"Um Ok I dare you to..." Munch said as he held his chin to show he was thinking, it was early Tuesday morning and Munch, Fin and Olivia had started a childish game of truth or dare.

"Ok I dare you to handcuff Elliot and Casey together," Munch ordered as he pointed at Elliot and Casey who were across the room talking.

"No!" Olivia protested.

"Oh come on," Fin pleaded thinking of the funny results of having the two cuffed together.

"No, Elliot's my partner I can't do that to him," As much as she wanted to do so she couldn't.

"Come on," Munch said a little more forcibly.

"Ok I'll do it… for $100"

"No, $50" Munch tried to reason.

"$100 or the deals off"

"Ok, Ok I'll give you $100 if you do It," Munch just wanted to see them handcuffed together he would pay any amount.

"Ok" Olivia pulled the her cuffs from her pocket and walked towards them slowly.

"We have probable cause Casey" Elliot half yelled in frustration .

"Elliot I know that you have probable cause but no judge will sign me an arrest warrant based on the evidence you've given me" Casey said for about the third time that afternoon

"Hi Casey, Hi El" Olivia greeted them while hiding her cuffs behind her back.

"Hi Olivia, did you get sick of truth or dare already?" Asked Casey.

"Yea kind of" Said Olivia trying hard to keep a straight face.

"So have we got probable cause to get an arrest warrant in the Lewis case?" Olivia asked quickly changing the subject.

"No not quite, go see Warner she might have something to back up our theory. If she didn't find anything go see the crime lab and ask if they've got the swabs back yet" suggested Casey.

"Oh I've got something else I want to do first" Olivia said.

Quickly she brought the cuffs out from behind her back and slapped one side on Elliot's left wrist and the other on Casey's right.

"What the hell?" Casey screamed looking angrily at Olivia

"Olivia let us go this isn't fair" Elliot complained.

"Hang on a sec" Elliot mumbled as the realization dawned on him and his hand reached for the keys to his cuffs.

"No you don't" Olivia yelled smacking Elliot's hand out of the way and stealing his cuffs and keys.

"Olivia is this some kind of joke?" Asked Casey, stating the obvious.

"Well yeah kind of Munch payed me $100 to do so"

"WHAT!" Casey and Elliot both screamed

"You profited of our misfortune!" Casey yelled

"Yeah I guess, if that's what you call me getting100 bucks for cuffing you two together"

"I don't have to hear this" Elliot said as he jumped up without realising the consequences of his actions as he was attached to Casey she was also pulled up with him but she most conveniently fell over her own two feet, she fell to the ground, pulling Elliot with her.

"OW! Casey" Elliot screamed as he struggled to get up.

"Hey don't blame me! You're the one who stood up" She shouted back.

"Oh god come on get up" Said Elliot who had managed to stand up.

Casey sighed as she rose to her feet with Elliot's help.

"See what you've done Olivia" Elliot snapped at Olivia who had just witnessed the accident and was holding her sides with laughter.

"Yes" She giggled trying to think of something funny to say but she was laughing to hard she couldn't think properly.

"Nice stack" Fin commented as he and Munch joined them.

"Munch! Why did you pay Olivia to do this" Elliot yanked his hand up in the air to visibly show the hand cuffs.

"OW! Elliot, remember I'm here and I don't like enduring pain" Casey said as she tried to rub her wrist.

"Sorry" Elliot apologised "Munch answer my question!"

"Oh I believe you've heard of truth or dare" Munch smirked "Plus I reckon that you two need to spend a little more quality time together"

"Oh god!" Casey said as she stormed away dragging Elliot behind her.

"I can't believe you" Casey grumbled when the two were out of site.

"Me! What did I do?" Elliot asked.

"Um hello!" She said as she lifted her wrist to reveal her cuffed hand.

"Yeah so how is that my fault?"

"You let her take your keys!" Casey snapped.

"I couldn't help that" He said defending himself.

"Yeah OK, look if we are going to be cuffed together we may as well try to get along"

"OK, is there anything important you gotta do today?" Elliot asked.

"Yes I am due in court this morning and I have an arraignment this afternoon, you?"

"I have to catch criminals"

"Too bad we're doing what I've gotta do" Said Casey

"So when are you due in court?" asked Elliot who was hoping that it wouldn't be for a while yet.

"Um in half an hour" Casey said as she glanced at her watch which was luckily on her uncuffed wrist.

"Oh god, OK then lets go" Elliot sighed as he tried to turn and walk away but he had to pull Casey along a bit before she realised that they were still attached.