Chapter Forty

The Truth Speaks Volumes

Nathan let himself into his house as his mother made her way down the stairs. She let out a smile as she walked over to him and pulled him into a hug."Thank you for coming home sweetie."she said as she pulled out of the embrace."Your father is still in the living room."she led him into the room causing Dan to look over at them.

Dan nodded to his son."I'm glad you came back. We weren't really through with our conversation son."

"I know. I'm sorry for storming out of here. I just had to get out."replied Nathan.

Deb shot him a concerned look."We understand your frustrations Nathan. I hate that you see this opportunity we're giving you as some ploy to choose sides. That's not how it is. I swear. We just want you to have a say in your life. You're old enough to decide where you want to live."she explained.

Nathan nodded at his mother."I know mom. I'm sorry for acting the way I did."he wasn't sure where all this was coming from. Maybe it really was time for him to grow up.

"No, don't apologize Nathan. How else are you supposed to think when we've basically made you choose between us your whole life?"let out Deb sadly.

"Look son, we know this is a big decision we're putting on you. There is no hurry. You take as much time with this as you need. Just know that whatever you decide is okay with us."said Dan. This was still a bit out of character for him. He wasn't used to working together with Deb. It was like she said. They were always on opposite ends of things, but right now he was willing to do anything in order to keep his family together.

Nathan nodded at Dan. There was still a bit of him that was skeptical about the change Dan had made, but so far he seemed genuine."I've thought about this and I feel like I should stay with mom right now. She just got out of rehab and she's gonna need a lot of help and support."explained Nathan as he looked down at the floor.

Deb wiped at a few stray tears. Her heart swelled at her son's words."I love you for that Nathan. I really do, but I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me. I want you to be your own person."

Nathan shook his head."That's not what I mean mom. I know I don't have to take care of you. I just want to be there if you need me."

"You've become such an amazing man."smiled Deb."I wish your father and I could take credit for it."she knew herself and Dan had let their son down while he was growing up. It was a shame it had taken them this long to grow up.

"Your mother is right son. I want you to know that I am fine with your decision. I think the fact that you want to help your mother with her recovery is commendable. I have never been more proud of you."said Dan as he nodded in approval.

Nathan let out a smile. He couldn't believe any of this. They were actually acting like a real family. It sucked that they couldn't try to work things out together in one house, but right now he had two parents working together and that was more than he could ask for. Everything was working out the way it was supposed to. Their family was acting the way they should have always been.

Lucas ran up the steps of the now familiar house. His mind was racing. Never in a million years did he think he'd find out who his father was. Never in a million years did he think he'd already know his father and be lied to the way he had.

He held onto the yearbook and the letter that confirmed everything as he let himself into his father's house."Dan?"he shouted."Dan where the hell are you?"he questioned not bothering to care if anyone else was in the house.

Dan's head shot up as he heard Lucas' voice shout for him through the house. It wasn't like Lucas to just show up like this. Something had to be wrong. He quickly lifted himself up and went to find Lucas. He stepped into the hallway and found Lucas about to run up the stairs."Lucas, I'm right here. What's the matter? Are you okay?"he asked concerned.

Lucas took his foot off the first stair and turned to Dan."Does this look familiar to you Dan?"spit out Lucas angrily.

Dan eyed the book not knowing where this was going."That looks like an old year book. Why do you have it?"his mind began to race. That had to be Karen's year book. If it were than Lucas was here for answers.

"Wow Dan, you're pretty bright. This is in fact a year book. I'm just curious about something though. If you said you didn't know my mom then why is there a picture of the two of you kissing?"he shouted holding up the picture in question. His heart was pounding so fast right now he felt like it was going to explode, but he wasn't going to back down. He wanted answers.

Dan looked at the picture Lucas held out. It was definitely he and Karen in a lip lock. He remembered the day it was taken like it was yesterday. His eyes quickly jutted toward Lucas and the look of anger and confusion was almost too much to bare. This wasn't how this was supposed to happen. Lucas wasn't supposed to find all of this out on his own. He and Karen were supposed to sit Lucas down and explain everything to him gently. How the hell had this happened?

"What's wrong Dan?"taunted Lucas."Cat got your tongue?"the longer Dan held off the more it pissed Lucas that wasn't getting his answers.

Dan took a deep breath. His mind raced with possible things to say to Lucas. There just didn't seem like a right answer."If you just give me a second to explain I swear you'll understand."said Dan hoping Lucas would listen and calm down.

Lucas scoffed at his attempt to buy himself more time."While your at it why don't you try to come up with an explanation as to why you're a lying bastard."shouted Lucas.

Dan was a little thrown back. He had never seen Lucas this angry."Look son, you need to calm down. We can talk about this rationally."tried Dan once again.

Lucas let out an angry chuckle."Son? You just called me son. Come to think of it, you always call me son. Did it ever cross your mind to tell me that that was in fact true? That I was really your son? Or were you gonna go another 17 years without telling me you're my father?"he shot out question after question venomously.

