Disclaimer: NOT MINE!

Warnings: Ummm… pointless Taito fluff, maybe?

A/N: YES! Yet more pointless fluffiness from the one, the only Tamika DanarDraco! Woohoo.


They were only words. But words were all I had to take your heart away. Three words that changed our lives, for the better. I held you close, so are bodies were pressed tightly together. I breathed in your scent, so uniquely… you. Your precious golden hair fell into your eyes, and as you huffily tucked those few stray strands behind your ears for the hundredth time that evening, I kissed you on the lips. You were too shocked to react at first. I ran my tongue over your soft lips, and you returned the gesture, letting me enter your mouth. We explored the contours of each other's mouths, that kiss taking us to places to high for thinking. All rational thought was thrown out the window, leaving only the sensations of our bodies. I'll never forget that kiss.

We broke apart and you looked at me with those azure eyes, eyes that were brimming with tears. I ran a thumb over your cheek wiping away that crystalline liquid. I didn't know why you were crying, I'd only ever seen you cry twice, once for your brother and once for me. I wondered if those tears meant what I hoped they did, did you love me Yama-chan?

I kissed you again, ripping us away from thought into pleasure. We became lost so completely in our own world that we forgot everything, things like friends, family, pain, hurt, even life itself. Everything lost its meaning, tossed aside by the kiss. Breaking away again, I watched as you struggled with your emotions, then suddenly you jerked away from me, but I reached out and grabbed your arm.

"Let go of me Tai!" you shouted trying to get away again, I wasn't going to let you go after that was I? Tears were falling from your eyes. You never wanted to become close to me, because you'd been hurt too many times to be able to willingly trust anyone, not even your brother.

They were only words. But words were all I had to take your heart away. Three simple words, and with them I rescued you from your island of loneliness. With them I gave you a safe anchorage, a place to stay safe, I place where you would always be accepted. Drawing you close to me once again I whispered them in your ear.

"I love you."