Thine summery: It's finally happened. The Titans have separated, making room for the next generation of Teen heroes. Starfire returns to rule Tamaran, Robin moves to Gotham, ready to lead the newly inherited Wayne Enterprise, Cyborg goes on to work on the latest space travel tech, Beast Boy is, well... Beast Boy, and Raven seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. But what happens when paths cross and the future of earth is on the line? Will it spark bitter dispute or dangerous love?





It had seemed such a long time ago that the heroes of earth finally parted. We had promised to stay in contact with each other, to talk and to listen. But things change, paths differ, and friends are friends no longer...

The shining light of dawn glistened on the murky water of Jump City's bay. The birds flew gracefully through the trees and the usual whirring of motors and horns could be heard from the city as rush hour continued. Titans' Tower shone with it's usual glory, and before it the Titans' gathered to say their fair wells. A beautiful day for a beautiful ending

"It's been real guys." The mechanical Cyborg said as he shook hands and received hugs from his fellow Titans.

Beast Boy looked up, small tears forming in is great green eyes. "I'm gonna miss ya dude. I'm gonna miss all of you guys." he said, his voice nothing but a squeak.

"I shall miss you also!" Starfire chimed in, her tears flowing freely down her cheeks, "I shall miss you all!"

"It was awesome working with you, Cy." The spiky haired leader put in. "Keep in touch?" he asked. As if he didn't know the answer.

"Count on it." he answered, sticking out his metal hand. Robin grasped it and shook firmly. Raven smiled lightly as Cyborg turned to her, "See ya Cy." she said in her usual mystic voice. Cyborg turned to go, but stopped and glanced back at his team. "One more time?" he asked as he stuck his hand into the center of them all. Starfire smiled warmly and set her hand on top of his. Beast Boy sheepishly did the same, distraught to see the best of his friends departing and Raven followed. Robin was the last to join, wanting to savor possibly the last moment all of them would be together. After a moment, he joined. "Teen Titans, GO!"





Garfield Logan gazed dreamily out the window of the Condor 747 as clouds whirred past. His destination was currently Jump City, a city he had ignored for the past seven years. He sighed, this was gonna be a /long/ trip. Beast boy had seriously changed since his days as a Titans. His short, dark green hair had been allowed to grow out, to between his shoulder blades to be exact, and it was pulled into a low, tight ponytail. His hair wasn't the only thing that had grown. The 'little grass stain' had gone through a serious growth spurt and he now stood around 6'0", a fact that he was quite proud of. He had hung up the spandex and chosen something slightly more... normal, a short sleeve red shirt with a v-shaped neck and a long sleeved black shirt underneath. Semi-tight black pants hung from his hips. The Titan turned journalist glanced around as the snack cart rolled past. "Ma'am, could I have a scone please?" he asked, pulling the money from his left pocket.

"I'm sorry sir, we don't serve scones." she replied, her voice giving away her amusement. Garfield, or Logan as he liked to be called, blushed. Okay, note to self: Not in London anymore.

"We do have an assortment of muffins if you'd like one." she offered.

"Yea, I'll take one." he replied quickly, his blush growing deeper. The flight attendant handed him his muffin and continued on her way, still showing evidence of her amusement.

Logan sighed again and placed the packaged muffin below his seat, his appetite ruined by his embarrassment. He went back to gazing out the window and memories washed over him as the sight of Titans' Tower met his gaze. It was painful, yes, to see what he'd left, but somehow relieving. As he saw the Tower, glistening in all it's glory just as his last day, something stirred in him, as if he was a child again.

The annoying ding of the pilot light interrupted his daydream, along with the loud voice of the pilot himself, "We're about to start our descent, so if you would, fasten your seat belts and turn of all electronic devices. Thank-you for your cooperation and thank-you for flying Condor." Logan quickly fastened his seat belt and leaned back with a sharp intake of breath. He hated landing... br br br


Logan watched closely as bags and bags of luggage were dumped out of the back room onto the conveyor belt. He rolled his eyes, This is gonna take forever... He glanced around, his attention span just as short as it had been when he was fifteen. The television caught his eye as a Jump News reporter delivered his story, eyes wide. Logan walked closer , trying to pick up the sound over the busy terminals' racket. He managed it, quite to his amazement.

"This is Cari Evans for the Jump News." The young, and Logan couldn't help but notice, attractive woman began. "A crisis has occurred in Jump City where the legendary Teen Titans have mysteriously vanished. Here's Mahshid Khashbachk with more." The screen flashed black and the image of another young woman, one of middle eastern decent, appeared. "Thank-you Cari. Yes, it seems that the protectors of our city may need protecting themselves. Reports have come in that a number of their members, namely Kiya Norington, Luke Wilson, and 'The Beast', have gone missing. These reports echo the news coming out of many large cities all around the world. Around fifty Titans have gone missing since the start of last week, with no news why. For Jump News, this is Mahshid Khashbackt."

Logan stared in wonder. This was new. The Titans had always been tight knit. No one had ever gone missing, at least not in numbers as great as this. Logan turned and ran back to the belt. Luckily his bag was there and he grabbed it with haste, wanting to get out of the airport as quickly as possible. The former Titan rushed out and held his hand up for a taxi. One stopped and he clambered in. "Where to?" the driver asked in a think Boston accent.

"The Rave Hotel, downtown Jump City." Logan answered before pulling out his cell phone. He grabbed his address book form his carry on bag and flipped to the back. He smirked as he found the number he was looking for. Logan dialed and moments later the voice of a young woman greeted him. "Hello, Wayne Enterprises. Clara speaking. How may I help you?"

"Could you patch me through to Rob...I mean, Dick Grayson please?" he asked. That was close...

"I'm sorry sir. Mr. Grayson is a very busy man, I'm afraid you'll have to make an appointment."

Logan sighed, "Just tell him it's BB. I'm an old friend."

The woman mumbled something, an insult more than likely, and then replied. "Very well sir." Logan heard her set the phone down and a moment later she returned. "I'll patch you through, sir." she said in dismay.

Logan waited for a moment and cracked into a smile as the familiar voice of Robin reached his ears. "Hey Robin, It's Logan. We need to talk..."





-Drum roll- To be continued...


Mesa Crazy: 'Ello governors!

Governors( In other words REVIEWERS): 'Ello crazy...

Mesa Crazy: Ah, cheer up dearies! Let me guess, your down in the weather because The Crazy left a cliffy?

Governors: Indeed.

Mesa Crazy: Well, don't feel bad! I'll be back with even more action in the next chapter. And to those who REVIEW, I'll give ya a nice little shout out as well.

Governors: WOOT!

Mesa Crazy: -evil smirk- But I'll warn you, you had best get used to the cliffies, because I quite enjoy writing them! BWUHAHAHAHAHA!

Governors: O crud... -twitch-