Nathan looked at Lucas. He wasn't sure what was going on, but there was no way that what he had just said was true. No way."What is he talking about dad?"he questioned hoping this would all be some sort of misunderstanding.

Lucas' eyes darted to Nathan who stood next to Deb in the corner. He hadn't known anyone else was in the house, but that didn't matter right now. It was about time the truth was exposed."Yeah, didn't daddy tell you you had a brother? No? Don't worry he didn't bother to tell me either."Lucas shook his head in disgust.

Nathan took his eyes off of Lucas. He had to be crazy. There was no other explanation for the nonsense he was spewing.."Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?"he shouted.

Dan looked over to Nathan. He knew he should answer his son's question, but he felt as though getting Lucas to calm down was what should take priority."Look Lucas you really need to calm down. You aren't thinking clearly. We should all take five and talk about this rationally once your mother comes home."Dan inwardly pleaded that Lucas would listen to him.

Brooke ran up the steps as she heard all the yelling from the house. The door was left open so she let herself in. She quickly took notice of everyone in the hall. She couldn't help but see the confused questioning look Nathan shot at her. He didn't understand what was going on and the fact that she had shown up meant that she knew more than he did. Her eyes finally landed on Lucas. She could tell he was angry which meant she was too late.

Lucas shook his head."I should wait and talk about this rationally once my mom gets here?"he questioned with a chuckle."Like that is gonna happen. Why should I wait to talk to any of you? All you're gonna do is lie. That's all you've both done my entire life. There is nothing either of you can say that I will believe. In fact I don't ever want to see you or my lying mother again."he spit out as he wiped at an angry tear that spilled out.

"Lucas."said Brooke as she walked over to him and place her hand on his arm."Come on baby, you don't mean that. Lets just go home and you can come back with your mom and work everything out with Dan."she tried to gently pull him toward the door, but Lucas wouldn't budge.

Lucas pulled away from her grasp."No. I'm just curious Dan. Now that you've been busted are you even willing to admit that you're my father?"he asked as his voice caught in his throat. The last thing he wanted to show was that he was vulnerable, but he was sure he'd done exactly that. He didn't know where that question came from. He wasn't sure where Dan's head was with all of this, but if he was still going to deny that fact that he was his father it would crush him. A part of him wished he could take it back.

Dan looked down. He couldn't look at Lucas any longer. Not when his son showed that he was more hurt than he was angry. The way Lucas sounded when he asked if he was willing to finally admit he was his father showed how vulnerably Lucas really was. Lucas had tears in his eyes. His son was hurting so much and there wasn't anything he could do about it. Lucas wanted an out right answer. He wanted a without a doubt answer.

Dan wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. Karen told him under no circumstance was he to tell Lucas anything without her, but he couldn't go by that anymore. There was no way that he was going to let his son go on thinking he wasn't wanted. That he just threw them away for his other family. There was no way he would hurt Lucas any more than he already had. He took a deep breath and looked Lucas in the eye."I'm your father Lucas. You are my son."he choked out. Dan wiped at a tear that slid down his cheek.

Nathan's jaw hardened at his father's admittance. Never did he think his father would say that what Lucas was accusing him of was true. This was all so unbelievable. He looked over at his mom who was crying next to him. He watched her reach out to him, but he pulled away. Her reaction was all he needed to know without a doubt that this was all true. Lucas was his brother and no one thought of letting either of them know their entire lives.

Lucas was a little surprised that Dan actually admitted he was his father. In all the scenarios he went through on the car ride over never had Dan actually admitted it. Someone who abandoned you 17 years ago never just admitted to it. Lucas bit down on his bottom lip trying to stop it from trembling."Why?"he asked as tears threatened to spill out.

Brooke closed her eyes as she heard Lucas' question. He was hurting so much and all she wanted to do was pull him into her ams and make this all go away.

Dan tried to stop his eyes from forming tears, but it didn't work. Lucas seemed so broken in front of him. He wanted to know why. How was he supposed to answer that? There was nothing he could say that would stop the boy from hurting."I don't know Lucas. This isn't something you can understand in one conversation. There is so much you don't know. So much that needs to be explained, but I feel like we should do that with your mom. We all need to sit down..."started Dan.

Lucas shook his head furiously."No. You can't just say that and expect it to be enough. You can't expect me to wait around for answers. Either you tell me everything right now or don't bother."spit out Lucas.

"It's not that simple Lucas."said Dan, but was once again cut off.

"Fine. You made your choice. Stay the hell away from me Dan. I never want to see your face again."Lucas yelled as he turned away from the man and walked out of the house.

Brooke stood there not really sure what she should do. She knew this had to be a huge shock to Nathan. There was no doubt in her mind that by the look on his face he was hurting, but Nathan had his mom and dad. Lucas didn't have anyone right now. With that in mind she quickly turned and walked out of the house after Lucas.

