Disclaimer: Yep, I do not own NGE. I just like to have fun with making the stories.

Having returned from work, Shinji flopped down on the couch feeling a little sorry for him self. He had forgotten how much a headache public transpiration was. And when he took the trash out when he got home he looked in to the garage. His car wasn't there. It really hasn't been that great of a day for Shinji.

Hopping that the TV could offer some escape from his troubles he turned it on and started flipping through the channels. But it wasn't helping. It seemed like on just about every channel had something about racing.

'Damn you TV, turning on me too?'

Turning off the TV, Shinji got up off the couch and went in to the kitchen. Something to eat sounded like a good idea. But when he started to look around the kitchen he found that they needed to restock the kitchen. Shinji let out a sigh.

"We forgot to get some more food….." Shinji said out loud to him self.

He turned on his back for the living room, just as Pen-Pen came in to the room. The bird looked up at him.

"Misato forgot to get some food before she went out for the day." Shinji told the bird as he reached down to pick him up. "We'll have to wait until Asuka comes back home."

Shinji put the bird back down and patted it on the head. Standing back up he looked over at the clock on the microwave. It was already going on two in the after noon, and he knew that Asuka wouldn't be home until late.

Again Shinji tried to leave the kitchen but the phone started to ring, making him again go back in to the kitchen to answer the phone.

"Hello Shinji Ikari speaking." Shinji greeted. And he had hopped that it was news on his car.

"Yo Ikari."

"Kensuke? How was the first night at your and Rei's place?" Shinji asked, he landed against the wall.

"It was great! You wanna come over and hang out with me, Toji and Hikari?" Kensuke asked.

Again Shinji looked up at the clock on the microwave. "Yeah sure… But where's Rei?"

"She's at work and wont get back until later some where around four." Kensuke replied.

Then Hikari shouted so Shinji could hear. "Tell Shinji that Asuka already knows and is coming over too."

"Did you hear that?" Kensuke asked.

"Yeah I'll be over in a little bit." Shinji replied. "Want me to pick up anything?"

"Nah we got a fully stocked kitchen, Rei and I went out shopping last night."

Shinji nodded. "Okay I'll be there in a little bit." Shinji hung up the phone and went to the door to put on his shoes. Then he was out the door.

Across town Takashi sat in the living room working on some information on a laptop. Hearing the door open up Jean walked in and flopped down on the couch next to his big brother.

"So brother…" Jean begin, and then he pulled out a pack of smokes and light up. "Tell me, why am I working at a super market?" Jean asked. "How is this going to help us really beat that Ikari guy?"

Takashi looked away from his computer and looked over at his brother, and then he reached for the cigarette in Jean's mouth and pulled it out and put it out in a glass of water that was there on the coffee table.

"You know I hate that."

Jean gave his older brother a look that told him that he should really explain his reasoning.

"I want you and Elisa to gather info on Ikari. You are going to find out how he is at home and when he's out in public. That's why I have you working at the same place that Ikari's girlfriend." Takashi slid a photo of Asuka to his brother. "Get to know her, but do not interfere. Just become friends, I think that you two will get along quite well."

"Just what the hell does that mean!"

Takashi smiled to him self.

"And Elisa is doing the same to Ikari him self." Takashi stated. "The idea is to get to study our target. Get in side his head. That way we can crush him." Takashi said, and then he returned to his work.

Moments later Elisa came in to the same apartment lugging a huge case to a cello and several books. Jean looked over from the couch and gave a puzzled look.

"What, home work?" Jean asked.

"It appears that Ikari is quite the hard ass when it comes to his class, but his students love him." Elisa replied as she lied down her things. "And what about you?"

"His girlfriend?" Jean asked. "Well I saw her but that super market was a mad house and I couldn't get the chance to talk to her."

Takashi glanced over at his brother again. "Just remember that our goal is to gather info, not to interfere."

About a half hour later Shinji arrived at Rei and Kensuke's apartment. Walking in to the lobby, Shinji found himself standing before the paging board. Shinji started to search for rather Rei of Kensuke. His search didn't take long. There fourth from the top. He found Ayanami and pressed the button for the apartment.


Shinji jumped, and turned to the small speaker next to the row of buttons.

"It's Me. Shinji."

"I'll buzz you in."

Seconds later there was a buzz and the door letting Shinji in to the apartment was open.

Waiting in the elevator Shinji thought about how Rei had kept her name and didn't change it to Ikari. It didn't really bother him all that much, but some times he would stop and wonder. But all that he could think of was that maybe her reason was Gendo. Maybe she had still connected the name with the person. If anyone would ask Rei, she would probably say something like '… it would be bothersome.' Or something along those lines.

Hearing the ding to the elevator, Shinji waited for the doors to open. Once they did Shinji walked down the hall of apartments.

IN Rei and Kensuke's apartment Hikari finished helping Kensuke mixing a large bowl of punch when she heard a knock at the door.

"Hay Hikari can you grab that for me, it's probably just Shinji." Kensuke called out from the bathroom as he washed his hands.

