A:N: Okay I'm horrible, I've always loved this ff of mine and I want to finish it badly but I like changing things up so here we go again. Also finally can have a confession, my information when I first started writing this was secondhand, I never saw any episodes of Angel until last fall. So new information has been presented and hopefully my ff is a tad more accurate.

Thanks once again to all who read and those who have reviewed in the past: Elledreamer, Housaholic32, MysticWolf1, Sam, Lilith Lunatic, gopie, Swagman, heartfallen, and Cari7.

I love reviews and appreciate criticism, helps me make the story better just don't go out into a full-blown flame.


For almost a year the void between the earth and the demons has been shut. Taking the hellish beasts back to Hades and hopefully keeping them there for the rest of eternity. How the void had come to pass was still a mystery to all who had stood ready to give their lives fighting for their loved ones.

Angel, Spike, Gunn, and Illyria stood, side by side just watching as the void shut, inclosing the demons in hell forever. The Senior Partners, they were gone. Not a word, for months after the occurrence of them. They searched for answers, only to find them in the worst possible form.

The ones responsible for their survival had been waiting for years, hiding in the shadows of tortured souls, longing to show themselves. Longing for someone to be able to just break the Senior Partners just enough for them to take control. In other words people/demon/vampires no one ever wanted to get involved with but sadly as Angel and them almost always end up with them. Creatures that the Senior Partners did not dare look upon for fear of their own immortality being brought to an abrupt halt.

It's terrible isn't it? When those so incredibly feared have fears themselves? Shows that they themselves have mortal ties to this world.

The creatures that had saved them were all gathered beneath one name. One name belonging to that of the Left Hand of the Devil, he was known throughout the known world as a creature of curse, his curse of doom, to bring and cause Lucifer's doings unto humanity. Releasing more demons from hell but why he would recall them from earth at such a time when they were set to destroy everything thanks to the Senior Partners. He found them annoying and unneeded as it was.

The Left Hand of the Devil had something else planned, of this Angel was certain but he didn't have time to investigate what it was the Left Hand was up too. Now he and the others mourned the lost of friends but it was soon time to reorganize A.I. Even though he needed to understand more of what the Left Hand wanted he didn't want to think over what it meant now. He, like the others needed some peace.

But peace was something to be short lived.

Chapter One

Laying Out Plans

Standing alone with no direction
How did I fall so far behind?
Why Am I searching for perfection?
Knowing it's something I won't find

In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because

I run
Till the silence splits me open
I run
Till it puts me underground
Till I have no breath
And no roads left but one

When did I lose my sense of purpose?
Can I regain what's lost inside?
Why do I feel like I deserve this?
Why does my pain look like my pride?

In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because
I let myself down
In my fear and flaws

I run
Till the silence splits me open
I run
Till it puts me underground
Till I have no breath
And no roads left but one
No roads left but one

In my fear and flaws
I let myself down again
All because

I run
And the silence splits me open
I run
And it puts me underground
But there's no regret
And no roads left to run

Rain, rain, rain, rain and more rain.

For the past week and a half the city of Los Angles had been in almost a monsoon season, only with less flooding to many peoples thanks. If one didn't know better they would swear they were in Seattle. Few walked in the rain. The only ones who would dare to were those who had a true need to be out on such a miserable Saturday morning.

A young woman walked not far from the new building from where Angel and his associates continued to fight against the evils that the world could bring forth from its bowels. To their happiness however, the Senior Partners seemed to be leaving them be. For the time anyway, she knew they weren't completely gone so whenever they did return everyone best be prepared. She didn't much care for the Senior Partners either. She was actually content that they had done her such a blessed favor by destroying the

She turned her face to look upon the structure. Her leather-adorned body shrieked silently for the blood she lust for. The blood she wanted to consume from rage and hate towards Angel and those affiliated with him. Now was not the time though, soon though. Soon the blood would flow from all things good to spill into evil's longing mouth.

For now though she had to reveal to the world that they were no longer a legend that mothers told to their frightened children to get the little imps to fall asleep. That's when she saw him. Jogging in the rain, his hair dark and wet from the water, his body hard and muscular from years of training. The perfect specimen to leave a message upon.

She smirked softly to herself when she moved into the way of his run as he neared her. Her eyes glanced up at the rooftop of the buildings briefly. They usually never traveled alone, always in groups of pairs. However it was not to her liken to travel with another but this was a special occasion. Her partner was only there to create a distraction for their prey while she finished him off.

With a slight nod to him, she let him know she was ready to receive something that she knew he would enjoy delivering. Which he was. He smiled to himself as he set his sniper rifle up aiming directly at her heart briefly but to his sadness he knew he couldn't kill her and aimed for her shoulder.