The house was quiet now. After all the yelling and fighting that had taken place it kinda felt a little strange. Nathan watched his father walk over to the stairs and sit on the bottom stair and hold his head in his hands. He watched his mother continue to cry next to him. None of this made sense to him and it didn't seem as if his parents had any intention of explaining it to him."So is anyone gonna tell me what the hell is going on?"he shouted.

Deb looked at Dan who still held his head in his hands. She then turned to her son."Nathan I know you are confused by all of this and I wish I could explain it to you, but this is all very complicated."

"So does that mean you aren't gonna tell me either?"he looked around the room."Unbelievable."he grunted."Lucas had the right idea. I'm outta here."he shook his head as he too walked out of the house.

Deb walked over to Dan and stood in front of him."What are you gonna do about this? Both of your sons just walked out of here. They need answers Dan. We can't continue to hold out on them. They deserve to know the whole truth. Lucas deserves to know that you never knew about him up until a few months ago. Once he knows that you didn't abandon him he'll feel a little better. I suggest you get on the phone and tell Karen to get her ass back here. Those kids shouldn't have to wait because she's somewhere hiding."shouted Deb as she walked passed Dan up the stairs.

Dan got up and made his way to his study. Deb was right. Karen needed get back here and fast. Lucas needed to hear the whole truth. Both of his boys needed the truth. Dan picked up the phone and dialed Karen's number."Lucas knows."was all he said once she picked up.

"Lucas wait."called out Brooke as she ran out after him. She ran as fast as her heels would let her when she took notice that Lucas wasn't about to listen to her. She finally caught up with him as he was about to get into his car."Lucas."she said again as she grabbed a hold of his arm turning him to face her. Her heart broke as she saw the tears in his eyes. Without a moments hesitation she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight."It's gonna be okay baby. I'm here for you. Just let me in."she let out a sigh of relief as she felt Lucas pull her to him. He cried into her shoulder as he held her tight. Brooke couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheek.

"What am I gonna do Brooke?"cried out Lucas into her shoulder. Everything had happened so fast. He still hadn't been able to process it all. One thing he knew though, was that he needed the girl in his arms more than anyone.

Brooke wanted so badly to be able to answer that question for him, but she couldn't. She had no clue what was going to come next or what he should do about all this."I don't know. I have no clue, but you shouldn't have to worry about this tonight. Let me take you home."she offered. Lucas needed a good nights rest so that once tomorrow was here he'd be able to figure everything out.

Lucas shook his head adamantly as he pulled away from her."I can't go home Brooke. There is no doubt in my mind that Dan is in there calling my mom as we speak. She'll be on the first flight back. I don't want to see her right now. I can't hear anymore lies."he couldn't believe the way he was acting, like a little child. It made him sick that he was doing it in front of Brooke. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel like she had to take care of him. He didn't want to inadvertently push her away.

Brooke gave him a small smile. Lucas was right. Dan probably was inside calling Karen. She could understand his not wanting to go home. He felt like he couldn't trust his mom right now. He probably felt he couldn't trust anyone."Okay, then let me take you to my house. Nobody is there and you don't have to worry about anything. I don't want you to be alone tonight."she whispered hoping he would agree.

Lucas looked at Brooke trying to see if her offer was sincere or out of pity. He was happy to see that there was only genuine concern in her eyes."I don't know what I'd do without you."he let out with a sigh.

Brooke smiled at his words. She'd been so afraid that he was gonna shut her out. She was happy to be wrong."Then it's a good thing you don't have to find out."she said as she grabbed a hold of his waist and wrapped her arms around him.

Lucas sighed into her hair. It felt good to have Brooke next to him, but he couldn't stand that they were still so close to Dan."Hey, lets get out of here. I don't want Dan to look out and see us here. He might try to come out. I just need to get out of here."he reiterated.

Brooke nodded as she took the keys from his hand."I'll drive."she smiled as he didn't argue with her. She couldn't help but notice Lucas continually eye the Scott house. No matter what Lucas said about Dan she knew he was broken hearted at the fact that Dan abandoned him all those years ago."Lets go home."she said as she drove away.

Nathan slammed the door behind him as he took the stairs two at a time. He walked through the open door of his girlfriend's room.

Peyton smiled as Nathan appeared at her door."So I guess you were able to get away from your parents after all. I'm glad too. I was getting lonely."she got up off her bed and made her way to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. It took her a second before she realized Nathan wasn't even attempting to kiss her back. She pulled away and looked at him. It was then that she realized something serious was going on."Hey, what's going on? Are you okay?"she asked as her hand crept its way to his cheek.

Nathan shook his head as he pulled away from her and went to sit on her bed."The craziest shit happened tonight Peyt. Shit you won't ever believe. I mean I still can't believe it myself and I was there."

Peyton went and sat down next to him. The look on his face was of complete shock. Something big had happened, that much was obvious."What happened Nathan?"she took a hold of his hand.

"Lucas is my brother."he couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips. Saying it out loud sounded absurd. If he hadn't heard it himself he wouldn't believe it.

