A/N: Well here's my second Samurai Deeper Kyo fic. I am hoping to make this one long and (hopefully) as good other people write.- sigh- I'm trying, I'm trying… Well enjoy, I guess and see you later :D

2 Weeks

Ch.1 The New Girl

Another fuckin day at this shit hole…

Kyo walked down the hallways of Jindai High school. Flicking his cigarette on the ground he let the last bit burn and cool off while he scanned the hallways. All around people buzzed and hollered at each other. It had been a week since school started and still, students had so much they had to catch up on.

"Kyo! Kyo honey!"

Kyo let out an exasperated breath and slowly turned around.

Izumi No Okuni

Doesn't she EVER fucking get it…

Okuni had caught up to Kyo and wrapped her arms sensually around his neck. In the process she had shoved her breasts against his tight, black T-shirt.

"What the hell do you want Okuni?" Kyo always had an irritated tone while talking to her nowadays. "You still don't get it do you bitch. Get off me." He lit another cigarette.

"But Kyo-chan!" she whined, "I thought that—" But she was cut short by another voice screaming down the hall.

"Kyo! Kyo Mibu!" The principle, Mr. Takazura, came stomping down the hall in a rage. Thinning hair and all. "WHAT did I tell you about the no smoking rule! But then again, Mr. Mibu, I SHOULDN'T have to remind you." He was now yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Then don't." Kyo stated.

Mr. Takazura growled. "Go to your class Kyo and I just might not get you suspended again!"

"O, by all means, please suspend me. I don't think I could stand anymore of this shit hole." Kyo smirked and leaned back slightly. By this time Okuni had slid off Kyo and gone to class, she had gotten bored of the same old ranting of their principle.

"Just go!" Mr. Takazura was red in the face while Kyo just placidly looked around. Might as well go to class. Nothing else to do here. I guess it's time to leave baldie here for some (hopefully) real entertainment.

Kyo slowly made his way to class and Mr. Takazura was still close to popping a vein.

No entertainment, as far as Kyo's standards, presented itself and Kyo was running out of cigarettes. It was hard to get through class when the teacher was talking about something Kyo could've easily read and memorized. And that reminded him. Why was he here again?


Everyone dropped their pencils (except Kyo, obviously) and looked to where the noise came from. Their math teacher, Ms. Ichihara paused and lifted the chalk from the board. Setting it down on the ledge she turned on her heel to see who interrupted her class.

"Um…Is this class 3A?" The intruder tentatively asked.

Kyo slowly shifted his gaze over to the door and saw a girl with blond hair and vibrant green eyes. She wore a short plaid skirt and a blue turtleneck that fell to the top of her belly button. He inwardly whistled. Never mind a girl, she was a woman. He gave her that much credit. Her curvy hips, bright eyes, full lips and he thought of some ways to get her to bed. Of course, that was all. No body was more than a one-night stand for Kyo. Attachment, pfft..Who needs it? He'd give it 2 weeks max. before he had her.

"Yes, it is. Would you happen to be Miss Shiina?" Ms. Ichihara looked her up and down as if she had to approve the girl's appearance.

"Gomen, but I had some trouble finding my way around."

"That's fine. Please introduce yourself to the class and take a seat…hm…at the back beside Benitora seems appropriate."

"Hai, Arigatou." She bowed. "My name is Yuya Shiina and I've just transferred here from Kokoro Public school over in Osaka." She paused and turned to the teacher. "Anything else I should mention Ms…"

"Ms. Ichihara. And no, that's fine and please take a seat so I can continue with my class." Ms. Ichihara turned back to the board and continued writing out a problem.

Yuya walked to the back of the room and tried to ignore some of the wandering eyes on her chest or rear.

Pigs. Why the hell did we move? She sighed and took her seat. Then she pulled out her books from her black, courier type Hello Kitty bag .

"Psst." Yuya glanced to her right and found a boy with a white bandana and white wife beater shirt on. He also had a few tattoos and wore green cargo shorts.


"Hi, I'm Benitora. Wanna be my girlfriend?"


Again, everyone turned around, as well as the teacher, and stared at Yuya.

"Miss Shiina, may I inquire as to why you just slapped Mr. Benitora?" Ms. Ichihara was getting to the pissed off part of her mood scale.

"Not even 2 minutes in here and he asks me to be his girlfriend!" Then she settled down. "Gomen. I'll be quieter."

"How about you just be quiet altogether?" The teacher quirked an eyebrow.

"Hai." Yuya sunk into her chair with a blush spreading all over her face.

This is gonna be a long day…

To Be Continued…
Well first chapter! GOMEN for it being sooo short. But It's like 12:0-0 AM and I'm sleepy. I'll get the second one up soon! X3

