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Chapter 11

He stood there disbelieving she just told him that. The arrow was still stuck through her as she gasped for breath.

"Let me help." His voice was soft and full of concern.

"Don't touch me." She said gritting her teeth together. The pain was unbearable. Blood was dripping from her mouth. Her long claw like nails dug into the ground and a tail twitched behind her in anger while ears folded back in pain.

"Kagome, what's happening?" he looked at her as her eyes turned red. He knew exactly what this meant; her demon side was scratching its way out.

"You need to get back to everyone Kagome."

"What so you can leave me again?" She hissed.

She grabbed the arrow and didn't pull but just held it and Inuyasha watched the arrow as it disintegrated and her wound was starting to heal, until she fainted.


He grabbed her before she could hit the ground and carried her to a spot not too far from camp. He watched her as her ears twitched every now and then due to the wind blowing. Why was her tail and ears gone in the first place? There's something she's just not telling him.

Her head was throbbing as she opened her lime green cat eyes. Where was she? Everything was spinning as she propped herself up with her elbow. Inuyasha was sleeping under the tree where he had her head laying on his lap. She looked up at him and noticed the rings around his eyes. An overwhelming feeling of guilt struck through her. Wait, she thought he went to see that evil bitch, he knew that she was going to try everything in her will to get him and drag him down to the underworld with her. It hurt her. She was a full grown woman and she put pain as her weapon and used it to feel no mercy or guilt. Confusion ran through her.

"Why does he do this to me." She whispered.

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Hey Guys! Guess what?!?!?! Oh That's Right I UPDATEDDDDDDDDDDD like a first time in a year! Sorrry! . I've just had a very busy time in my life. But just because I'm updating now doesn't mean I will update soon. Just be patient. PLZ!