Peyton's eyes widened. She was more than a little confused. Nathan had just said that Lucas was his brother and now he was laughing? She had to have heard wrong."Lucas is your brother? What are you talking about?"there was no way their friend was his brother.

"I know. It's crazy right? I swear to god it's the truth though. I heard it with my own two ears. Lucas stormed into the house and demanded Dan tell him the truth. I thought he was crazy Peyt. I was ready to kick his ass out of my house, but Dan said it was the truth. Lucas is my brother."he continued to shake his head."How the hell did they manage to keep this from us all this time? Who the hell do they think they are?"

Peyton tried to process all this information. Lucas was really Nathan's brother." do you feel about this?"she questioned cautiously. She knew from personal experience that Nathan could flip out at bad news.

Nathan shrugged."I don't know yet. I mean I have hated the guy for so long. I knew there was something about him. I told yall from the very beginning that I had a bad feeling about him."

Peyton nodded."Without you even knowing the truth you knew he was your brother. That has to mean something Nathan."he might not have known it exactly, but there was still something there between the two of them. They both had felt it.

"Yeah, something like that. Everything was going good Peyt. We were all getting along. I told them that I wanted to live with my mom and my dad was okay with it. Everything was fine and then he showed up and ruined it. How am I supposed to feel about that?"

"Nathan, you have to know that Lucas didn't purposely ruin anything. He probably just needed answers. You can't fault him for that."this wasn't turning out well. Nathan was blaming Lucas for causing problems with his family. If this kept up it would lead to the guys once again at odds only this time they would know they were brothers. She hoped for everyones sake she could get through to Nathan.

Nathan turned to look at Peyton for the first time."Don't you think I know that? I want to hate the guy for ruining everything we worked so hard to fix, but I can't. Lucas looked bad. He looked like...I don't even know what. I mean if I'm feeling this bad about everything can you imagine how he's feeling right now? It's gotta be a million times worse."said Nathan as he shook his head at the thought."I just hope he's okay."he let out softly.

Peyton nodded at her boyfriend. His reaction to the news and Lucas was a surprise to her. She figured he'd use this as an excuse to hate Lucas for good, but that wasn't the case. Nathan was here actually sympathizing with him. He was actually worried about his brother."Do you know where he went? Maybe we should look for him."

Nathan shook his head."I don't think I'm ready to see him yet. I don't even know what to say to him. I'm sure he'll be fine. He's with Brooke."

"So Brooke knows too?"she asked. When had all this happened? They had all been together earlier and everything was fine.

"Yeah she knows. She knew even before I did I guess because she knew to show up at my house. She knew that Lucas would be there. They left together."

"It's good that he isn't alone right now. This must be a huge shock to him. I'm glad you came here Nathan. You shouldn't be alone either."

"I couldn't stay in that house. I asked my dad what was going on and he wouldn't answer. They won't give either of us any answers. All they say is that it's complicated. What kind of bullshit is that?"

"You can stay here as long as you need to, you know that."offered Peyton.

Nathan nodded."Thanks babe. I just can't believe how much everything is screwed up."

"It's gonna be okay. You'll see."she moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. Hopefully everything would be okay.

Deb took a deep breath before she raised her hand and knocked on the door. There was no doubt in her mind that her son was here. He always tended to end up at his girlfriend's house when things got ugly at home. And ugly would be an understatement when describing last night.

Peyton opened the door and smiled."Hey Mrs. Scott. How are you?"she felt a little awkward this morning with everything that had happened.

Deb gave the young girl a small smile."I've been better. I just really need to talk to Nathan. Could you please call him for me sweetie?"

Peyton nodded."I'll try. I'm just not sure he'll be up to seeing anyone."she said already backing away from the door."You could come in if you want."she offered.

"Thank you sweetie."let out Deb as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

"Okay I'll go get Nathan."

"Thanks again Peyton."

Peyton went up the stairs to her room. She wasn't sure what to expect from Nathan. He'd already told her he didn't want to see anyone today, but the sad and desperate look on Deb's face was too much to send away. She knew she had to at least try and get Nathan to talk to his mom. Deb would be crushed if Nathan refused to see her.

Nathan looked up from the television when Peyton walked over to him."Who was at the door?"

"It was your mom."she let out as Nathan nodded."And she's downstairs waiting for you."she said cautiously.

Nathan let out a sigh."I thought I told you I didn't want to talk to anyone right now."

Peyton took a seat next to him."I know that baby, but your mom looked so sad. I couldn't just make her leave. You should go downstairs and hear what she has to say."

Nathan shook his head."Why should I do that? It's just gonna be more lies."

"Well if you don't like what she says then ask her to leave. Just go down there and talk to her. You never know she might be here to explain."said Peyton. She hoped that was the truth. She wasn't sure she could handle another night like last night. All Nathan did was toss and turn. He was a complete mess.

"Fine, but I can't guarantee she'll be any happier by the time she leaves."he said as he lifted himself off the bed.

