Oh my god! CuteMikoGirl is finally updating :P haha, sorry for the LONG wait (2 months was it?) I really hope none of you lost interest or forgot the story, if you did however, here's a brief summary of it:

Kagome and InuYasha are best friends, VERY close best friends, and Kikyou is InuYasha's girlfriend, she hates Kagome so no one knows about InuYasha's and Kagome's friendship, though Kikyou kinda figures it out, she frames Kagome, and a lot of stuff happens. We find out InuYasha and Kagome were engaged, but Kagome, thinking InuYasha loved Kikyou, ran away from the marriage the last moment, and left nothing but a note for each of her friends and family.

Once again, I'm very sorry I couldn't update, the chapter just wouldn't come out like I wanted it to..


Sequel to Part I

And so that was the tragic-love story of a girl, a girl who loved her best friend to the point where she gave away her only chance to be with him, for his happiness.

There's this chain-letter going around, I'm sure you've heard about it…

It's about a guy and a girl, Akai and Aoi . They both loved each other since high school, but neither had the guts to tell the other their feelings.

One day, Aoi got a boyfriend, Muteki, hoping that if Akai really did love her, he'd come up and ask her out…but when Akai learned that Aoi got a boyfriend, he gave up on the idea of her ever loving him, and asked Arashi out. Aoi, seeing that, gave up on the idea of him loving her as well, and stayed with Muteki.

They all grew up and went to university, still dating their high school sweetheart.

They'd meet up every Monday for a cup of coffee; they had stayed close friends, even though deep inside both were hurting from the pain that the other loved someone else.

However, one Monday, Aoi waited for Akai for an hour, and seeing he wasn't coming, she left.

For two weeks, each Monday, Aoi would come to the café shop they'd meet at and wait, but each time he didn't appear.

That day she came back to her apartment and found a lawyer waiting for her there.

She entered and he asked her to sit down.

Akai had died…and he had left her his diary. She thanked the man and waited for him to leave, before breaking down in tears.

After many tears, she sat down, and opened the diary.

2 may 1997

I love her so much…I wish I could tell her, but I'm too scared…what if she doesn't return back my feelings?

4 may 1997

I've decided…I'll tell her how I feel and ask her out.

5 may 1997

My heart aches so much…I just found out that she has a boyfriend…Muteki…I can't ask her out now…the only way now is to move on…

9 may 1997

I've asked out Arashi. She said yes! Maybe this'll get my mind off stuff.

Aoi read page by page, feeling tears pool once again in her eyes, as she read his adoring words.

10 november 2004

I still can't get over her, when she talks to me it's like it'sonly us...I wish I could just go out and say: "Aoi, I love you." But I can't…she loves Muteki…not me…

15 January 2005

I can't take it…when we go out as couples, her and Muteki. I hate him, I hate him for being lucky and having her…

'He…loved me…' she thought.

She had never gotten the chance to tell him…how much she cared, and now she'd regret it, for the rest of her life, because he was gone, and she was left alone. Never knowing what could have been with him. Left with nothing but friendly memories with him…

This story, and InuYasha's and Kagome's stories resemble each other on many points…

Later on, InuYasha finally found out that he loved Kagome…and the reason that he had chosen Kikyou, subconsciously, was hoping that Kagome'd show some interest in him, and because Kikyou looked like Kagome.

But when he found out…it was too late. She was gone and untraceable. He'd let the only good thing in his life slip through his fingers.

And now, just like Aoi, he'd suffer the consequences.

And so this is the end of my first book. However, me and Kaede have looked into these younglings futures, and luckily for them, this is not the end of matters.

But until then, thank you for reading my book, about InuYasha and Kagome…

Until next time


25 July 2005


And that's the end of Modern Fairytale: Part I: When you left me

Part II will probably be started tonight, so look out for a AUTHOR (for those who still haven't put me as author: I am making Part II as another story) Alert for a story called:

Modern Fairytale : Part II: Please Come Back

It's been fun writing Part I, I hope you enjoyed it, even though I did not update regularly, I try my best…I hope you know that.

Thank you for reading.

Please review, and until next time



LISTEN UP ONE AND ALL! CuteMikoGirl and Wolf Blossom have opened up their OWN forum… you read me right, OWN forum where you can download anime episodes… not even anime, request ANYTHING and we'll process it, we have a Meet the Authors forum where you can hopefully meet one of your FAVOURITE ALL TIME AUTHORS and scare them by pretending to be a stalker.. xD or just about do ANYTHING! We have forums from anime, to games, to soap-operas to anything you can possibly imagine! We're in DIREE need of active members' because, as much as I, the blurb, hates to admit it, our members are inactive. So please, at least check the forum out. It's the homepage of either CuteMikoGirl or Wolf Blossom and join! If not join... make us feel special by visiting.

Blurb Written By: CuteMikoGirl and Wolf Blossom