Written by cherri-chan

Disclaimer: I asked Santa Claus for it last year… but he didn't give it to me.

Note: Wrote this a while ago… And decided to post it now. XD First post in the Naruto category… um, be nice. :D Sorry if Sasuke is OOC… was kinda in a rush when I wrote this, and it hasn't been beta'd. And this is a drabble, so it's supposed to be short.

"Hey, Sasuke-kun, want to play a game?" Sakura suggested. It was a bright sunny day in Konoha, and as lucky as Team 7 could get, they had a one-week vacation, away from missions and hassles.

"No," Sasuke rejected, and continued to lean against the cherry blossom tree the pair sat under.

"Hmph," Sakura pouted, locks of pink hair covering her face. Tucking her tresses behind her ears, she tried again, "Please, Sasuke-kun? Just a game."

A sigh. He was not going to get much rest out of this unless he fulfilled her request. "Whatever," he agreed. Shrugging, he crossed his arms.

Sakura let out a squeal of excitement. "How about truth or dare?" she suggested once again, her emerald green eyes almost desperate for an answer.

The 12-year-old boy rolled his dark orbs. "Whatever."

"Okay!" Sakura cried enthusiastically. "Let me start! Truth or dare?"


"Sou… Um…" She thought for a while. "I know! I dare you to say one of your deepest, and most embarrassing secrets."

"Wha… What!" Sasuke practically yelled. "That's stupid. I'm outta here." He stood up and brushed a few pink cherry blossom petals off his shoulders.

"Matte! Sasuke-kun! A dare is a dare," Sakura said, and pouted for the second time in their conversation. "Don't tell me… are you afraid?"

His face still showed no emotion. Sasuke settle himself next to her, and spoke, "I am not afraid."

"Then say it. After all, I did dare you to. Please?"

A shrug. "Whatever…" Slowly, he inhaled. "I'm… I'm afraid of cats," he said as fast a he could, trying to restrain the blush forming on his cheeks from embarrassment. "There, you happy?"

The pinked haired girl blinked once. Twice. What soon followed was a soft giggle.

"Ugh," Sasuke groaned. "I told you this was stupid."

"Well, um, okay! My turn!" Sakura exclaimed, changing the subject and mood of the conversation. "I pick truth."

There was a short silence between the two, with Sasuke in deep thoughts. "Sakura…" he started, "…What do you think of Naruto?"

"Eh?" stated Sakura, a bit surprised by Sasuke's unexpected question. "Well, to be honest, even though Naruto is a loud-mouth, a trouble maker and an idiot, overall, he's a pretty good guy. Plus, he can be really nice at times."

"…Do you… like him?"

"As a friend, and teammate, yeah, I do."

"Nothing more?"

"Nope. Why?" she asked with curiosity.

Sasuke shrugged. "Just asking." Once again, he leaned against the cherry blossom tree and relaxed. Nothing more than a friend… he thought, then smirked. …Good.

And in clusters, the Sakura petals danced around the pair in rhythm to the tune of the wind.


Note: -hides from everyone- Sorry for the OOCness! I think Sasuke was OOC… x.X;; Hopefully the SasuSaku hints were actually THERE and NOTICABLE. And yes… it's very short. Sorry! I can't write anything above drabbles and one-shots. Maybe when my writing skills improve I can. Anyways… review please. :D

Saturday 9th July 2005