Peyton nodded."I'm just gonna stay up here until you're done. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks babe."said Nathan as he leaned in to place a kiss on Peyton's head. He turned around and made his way down the stairs. He found his mother standing nervously by the front door."What do you want mom?"he asked even before he'd made it down the stairs.

Deb turned to him a bit flustered. She wasn't sure what she was gonna say. She wasn't even sure Nathan would want to hear her out."I just wanted to come and make sure you were alright. You left last night rather quickly."

"That's because you and dad refused to give me any answers."shouted Nathan."What was I supposed to do? Act like a good little boy and forget the fact that you and dad lied to me my entire life?"

"That's not true Nathan. We just found out ourselves."she replied heatedly. It took her a second before she realized what she let slip out. Her hand instinctively shot to her mouth as if that would take it back. She hadn't intended to tell Nathan the whole truth. That was supposed to wait until Dan and Karen talked with Lucas.

"What are you talking about mom?"asked Nathan confused."What do you mean you just found out? How the hell is that possible?"there was nothing about this situation that was understandable.

Deb let out a sigh and grabbed a hold of her son's hand."I feel like I've already said too much. It isn't my place, but I also feel that if I don't give you the answers you want we might lose you. I am not willing to chance that."she held up their hands and gave his a pat."Why don't we talk about this in the living room."

Nathan nodded and guided his mother to sit down."Just tell me what the hell is going on mom because everything in my head is all screwed up right now. I don't know what to believe. I don't know who to trust. I don't know anything."

"Okay."whispered Deb."I know you think your father and I have lied to you about Lucas from the beginning, but that isn't how it is. Both your father and I only found out a few months ago. Dan put two and two together once Karen came back to town. She left tree Hill when she was younger before letting your father know he was going to be a father."

Nathan looked at her skeptically."If that's the truth then why didn't dad tell Lucas when he found out?"

Deb shrugged." That I don't really know. I was in rehab when your father and Karen discussed their plans. All I know is that Karen wanted to wait until the right time and so did your father. Lucas wasn't supposed to find out this way. We were gonna sit you both down and tell you together."

Nathan sat as he tried to process it all. Maybe he'd been wrong by assuming he'd been lied to. Maybe everything wasn't as bad as he thought. They still should have told him sooner, Lucas too, but the truth seemed to make sense."That's the truth mom? You aren't lying?"

Deb shook her head vigorously."That's the truth Nathan. Did we do wrong here? Probably, but no, we did not keep the fact that you had a brother from you your entire life. I swear."

"Okay then. I believe you."let out Nathan slowly still trying to take everything in.

"Thank you. Now will you please come back home. I'm sure your father would like to speak with you."said Deb as she tried to pull her son up with her.

"I'm not ready to come home just yet. I need a little more time mom. This is all so much. It's crazy. I mean Lucas is my brother."let out Nathan in disbelief.

"I know this is a lot to take in. Take all the time you need Nathan. We'll be here whenever you're ready to talk."assured Deb.

"Thanks mom."

Deb nodded as she brought her son into a hug."We love you Nathan. Your father loves you and Lucas so much. Please believe that."she pulled way and cupped his cheek before turning and walking toward the door.

Peyton waited a few minutes after hearing the door close before making her way to Nathan. She saw he sat staring at the wall and went to sit next to him."Are you okay?"she asked cautiously.

Nathan nodded in response.

"Do you maybe want to talk about it because I'm here."she offered sincerely.

"It turns out I was wrong. They didn't lie to me. They just found out about Lucas too."he replied as he continued to stare straight ahead.

"How is that even possible Nathan?"asked Peyton confused.

"Lucas' mom left here before telling Dan she was pregnant."explained Nathan.

"So your dad was clueless about all this?"she asked.

"It appears that way."

"What are you gonna do now?"

Nathan shrugged."I don't know. I mean what am I supposed to do? My mom wants me to go home. I told her I wasn't ready yet."

"You can stay here as long as you want."smiled Peyton.

"Thanks babe."said Nathan as he pulled Peyton to him.

"I made some coffee."said Brooke as she held out a cup and walked over to Lucas.

"No thank you."replied Lucas as he stared out her bedroom window.

Brooke set the cup down on her dresser before she walked to Lucas and wrapped her arms around him from behind. He looked so sad and tired. He hadn't slept a single second throughout the night. He just stared up at the wall. She wished she knew what was going through his mind. Lucas wasn't shutting her out completely, but at the same time he wasn't willing to talk to her either. All she wanted to do was help him, but this problem seemed too big for her."What are you thinking?"she tried once again to get him to open up.

Lucas let out a sigh. He didn't feel like talking about this. It had nothing to do with not wanting to talk to Brooke about it. He just didn't want to talk about it at all. Brooke was being great. No matter how much he tried to shut himself down she wouldn't allow it. She was trying to be there for him and as much as he told himself he didn't need it he knew he'd be a mess without her. She was the best thing he had. She was the only thing he had right now."I don't know Brooke. I guess I just can't believe my mom would do this. After everything we've been through together she just lied to my face. I can even go as far as understanding that she didn't want to tell me about my dad, but what I can't forgive is the fact that she let me get to know the man. She knew I talked to Dan. How could she let that happen while knowing that he is my father? How cruel is that?"he shook his head in disbelief.

