio station." Sesshomaru was boiling.

He quickly recovered and stood up. "Well everyone, that's it for tonight and I'll see you all again tomorrow!" Kagome shut off the microphone as music started to play in their place.

Kagome walked out of the room shortly followed by Sesshomaru. Naraku was about to say something, of praise they were sure, but they brushed past him.

"See you tomorrow Sesshomaru." Was all Kagome said as she went to the left from the front door and Sesshomaru went to the right.

"Whatever." Was all he said before he disappeared in the night's traffic.

Kagome turned back and looked at him. Then she sighed and turned back around. She would never understand him. She slung her purse over her shoulder and with her heels clicking on the ground; she walked home with car horns to comfort her.

To be continued...