A/N Ever see that TNG episode where Q transports the crew to Sherwood Forest? I got the idea from that when I was sitting on a plane.
Set somewhere between season 3 and season 5.
I wouldn't bother treating any references to Robin Hood England as fact, as searching for the truth behind Robin Hood is like trying to find a marble throughout the gate system.

Cheers to my betawench Kelly, without whom this story would probably be unreadable.

Chapter 1

"Wormhole engaged."
Daniel Jackson leapt into the embarkation room as the seventh chevron locked and the wormhole established. Hurriedly pushing on his hat, he smiled sheepishly at Colonel Jack O'Neill.
"What was it this time Daniel? What new fascinating discovery of a long extinct civilisation had you so enthralled that you forgot the mission start time?"
Daniel ignored the question, knowing Jack to be joking;- half joking at least, and signalled that he was ready to go.
"Are you ready Colonel?" General Hammond's voice boomed over the PA system. Jack tapped his hat in acknowledgement and turned to face the gate.
"In that case, SG1 you have a go."
The four members of SG1 traipsed up the ramp and passed through the event horizon.

x x x x x

Arriving on the other side – a well vegetated planet – Daniel stood beside Major Samantha Carter as she checked the MALP and took an initial reading of the area.
"It doesn't look like this place is visited much by the Goa'uld," he commented.
"Nope," Sam replied, adjusting her pack.
"Soooo," she turned to face him, "why were you late this morning?"
Daniel grinned. "I fell asleep at my desk. I only woke because Lieutenant Tyler dropped something loud outside my lab. Don't tell Jack," he added. Sam rolled her eyes at him and laughed as she packed up the MALP.
"I wonder what Tyler was carrying," she said. "It better not have been my new lab equipment!"
Daniel smiled and was about to reply when he heard a noise and glanced behind them. He found them surrounded by a group of roughly a dozen armoured horsemen, and gently tapped Sam on the shoulder. She turned round and watched Jack get roughly pushed forward into the circle, hands bound, a sword pointing menacingly at his neck.
"Carter, did the MALP predict this?" He asked sarcastically.
"Silence!" Shouted one of the horsemen, before another two dismounted and walked towards Sam and Daniel with rope. Jack shifted and wondered whether they would be able to stage a successful escape. A warning jab of a blade in his neck reminded him that, no, it would not be a good plan. Even with their crude weapons, they had overpowered him, and he didn't really feel that his sword fighting was up to much these days. He hoped they didn't discover what happened when you played with the triggers on a P90.

Sam didn't dismiss the idea of escape so quickly. As one of the men reached to tie up her arms she lashed out, giving him a painful blow to the chest. Instantly the other horsemen dismounted and the three human members of SG1 were quickly subdued. Daniel had a bloody nose, but Jack noted with some satisfaction that many of the horsemen were also sporting bloody bruises, and that Sam was being held down by two men.
The head horseman gestured for ropes to be tied and cleared his throat.
"Men. And woman" he added carelessly, "of Lerwood Forest. By order of the Sheriff of Nott'am, I am arresting you for crimes against the Crown and the Sherrif himself, and for disturbing the peace of the county."
"Well. I haven't heard that one before," said Jack, receiving a blow to the head of his sarcasm.
"You will not be so happy after a few hours in the Sheriff's dungeons," replied the horsemen, turning his horse round and moving off. Jack was about to respond but was stopped by Daniel, who was rather obviously trying to tell him to shut up.
"You'll only make it worse," he hissed, before his guard moved off and Daniel was pulled into a slow jog behind the horse.