"Maybe that's why she was doing it Lucas. Maybe she wanted to give you time to get to know Dan before they told you the truth."offered Brooke. It made sense that Karen might do that.

"Even if that is why, that doesn't make it alright. Dan abandoned us years ago. How could she just let him back into our lives? She could have stopped me from talking to him. She could have told me to stay away from him."rambled Lucas.

"Okay lets she she did all of that Lucas. Don't you think you would have been suspicious? Wouldn't you have wondered why? You know if your mother forbid you to talk to Dan it would have raised red flags with you."

Lucas turned to face Brooke with a sullen look."Why are you saying all this? It's like you're on her side or something."

Brooke shook her head."I'm not on anyones side Lucas. I'm just saying that maybe you should hear your mother's side before completely writing her off."

"Why would I want to do that?"he asked incredulously.

"Because you know you still want answers. You may be angry right now, but you still want to know what's what."reasoned Brooke. Lucas was being stubborn, but she knew deep down inside not having the answers to his questions was eating him up inside.

"Thank you Brooke. Really. It's been great talking to you, but right now I just want to be left alone."said Lucas as he turned back to look out the window.

Brooke nodded from her position behind him. She leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his jaw."I love you Lucas. I'll be in the other room if you need me."she gave his arm a gentle stroke before she turned to leave her room. She hated feeling like this. Like she couldn't do anything to help him. Lucas was so withdrawn and there was nothing she could do about it.

Brooke walked through the hall on her way to the kitchen when there was a knock at her door. She pulled the door open and smiled at Nathan."Hey Nate."she said as she held open the door.

Nathan walked passed her as she closed the door. He looked her over once she stood in front of him."You don't look good."he let out.

Brooke rolled her eyes."Thanks."she said sarcastically."Last night was a pretty bad night. I didn't get much sleep."

"Yeah, well join the club. You probably got more sleep than I did."

Brooked looked at him. He looked almost as bad as Lucas did. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Maybe Lucas wouldn't let her help him, but maybe Nathan might."How are you?"she whispered into his ear.

Nathan held her tight and let out a sigh. He loved this girl. He was lucky to have her and Peyton."I've been better."he said as Brooke pulled away slightly."Everything is so screwed up right now B. I mean who would have thought Lucas would end up being my brother? This is like something out of the movies. Shit like this doesn't happen in real life."

Brooke once again pulled Nathan in for a hug."It's gonna be okay Nate. You and Lucas are gonna get through this."she let out hoping to reassure him.

"It's crazy B, real crazy."said Nathan as he held her firmly.

Lucas scoffed as he walked into the hallway."Do you always have to be all over Brooke?"he shouted causing both Brooke and Nathan to pull apart.

"Lucas don't."responded Brooke as she looked his way sternly.

"No, I'm serious. Every time I turn around he has his hands all over you. What's going on? Peyton getting a little boring?"he asked spitefully.

"Lucas stop it."scolded Brooke hoping to stop things before they got worse.

"You better listen to her man. Shut the hell up about Peyton." shouted Nathan as he glared at Lucas coldly.

"Okay, I'll stop when you keep your hands off of Brooke."replied Lucas a he took a step toward Nathan.

"Lucas what the hell are you doing?"asked Brooke as she stood between both guys."You know Nathan is my best friend so stop it."she frowned. She had no clue as to why he would say all this now.

"Yeah, well I don't like it."

"Then that's just too damn bad. I know you're hurting right now so I won't hold this against you, but if I were you I'd quit right now."berated Brooke through gritted teeth.

"Seriously dude, just walk away. There is no need to take your anger for Dan out on me."stated Nathan earnestly.

Lucas let out a chuckle."Don't you dare try and act as if you know how I feel about that son of a bitch. You don't know anything."howled Lucas.

"Oh yeah?"questioned Nathan."I know that you are angry at Dan for something he had no control over."

Lucas shook his head and let out another laugh."Listen to you. Defending daddy no matter how big a prick he is. You're just as bad as he is."finished Lucas.

"You're right Lucas. Dan can be a bastard, but right now you're angry at the wrong person. Dan just found out about you. Nobody even knew you existed here. So you can be angry all you want, but for once Dan had nothing to do with this."

Lucas' eyes narrowed in confusion."What the hell are you talking about?"questioned Lucas.

"Look man, I didn't come here to argue with you."voiced Nathan." I came to tell you to talk to Dan. I was just as angry as you were last night, but I got the whole story. Maybe I wasn't supposed to say anything to you yet, but I had to. Talk to him Lucas, before you do something stupid like lose Brooke."

"And why should I believe a word you say?"exclaimed Lucas.

"You don't have to do a damn thing Lucas. I came and did what I set out to. The rest is up to you."shrugged Nathan as he turned to Brooke."I'll talk to you later B. I left Peyton waiting."