"Sure…" Hikari replied then walked over to the door and peeked through the peep hole to see that it was Shinji. Hikari giggled at the strange image of Shinji through the wide angle view of Shinji's nose. Opening the door Shinji looked a little shocked that Hikari had answered instead of Rei of Kensuke.

"Kensuke is cleaning up, he had asked me to get the door." Hikari quickly said.

Shinji nodded and stepped in side the apartment. Just as Kensuke walked in to the room.

"Hay Shinji what took you so long?" Kensuke asked as he cleaned his glasses. "It's only a ten minute drive."

"My car is getting looked at." Shinji replied as he removed his shoes. "I've got a headache…. Do you have any aspren by any chance?"

Kensuke looked up wards, trying to think if he and Rei had gotten some. "Yeah I think… take a look in the bathroom we should have some there."

Walking to the bathroom, Shinji swung the mirror open to find a small collection of drugs. And other bathroom things like two tooth brushes, mouth wash, tooth past, some bottles of pills, all of witch where unmarked. Scratching his head Shinji grabbed the one that looked the most like a bottle of aspren and took two pills.

Meanwhile, at the other end of town, Anata and Kou stood on top of Mt. Futogo. Not for a romantic spot but to race. Several people where to see the two lovers face off….

"Look Anata I didn't mean it that way." Kou said, his voice tired and slightly fed up with the whole idea.

"What ever! I'll show you that a Toyota can still kick a little ass by taking you S2000 out." Anata got in to her car and slammed the car door shut.

Kou stood there and watched as Anata's little 86 started up and the head lights came on, then he got in to his S2000 and did the same.

Someone then walked out in front of the two cars and started the count down.

"What are those two fighting about?" One spectator asked an other.

The other girl leaned closer to the first girl's ear. "Her boyfriend bad mouthed some car company…"

The two girls jumped slightly when they heard the tires screech as Anata and Kou sped off with Kou's S2000 in the lead but Anata's 86 was close behind.

Back over at Rei and Kensuke's place their little party was in full swing, but for Shinji… well something wasn't quite right with him. For some reason he felt great and everything was the best thing in the whole wide world. Lights, color, taste and even touch where like they where the newest things in the world.

"So Ikari…" Toji said. "You look like you're enjoying your self."

Shinji stood there for a moment or two then brought his arm around Toji. "I love you man…"

Toji not sure what to say stood there. "Uh… okay…"

Rei, at the other end of the room watched Shinji's strange actions. "Kensuke?"

"Yes sweetie?" Kensuke asked back.

"Do you think that Shinji is action a bit…." Rei paused for a second to think of the right word to use. "… Odd?"

Kensuke looked over at Shinji just as he reached out and image on Kensuke's computer screen and seemed to enjoy what ever sensation he got from it.

"Now that you say something about it he has…" Kensuke thought about it. "Maybe his headache is really getting to him I thought he too something for that."

"Shinji?" Rei said as she approached Shinji. "May I ask you a question?"

Shinji shook his head like a little kid.

"Can you show us what you took for you headache?" Rei asked.

Shinji then started for the bathroom, once there he swung open the mirror to reveal a small collection of pills. Mostly for Kensuke and his allergies, Rei's birth control…. Some pain killers and an omaness unmarked bottle; by the way that unmarked bottle was the one that Shinji was pointing at. Rei and Kensuke knew right away what they where. Rei gave Kensuke an unhappy look.

"I had believed that you have gotten rid of those?" Rei asked with a tone that prompted Kensuke to provide a good answer.

"I was, really. But they cost so much I thought it would be a waist to just throw them out." Kensuke replied with a nervous laugh. "And besides it seemed that you enjoyed it a lot."

Rei stood there, her eyes drifted up wards as she remembered a recent memory.

"Kensuke… I can feel the music coming from the radio." An extremely entreated Rei said.

Kensuke laughed. "I can taste feelings… Feelings. Nother more then Feelings…"

Rei shook her head bring her self back to Kensuke and Shinji. Giving Kensuke a look that told him she wasn't all that happy about it.

Kensuke started to crack a smile.

"I do not see the humor in this." Rei stated.

"I'm…. Sorry Rei…." Kensuke managed to say in between his fits of laughter. "I know… It's wrong but…. I cant help but laugh."

Shinji stood there with a look of fear and panic. "What? What did I take?"

Rei took in a deep breath. "You had taken ecstasy."

Toji stood there with Hikari, the two look at each other. "Isn't this sort of like that pre-second impact movie where that kid was given ecstasy just before he had to give some speech?" Hikari asked.

"The girl next door?" Toji said, trying to remember the name of the movie.

Hikari nodded. "I think that's the one."

Shinji still stood there. Fear still over coming him. "Ecstasy! I'm going to die!"

This got everyone to look at Shinji.

"Shinji I wouldn't get the cheap stuff if I knew that I was going to be sharing it with Rei. You're not going to die." Kensuke said placing him hand on to Shinji's shoulder. "Just calm down and come over here and listen to some music."

shake my body, what are you waitin' for?

shock my muscles, it's so easy

feel the music playin' forever more

dance as never, get up and get on

Up on the mountain, Anata and Kou sped down the road. Kou's S2000 was about a car and a half ahead of Anata's 86.

