Sara Sidle was, for the probably the first time, late for work. She was making good time towards Grissom's office when she ran into Sophia. Literally. She groaned. Oh no. I so don't need this today. She'd never really liked Sophia. Tolerated, maybe. Been mildly amused, possibly. But friends? Never.

"Sorry about that. I was just having a chat with Grissom." The disappointed look on Sophia's face prompted Sara to ask, "About what?"

Sophia grimaced. "We had dinner a while ago. I thought it meant something, but he spent the meeting assuring me that we were, and I quote, 'nothing more than co-workers.'"

Sara felt a flash of anger at Sophia, but also a stab of pity. "He is like that. He once told me that I was beautiful. Then he turns me down. He didn't say he was sorry, or that he'd like to be friends. Just turned me down." She sighed. "Grissom is a lost cause, let me tell you. You don't want to start that dance with him."

Sophia laughed bitterly. "Want to go for a beer after shift and have a 'Grissom is a lost cause' pity party?"

Sara laughed. "Sure." She continued to Grissom's office with the odd feeling that today might be worth something.

A/N: I don't think Geek Love is a lost cause, (I love it) but it fits the story…Cookies to anyone who can come up with a good name for this ship.