Brooke nodded."I'll call you later Nathan."said Brooke as Nathan turned to leave. She turned back to Lucas. She wanted to yell at him for what he'd said earlier. She wanted to kick him out because she was angry, but when she caught sight of his sad withdrawn face all her angry melted away. How could she be angry with him when he was hurting so much?"Are you okay?"she asked for probably the hundredth time. She wasn't sure if Nathan's confession was good or bad.

Lucas looked at the brunette in front of him. She looked concerned even after he flipped out on her and Nathan."I'm sorry Brooke. I shouldn't have said what I did. I was being stupid."he finished.

Brooke nodded."Yeah you were, but that's not what I'm worried about. What are you gonna do now after what Nathan said about Dan? Are you gonna go talk to him? Get his side?"

Lucas shook his head."For all I know it's all a lie. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I just want to be left alone."

"Lucas you can't just stay here forever."stated Brooke.

"Look if you don't want me here I can go."said Lucas as he moved toward the door.

Brooke sighed."That's not what I meant Lucas."she said as she reached out to stop him."I'm not kicking you out. I just think you should talk to somebody. I know you have to have all these different scenarios going on in your head. Wouldn't it be good to finally have real answers?"

"If what Nathan said is true then all of this is my mom's fault. I have been living with the fact that my dad didn't want me for so long and now I'm being told that he wasn't around because he didn't know about me. My mom knew all of this and she said nothing. How am I supposed to feel about that?"

"I don't know, but I do know you'll drive yourself crazy if you don't get some answers. Talk to Dan, then talk to your mom."

"I don't know if I'm ready for this."opened up Lucas."Yeah I want answers, but I'm afraid that I won't like the ones I get."

Brooke nodded."But you won't know until you try. I'm here for you Lucas and I'm not going anywhere."expressed Brooke.

Lucas took a deep breath as he pulled Brooke to him."Maybe you're right."he whispered. Maybe he should talk to Dan.

Lucas stood in front of the door. He'd been there for quite some time contemplating if he actually wanted to go through with this. He'd raised his hand to ring the bell numerous times, but never connected. Sure he wanted answers, but maybe now wasn't the right time. He turned ready to leave when the door flew open.

"Lucas please don't go."said Deb as she stepped outside."I wasn't sure I should come out here, but when you turned to leave I knew I had to stop you."

Lucas' eyes narrowed in confusion."You knew I was out here?"he questioned.

Deb nodded."I was on my way up when I passed by the door and saw you standing there. I wanted to see if you would decide to knock, but you never did. I'm not sure what that means, but I hope you'll still come inside anyways."smiled Deb.

"I guess I could come in for a minute."said Lucas a little taken back by Deb's acceptance.

"Good."she smiled."I know Dan would love to talk with you. He's in his study. Just follow me."she motioned Lucas through the house. She knocked on the door twice before entering. Dan sat at his desk."Lucas is here."she announced. Dan nodded and she sent him in.

Lucas took a much needed deep breath before he entered the study. He couldn't help, but notice that Dan looked as bad as he did. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do so he just stood near the door.

"I'm glad you're here son."he let out before realizing what he said."I'm sorry...I..."he stuttered.

Lucas waved him off."I just have one question Dan."off of Dan's nod he proceeded."Is it true you knew nothing about me up until recently?"

Dan looked down. Did that question mean Lucas and Nathan were still talking? Deb had told him earlier that she told Nathan the truth about Lucas. So if Lucas now knew as well then maybe that meant his sons were still getting along. His small joy was quickly cast aside when he realized he would have to answer Lucas. He wanted to tell him everything, but he felt like the right thing to do would be to wait for Karen. Her flight should be in soon. She'd been hysterical when she'd heard what happened.

"Well Dan?"asked Lucas knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Maybe we should wait for your mother Lucas."stated Dan hesitantly.

Lucas shook his head furiously."No, I'm tired of waiting. I just want some answers. If you're not willing to give them to me now, then I don't want to hear what you have say."he took a step toward the door.

"Lucas wait."shouted Dan. He couldn't let Lucas leave. If he did he might never get the chance to know his son completely. As much as he felt the right thing to do was wait for Karen. He couldn't risk the chance of Lucas walking out that door and never coming back. He just hoped that Karen wouldn't hate him for doing this without her."I didn't know about you until after we started to get to know each other. I had no idea you were my son when we first met." let out Dan nervously.

Lucas watched him for any sign that he was lying. He saw nothing."So you're saying that you never abandoned me and my mom? That you never not wanted me?"he asked a little scared.

Dan stood up from his desk and made his way over to Lucas who looked scared and alone."You have to believe me Lucas. If I had known about you I wouldn't have let you grow up without a father."

Lucas looked at Dan. His bottom lip began to tremble. All these years he'd wanted his father in his life and now he just found out his father wanted him too. It was all so overwhelming." did this happen? What did you do to my mom to make her feel she had to keep me a secret? Did you hurt her?"he asked incredulously.