'Damn that sixth gear.' Anata thought to her self. 'it gives him just that little bit.'

Seeing the break lights come on the S2000, Anata down shifted and used some heel and toe action. Bring her through the hard left turn, bring her just a little bit closer to Kou.

'I still get him on the turns, and with this super charger I just got in… I'll just have to keep on him.'

another day that comes along

don't you know, don't you feel

gettin' good power

another night that comes along

feeling like you're dreamin'

feeling like you're flyin'

Kou looked up in the mirror and saw that Anata was catching up slowly. 'Something sounds different with Anata's 86…' Kou thought to himself. 'The engine sounds like it's got more power…'

Shifting up to fifth, Kou tried to think what she could have done to her car that could have given it so much power. Normally on the straights he would be leaving Anata way behind him, still she would gain distance on the turns, but not that much.

'New engine?' He asked him self. Then he quickly shook his head. 'That would coast too much. No something more simple.'

Hearing the 86's engine race, Kou had figured it out. 'Supercharger. She got her self a supercharger. That's an intrusting combo.'

get me power

do it babe

love explosion for you baby

get me power

get me higher

new vibrations from me lady

Anata watched as Kou and his S2000 started to speed up, fallowing a ball of flame that shot from the muffler. 'Well it looks like he found out about the supercharger.'

"It's on!" Anata shouted as she shifted to fifth. As she did her car sped up, and under the hood the headers started to glow red hot.

Across town, Asuka arrived at Kensuke's and Rei's place with an other large cooler in tow. "Little help here!" She shouted from the elevator.

Catching her breath Asuka took hold of the two handles and again lifted the large cooler and staggered back a couple steps then she started for the door to the apartment.

"Stupid Shinji… not answering his phone… he's got another thing coming."

Just then Hikari opened the door and stuck her head out finding Asuka with the massive cooler.

"Asuka good you're here." Hikari said as she rushed out to Asuka. "Here let me help."

Taking the other handle from Asuka the two girls started to carrie the cooler to the apartment.

"Shinji should be here helping me with this, not you." Asuka stated.

Hikari looked over at Asuka and started to laugh but quickly stopped her self. "About Shinji… Something not all the right with him"

Asuka rolled her eyes. "Yeah his car is busted, big deal. He can get over it."

"No it's not that… It's something else."

Asuka gave her friend a questioning look.

"Well this is what happened…."

In side the apartment Rei, Kensuke and Toji stood there watching Shinji cress the wall paper in the small apartment.

"Think Asuka's going to kill him?" Toji asked.

"If she did we couldn't clean up the mess. We don't have any cleaning supplies " Kensuke said. "And nothing opens till morning."

"Blood is difficult to clean after it is dry." Rei added.

The three nodded, then hearing the door open up, they watched as Shinji went from the wall paper to where Asuka as standing.

"What?" Asuka asked as she took off her coat.

Shinji stood there, his eyes wide.

"What?" Asuka asked again, still showing any signs of what type of mood she was in.

"Can I touch your hair?" Shinji finally asked in a whisper.

Asuka gave a strange look to Shinji, then she rolled her eyes. "I don't know Shinji… Do you really want to?"

Shinji shook his head quickly.

"Nope, maybe later." Asuka then reached in to the cooler and pulled out a bottle of Bacardi silver, and then as she walked past Shinji; she ran her finger nails through Shinji's hair. Sending waves of pleasure through the young boys body.

Everyone watched as this all took place, then Asuka walked past Rei and smirked. "I had no idea you and your stooge where in to that sort of thing." Asuka said.

Rei really didn't know what to say.

"Will he be alright for in the morning, he's coming with me to Old Tokyo." Asuka asked.

Rei nodded. "He should."

Back on the mountain top Anata and Kou raced to the bottom. Anata's little red 86 stayed right on Kou's bright yellow Honda S2000.

"Not to much more to the bottom…" Anata said to her self then she noticed a set of head light in her mirror. "What the?"

Anata's eyes darted to the road then up to the mirror and back again, trying to figure out what the other car was. "It's fast."

Quickly the mystery car cought up to Anata and was riding her. "We're coming up to the hair pens. And the first turn has that pot hole."

The S2000 and the 86 put them self's on the inside, so not to hit the pot hole while in the middle of the road. Then the other car sped past the two cars, it's break lights light up and a burst of flame shot from the muffler. The other car started it's drift, as it did it's back end came with in centimeters of the guard rail on the out side of the of the turn.

Seeing this display of driving skills, they slowed way down so they could drive through the turn normally. Then they pulled over and watched the tail lights disappear in to the distance.

The door opened to the S2000 and Kou stepped out, Anata the fallowed. "What was that?"

"It's an FD… " Kou replied. Then he looked back up the mountain and got a cold chill that rain throughout his body. "I've got a bad feeling, we should get out of here."

Getting back in their car's Anata and Kou made their way back to the bottom.

In the FD, Jean glanced down at a laptop that was strapped to the passenger seat. "May, doing this sucks… this info better be good enough for big bro."
