Disclaimer: You know the drill already. I don't own anything so please don't sue me.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for T-Money to step back into the horror section of fiction again. This story of mine, which I call "Devil's Night," is the story about six college friends who are taking part in a night of partying and pranks out in the woods. Until someone or something stalks them on one cold and creepy night. This story stars Stephanie McMahon, Trish Stratus, Stacy Keibler, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Paul "Triple H" Levesque and the Undertaker.

You would be surprised that I was inspired to write this from an episode of "Tiny Toon Adventures." You remember that show? If not, it was about this new batch of Warner Bro. characters for a new generation, with new characters based off the old Looney Tunes gang.

Fucked up muse, wouldn't you agree?

But this is not entirely a parody, as I will be incorporating my own vision into the story. I was also inspired by the numerous horror/slasher films that have come out over the years. So I hope you all enjoy what I cook up, ya heard?

As a warning, this fic may get graphic as time goes on. This is my parental advisory sort of thing, so if you're the kind of person that gets squeamish then maybe you shouldn't be reading this. If not, then enjoy!


Connecticut, 1955

A 47' Ford drove down a road through the woods of Connecticut one October night.

As it came to a certain point, it stopped on the side of the road. "Earth Angel," which was playing on the radio, came to a silence as the driver turned the car off and three occupants stepped out.

They were all male and in their early twenties wearing leather jackets and greased hair. The guy driving was the leader with black hair and blue eyes. Another guy had blond hair with green eyes and the third one had brown eyes and brown hair.

"Okay Rick, help me get the money out of the trunk," said the leader Scott to his blond friend as he tossed his friend the keys.

As Scott and Rick did so, the other guy Jimmy expressed a great deal of caution.

"Guys, I don't know if we should do this here. I just have this bad feeling."

"Don't be a freaking party pooper man," said Scott. "Why don't you grab the supplies while we carry the cash? Just stay cool. There's nothing to worry about."

As the guys got the cash out of the trunk, the trio traveled further into the woods.

These three men in particular just robbed a bank. After they did so, they were able to break in a stolen ride to get away from the crime scene. They planned to bury some money and lay low until for the authorities backed off, at which they would return to unearth the money.

When they found a good spot, they dropped the bags of money and supplies on the ground.

"Okay, you guys know the routine by now," Scott told his companions. "Let's bury the cash, drive out of here, cheese the vehicle and lay low for a while."

"Yeah, that sounds good to me, Scotty," Rick said.

They grabbed the shovels and flashlights and proceeded to dig a hole.

Jimmy was still a little spooked. "Guys, I still don't think it's a good idea to be here right now."

Scott was a little irritated at how his friend was acting. "Hey man, what's your problem? Don't tell me you're afraid of ghosts and goblins and all that shit?"

"Haven't you ever heard the stories?" Jimmy asked.

Rick groaned, "Oh, not again."

"What stories?"

"The Undertaker," Jimmy said. "How every 25 years during the month of October, he haunts these woods. And every person who enters these words during so has disappeared."

Scott looked at Jimmy a little skeptically. "Don't you think you're a little old for ghost stories?"

"It's not a story," Jimmy said. "A lot of people have disappeared around these parts during this time of year. Why do you think that is? Coincidence?"

Rick stopped digging and went over to his friend in attempt to calm him down.

"Jimbo, there is no such thing as the Undertaker. It's just some old wives tale to stop teenagers from making out and taking part in pre-marital sex in the woods. Look man, let's just bury this money and we can get the hell out of here, you dig?"

Jimmy nodded, even though fear was still present in his behavior.

The guys continued to dig until Scott needed to take a bathroom break.

"You guys go ahead and finish up. I need to go take a leak," he said.

Scott walked some ways into the woods to better relieve himself.

As he did so, he heard a sound that startled him. He turned to survey all around him but found nothing, so he shrugged it off and finished relieving himself. Scott zipped up his jeans and wiped his hands clean. As he was about to leave, he heard another sound.


No response.

"Jimmy?" Still no response.

"Is that you?" he said as he heard another sound and shined his flashlight over by a huge tree. "Very funny guys, but I'm in no mood for any of your stupid practical jokes."

Scott heard another sound coming from behind the tree.

"Guys?" he asked with uncertainty.

He walked slowly to the tree, covering his flashlight.

Suddenly, he jumped to catch what he thought was one of his friends and found…nothing.

Nothing was there.

"Guess it was a squirrel or something," he shrugged, not noticing a figure creep up from behind him.

He turned around, only to widen his eyes in fright of the figure before him. Before he could make a sound or pull out his gun, a hand clamped over his mouth.

Meanwhile, Rick and Jimmy finished burying the money.

"Well, I guess that takes care of that. I wonder what's taking Scott so long." Rick asked.

Jimmy said jokingly, "Maybe he got his zipper stuck."

Rick had a good laugh at that. "I'll go check on him. Don't worry, I'll be right back."

Jimmy nodded a little uneasily.

Rick walked where he thought Scott went and shined his flashlight all around.

Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him and spun around, only to find nothing.

"I'll be so glad to get out of here. These woods and that Undertaker talk have got me spooked."

He continued walking until he saw Scott leaning up against a tree.

"There you are, Scotty," Rick said approaching his friend. "Come on, we finished burying the money so let's cut out of here."

Scott didn't move.

"What are you waiting for cat?" he asked as he flashed his light at Scott, only to be frozen in fright at what he saw.

Scott was dead, impaled on a broken tree branch which protruded through his chest.

"Oh my god!"

He heard another sound and quickly flashed his light to see a tall and horrifying being.

"Oh shit!" he grabbed his gun and started firing away.

The gunshots alerted Jimmy as he ran to where he heard the gunshots with his gun ready and stopped as he saw Rick stumble in front of him.

It was Jimmy's turn to be frozen with fear as he shined his flashlight onto Rick, only to see he had his throat slashed. Rick tried to say something as he reached his hand out to Jimmy and fall dead.

Jimmy felt like he was going to throw up until he saw another person step up in front of him.

He shakily aimed his gun and fired at the figure. The figure stumbled backwards as he was being shot three times. When Jimmy stopped, the figure shook it off and regained his intimidating stance.

Jimmy noticed the car keys near Rick's body. On instinct, he grabbed the keys and made a full-blown dash to the car, while the killer didn't even make a move.

Jimmy reached the car and got into the driver's side. He placed the keys into the ignition and attempted to start the car.

"I got to get out of here," he began. "I knew the Undertaker was a real…"

He didn't have the chance to finish as a fist crashed through the window and grabbed him by the neck. Jimmy screamed as he was dragged through the window and into the woods.

Yet, no one heard his screams.


Well, I hope you all enjoy the story so far. Are we scared yet? It's only going to get creepier as we progress. So go on ahead and send in your reviews as they are greatly appreciated. Peace!