A/N: This is a response to starcatcbcesp4's Challenge in the Yahoo group "CSINick-Sarafanfic". Here's the challenge:

Situation: Nick and Sara have moved in together in a new house. They have a rather interesting housewarming party.
Rule: No references to Grave Danger and don't use it as a spoiler. This is supposed to humorous or humorously bizarre at best.
Required: Nick and Sara pairing, Nick's parents Bill and Jillian Stokes, Catherine with either Grissom or Warrick, Greg and... you can fill in the blank with either a real girl or inflatable doll.

Of the objects we had to choose from, I've chosen:

-rice pudding

-cake frosting

-home movies

-flag football game


-Wine Coolers


-Wine Coolers

-Dallas Cowboy's Jersey

-Macaroni Salad


-Possibly a 'complete idiot's/ for dummiesguidebook; haven't decided yet.

... I went a little over 8, but whatever. XD This should span a few chapters, It's already pretty lengthy.

Disclaimer: Don't own it... sigh You always have to rub it in, don't you?

"Mmm, honey… time to get up…" Sara whispered into the ear of a peacefully sleeping Nick Stokes to the tune of a ringing alarm clock. Slowly waking up, Nick moaned in protest.

"It's Sunday…"

"I know, but the party's today… and we still haven't unpacked or cooked anything up." Sara rubbed her eyes wearily, sitting up and rubbing her boyfriend's back. Nick's eyes finally opened as he fought to suppress a yawn.

"Tell me again, why are we doing this?" He sat up, kissing her lips in a fleeting motion.

"Because… We promised Cath and 'Rick that we'd host a party after we moved in."

"Just because they're crazy enough to throw a midnight bash doesn't mean we have to be…" Nick smirked, knowing full heartedly that there was no way he'd ever win this one.

"Oh, stop it…" Sara rolled her eyes with a smile that knew just as well as Nick did that there was no getting out of it. She blinked a few times, taking in the mess that was the master bedroom. Boxes lined the walls, blocking the sunlight that tried to pour in through a large window. "We really need to unpack."

"No we don't." Nick placed a warm hand on her bare shoulder, pulling her torso back to the bed. He scooted over to plant another kiss on her neck, another on her forehead… Sara's eyes had closed in an involuntary reaction to the waves of longing that had begun to flow through her veins at his touch. Her back arched as she tried desperately to sit back up again, pulling Nick with her.

"Baby, I'll never get anything done if you start that." Her pulse was throbbing. Nick grinned.

"That was kind of the idea-" He broke off at the look he was getting from her; teasingly warning him to stop, or she'd really do something about it. "Alright, I'm headed for a shower. Care to join me?" Nick cocked an eyebrow, staring at her impishly, the way only he could. Sara looked tempted, but turned down the offer with an equally mischievous grin.

"That's- not a good idea," she answered, watching as Nick turned to walk away in laughter.

"After all, who could resist this?" He swiveled quickly to face her once again, this time posing as if he were a model. Nick threw his head back, trying to swing his short, bed-head hair through a non existent breeze, acting snobbishly temperamental as he did so. Sara fell back on the bed again, laughing.

"You're hilarious."

"I know."

"Get in there." Sara threw a housecoat over her shoulders before getting up and playfully booting his behind toward the bathroom, still laughing.

"Ow!" Nick exclaimed, rubbing the point of impact through the material of his boxers, making puppy eyes at Sara. His face had completely lost the air of a narcissistic male model, now resembling that of a flirting teenager. He threw a quick wink at Sara before shuffling into the bathroom at high speed, careful to avoid another contact with her foot. The door closed slowly behind him. The sound of running water filled the room shortly after and, satisfied, Sara headed to their shared walk-in closet to find something to wear.

She rummaged through the contents of the wardrobe, failing in her search for anything appropriate to wear to a party. Sighing in renouncement, the woman stood up once more, deciding to deal with the issue later. Her shoulder length hair swayed as she made her way downstairs; she hadn't straightened it yet. Something else to do.

"What to make for breakfast." Sara stood now in the middle of her new, spacious kitchen, staring at the open and empty cupboards. "…and how." She reached up as high as she could with her arms and yawned. More boxes sat around her, staring and mocking in silence at her plight. "Mehhh…"

There was food in the fridge; she and Nick had gone shopping the previous day. If she could recover a toaster from the pile of crap yet to be unloaded, they'd be all set. Sara reached in and grabbed a loaf of whole wheat bread from the freezer and chucked it onto a spare bit of counter space they'd freed up yesterday. She thanked God quietly under her breath that it was close to a usable power outlet. Closing the freezer, she opened up the fridge door and took a block of butter out. It was rock hard. Great. Now I have to find a microwave, too.

After the butter was set safely beside the frozen loaf of bread, Sara began digging for the toaster. After about ten minutes, she managed to unearth it from beneath a stack of large pans that she did not recognize. Must be Nick's, she thought vaguely, standing up and plugging the toaster into the wall outlet near where the bread and butter sat. Sara undid the twist-tie on the bag before breaking two slices of frozen bread off the loaf and dropping them carelessly into the toaster. She stared at the butter in annoyance. "You need a microwave."

Sara danced around the kitchen in search of a box hopefully labeled 'microwave'. Her toast popped before she found it.

"This… goddamned…thing- so… heavy…" She grimaced as she tried to lift the appliance off the ground, not really thinking before she did so. There was nowhere to put it; there were boxes everywhere. Nick walked down the stairs to see her struggling, carrying a 30 pound microwave around frantically, searching desperately for a place to put it. Her face was beet red.

"Sara!" Nick rushed over to help her, lifting the microwave from her arms at once. Sara quickly shoved a few boxes off the counter to make space for Nick to put the thing down, ignoring the crashes with which they landed on the floor. He grunted as he pushed the microwave onto the dark countertop. The pair both stared at the stupid thing for a moment, catching their breath.


"Don't mention it, gorgeous." Nick snaked his arms around her before frowning at the smell that was reaching his nose. He sniffed. "Is something burning?"

"Burnt." Sara answered, looking at the toaster and the two slices of charred bread that sat in it with an ironic look. "Hungry?" She turned to face him, grinning evilly.

"Not for that." Nick teased, stealing a kiss from her lips. Sara sighed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"You make breakfast."

"Alright. What do you want?"

"Pancakes…" Sara stuck out her bottom lip, pleading. Nick chuckled.

"I'll make you some pancakes." He toyed playfully with her dark curls falling gracefully around her face. She grinned, knowing she had him wrapped around her little finger.

"Thank you." Sara hugged him fully, kissing his cheek as she did so. "I'll be in the shower."

"Okay." Reluctantly, Nick tore his gaze from her deep eyes to his watch. It was 8:30 already. "Baby, it's 8:30. Don't be too long…" At this, Sara frowned.

"I don't want to have anyone over…" She replied scathingly. Nick smiled at her.

"You sound like me."

Hmm, I guess I could have made that longer. The chapter lengths will vary, because I' m posting them by 'timeframes'. You'll get what I'm on about later. XD Please R&R, I'll probably update this tomorrow! Ta Ta!