Dan's head shot up at the question."No. I never hurt her...I mean I guess I did... I's a long story. Why don't we sit down that way I can try to explain everything?"Said Dan as he motioned toward the couch.

Lucas eyed him suspiciously. He was more confused than ever. He knew he had to stay and listen to whatever Dan had to say. He took a seat next to Dan on the small couch."I'm listening. I know you did something to my mom. I read it in a letter she wrote."

Dan nodded."You're right. I did hurt your mom."he watched Lucas tense next to him."I want you to know that I loved your mom more than anything, but I screwed up. I cheated on your mom when we were younger and she walked in on it. After that I never saw her again. I swear to you Lucas I looked everywhere for her. I wanted to make things right. I was sorry for what I did. I still loved your mom."

"Why did you stop looking for her?"asked Lucas.

Dan wasn't sure how Lucas was going to take the next part of the story, but decided to let everything out."I found out Deb was pregnant. I felt I should do the right thing and take care of my child."

Lucas glared at Dan."You cheated on my mom with Deb? You stopped looking for us to stay with them? I guess you chose which family you wanted."said Lucas as he stood up to leave.

"That's not how it happened Lucas. I didn't choose them over you and your mother. I didn't know about you. If I had I swear I wouldn't have stopped. I don't want you thinking that I chose Nathan over you. I wouldn't do that."Dan fought to get Lucas to believe him.

Deep down Lucas knew Dan was telling him the truth, but he wasn't ready to admit it yet."Okay then why didn't you tell me who you were when you found out? Why continue to keep it a secret? That's what I don't understand."

Dan let out a sigh. He knew Lucas wouldn't understand."Your mother and I thought it would be a good idea if we held off telling you who I was until we'd established a genuine relationship. We thought the transition would be easier that way."explained Dan the best he could.

"Let me get this straight you both thought it would be better to continue to lie to me for months before telling me the truth? How did you ever think I'd be okay with that?"shouted Lucas.

"We were wrong Lucas. We're only human. We all make mistakes. This was one of ours. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I see you're right. It was the wrong choice."

Lucas began to pace around the room."What am I supposed to do with all this information? I don't know what you expect of me now."stated Lucas.

"I don't know what you're supposed to do now. I'm glad you know that me not being around wasn't because I didn't want you. That was one thing I wanted you to know since the day I found out you were my son. I hated the fact that you went your whole life thinking your father didn't want you. No kid should have to go through that. That was the one thing I hated about your mother doing this."he let out heatedly."I'm sorry for that Lucas. I really am. As for what I expect of you. I don't expect anything. I would like for us to continue to get to know each other. I would love to spend time with you. You're my son Lucas and I'm your father. I would love for you to one day be able to think of me that way."he watched Lucas tense at his words."I know that's gonna take time. I want you to know that no matter how long it takes I'm gonna be here."

Lucas stopped his pacing as he turned to Dan. He couldn't believe that this was happening. After all these years he finally knew who his father was and he had him right in front of him. It was all too much. This was what he'd wanted for as long as he could remember. What was he supposed to do? Should he push Dan away or should he forgive him and finally get to know his father? Lucas' mind was racing. He couldn't decide what to do. He didn't know what was right. He wanted to tell Dan he wanted all those same things, but something held him back. Did he have the right to be angry with Dan? Wasn't Dan just as much a victim as he was?

"Lucas, son are you okay?"asked Dan as he became a little concerned when Lucas stayed quiet for so long.

Lucas looked up at him. Maybe taking the first step was the right thing to do. He opened his mouth to speak when the door to the study flew open.

"Dan Lucas isn't at home. Do you know where he is?"shouted Karen as she let herself into the room. Her eyes quickly landed on her son. He looked so scared and broken. She wanted to run to him and scoop him into her arms and have none of this have happened."You're here."she said as she stepped toward him arms out ready for a hug.

Lucas held out his hand to stop her from coming near him."Don't."he yelled."This is all your fault."he cried out.

Karen looked up at him as tears formed in her eyes."Lucas."she pleaded.

"Lucas don't do this."voiced Dan."I didn't tell you all this so you'd be angry with your mother."

Lucas scoffed."You didn't expect me to be okay with everything, did you?"

"Wait a second."spoke up Karen turning to face Dan."What did you tell him?"

"The truth."shouted Lucas angry."He told me that you never told him about me just like you never told me who he was."

Karen glared at Dan before turning to her son."Lucas please give me a chance to explain."she pleaded desperately.

Lucas shook his head."I don't think so. I want you to stay away from me."

"Lucas you need to think about this son."cut in Dan.

"I have thought about this. It all comes down to this being her fault."he shouted pointing to his mother."You should have told us mom."

"I'm sorry."cried Karen."I"m so sorry."

"Yeah, well it's a little too late for that."yelled Lucas as he walked out of the study. He hated seeing his mother cry, but at the same time he didn't care. Too much had been said for him to just fall into her arms and have everything be okay. She needed to know that what she did was wrong.