The shot rang out, the bullet sang through the air striking her in the shoulder just as their prey almost passed her. Her voice cried out in pain and she fell forward onto the jogger. He cried out too as he caught her body in his arms. Blood transfer from her body to his as he stared down at her. Her mouth dropped slightly to show the agony she was in, or rather that she was faking.

He held her body gently, swinging his arms so he cradled her, he carried her into a nearby parking garage. Telling her softly that she would be fine as he set her down on the cement. He shook his head to get his hair out of his face as he viewed the wound. One of his hands moved to where the wound was on her shoulder and held it tightly against it. Trying vainly to stop the bleeding. What he had not realized was that the bleeding had already halted only moments after he had set her down.

She moaned softly at his touch, not in pain though. She felt none now. She brought her hand up to touch his face. Her beautiful gaze startled him at first but he didn't stop telling her to hold on, that she'd be fine. A plotting smile crept upon her face. How stupid a man he was. The belief of a young woman in distress seemed so idiotic to her that she couldn't understand why they were the main source of entertainment. Why must the male always be saving the female?

She shook it off.

Her arms slinked around his neck and she began to pull him down onto her. He shook his head, motioning to her injury. She smirked with a shake of her head. One of her hands dropped away from his neck to move inside of her trench coat. While she toyed with him, pulling his lips nearer to his to kiss gently, the hand within her coat enclosed upon the dagger and she quickly brought it forth.

The blade sunk deep into the back of his skull. His eyes bulged out at her as blood sprayed around the knife and her hand. She held his head tightly to keep his screams muffled into her kiss. The sight of his eyes looking like a fish, his pupils small in shock made her smile into the kiss. Her smile left to begin to suck upon his mouth at the taste of the coppery life force. Blood had spilled into his mouth from his knife going through the roof of his mouth.

The moist hot red liquid drenched the inside of her mouth. She moved him onto his side, so that she now knelt beside him. Still kissing him harshly not in passion but to drain him. She couldn't help but drink from him as if he were a fountain and she just a passer by wanting to drown her thirst in it.

Instead of simply pulling the blade out the way she had brought it into his thick skull, she yanked it towards the top of his scalp. Brain tissue flung out of the gash and spread over the ground. His body became dead weight and she pushed his head down to drink as much of him as she could. He was still alive for the most part and his blood so warm and delicious to drink in.

She didn't part from the corpse, even when her partner walked towards her. His coat flowing in the wind and the rain beat against him as he walked over to her. He looked down upon her. Watching her as she drained the wretched human dry of any life from him. He could only smile. Proud of what she did and how she went about it. She was a beautiful creature to behold but such a deadly assassin that he dared not touch her without permission or without her fully away of his and her actions.

Especially now when she feasted upon their victim to drown her thirst.

She sat up finally when she had her fill and gasped. The blood dripped from her mouth and rolled off of her chin. She looked down at their victim briefly. His eyes wide like a fish, his mouth opened wide in horror. Blood oozed from his mouth and nose while it pooled beneath his head.

She smiled and stood beside her partner, both their faces were seen by cameras in the building. He was handsome, pale with bright green eyes wand jet-black hair. He looked at her, her eyes were black from her feast, and her face was bloody from the violent death of the victim.

The man smirked to her, his hand drifted to her far shoulder and placed it to her cheek so she'd looked to him. He knew now that he could touch her without fear. She was aware of everything going on now so he had no fear of her attacking him. Her eyes stared at him blankly, her mouth remained partial opened, blood dripping ever so slightly from her lips. He removed his hand and nodded for her to finish.

She knelt down beside their victim once more, her knife in hand she ripped the man's shirt open. They would need to hurry now. The targets she would take care of alone would soon be on their way.

While she carried her mission out he would have to return to there hollow hell of a home. He gave her a nudge with his leg and waited for her to look up to him. Her gaze met his and he motioned that he was leaving.

She nodded, watching him walk off into the rain then returned to finishing her message. They would be remembered for the horrors they had caused. They would let it be known that they were back. Sulfur and blood would be the smells that stank up this world in only a matter of weeks.

Hell would soon finish its reign on earth as it was written thousands of years before.

A:N: Yes I know no Angel but next chapters full of him. It's called setting up the plot. But relax there's a lot more coming. Please review! I love reviews and thanks to all those who have reviewed: Elledreamer, Housaholic32, MysticWolf1, Sam, Lilith Lunatic, gopie, Swagman, heartfallen, and Cari7. As with most of my ff's I enjoy putting songs into the beginning of the chapter. Don't know why, I just do. This chapters selection I believe is Linkin Park- No Roads Left. Any song suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.