AN: well I really should not be starting a new fic, I haven't updated old ones in a LONG time, but I had another crazy dream and it was too cute so I had to do it. Read review and enjoy.

Kurenai sat on a small wooden chair in her apartment. She let a soft sigh escape her lips. At 27 why was it she seemed to be the only Jounin without someone to call her own? Someone that held a piece of her heart? Why was she so blissfully yet painfully alone? Everywhere she looked she saw love all about her. Especially during this time of year. It was already the 6th of February so very close to, in Kurenai's mind, the worst holiday ever created, valentines day.

"OI! Kurenai, you're going to be late training your kids." A familiar voice said snapping her out of her momentary loss of reality. She turned her blood red eyes onto the owner of the voice.

"Sorry, Asuma-kun, I lost myself for a moment. Thank you." And with that she proceeded to smile at him once more and vanish to head to her team.

"That woman…. O well can't keep those kids waiting forever can we?" and with that he too headed off towards his team, stopping to light up yet another cigarette.

Hinata, Kiba and Shino were in the forest waiting for Kunerai to arrive for training. As they waited they discussed Kunerai's awkward moods lately. She had not been herself for several weeks and each member of her team was speculating what it could be that was distracting her so.

"I bet she just needs a pet. She sees me and Akamaru and wishes she had companionship like that! It has to be that right guys?" Kiba said heartily. Akamaru gave a bark of approval. Shino sighed and Hinata tried to give her input.

"I…I think t…t…hat it's probably…" but she was cut off by Shino.

"Kiba you're an idiot. Kurenai-sensei could give less then a damn about Akamaru. No her problem lies else where." Shino began. Hinata decided to make herself heard now before Kurenai got there.

"She's lonely! Haven't you guys noticed she's always watching couples? She longs for a relationship. She is after all 27 and still all alone. It must be hard to watch people falling in love except her." Hinata said. Both boys seemed to be thinking this over in their heads. After a long silence Kiba responded.

"You know Hinata; you might be on to something there. I think that we should find her someone for Valentines Day. That gives us about…. 8 days to get Kurenai-sensei to fall in love with someone and get them to feel the same way about her. Not too difficult, right Shino?" Kiba asked.

"Uhh…well it would all depend I suppose on whom we choose for her and their compatibility." Shino replied thinking it all over in his head. He wasn't sure this was such a good idea. It was here that Hinata spoke up once more.

"Well after training we should each go out and find one person we think would work well with Kurenai-sensei and then meet up after wards in the park and discuss a plan. Agreed?" Hinata asked shyly. Both boys smirked and nodded. This might get interesting after all.

"Hinata, Shino, Kiba are you all ready for your training today?" Kurenai asked as she appeared from the trees. All three agreed and their training began. But each one was slightly distracted by who they should find for Kurenai-sensei.

After their training time was over Kurenai, looking as detached from reality as ever, said her goodbyes and headed back to her apartment. The three split up after that and headed around Konoha to find a suitable match for Kurenai.

Hinata had wandered towards Naruto's favorite Ramen stand. There she found Naruto and Kakashi enjoying hearty bowls of Ramen. Looking at Kakashi she was faintly reminded of Kurenai and decided to go over and ask him what he thought of her.

This, however, proved far more difficult then Hinata had initially thought due to the presence of her current crush, Naruto. She approached near silently and was already next to them before they noticed her. She cleared her throat quietly and spoke clearly.

"H-Hello Naruto, Kakashi." She said softly. Naruto welcomed her brightly.

"Hello, Hinata, what brings you here today? You seem to have something on your mind." Kakashi said softly. Hinata blushed and nodded. At the moment she had SEVERAL things on her mind. But no, she had to remain on task; this was Kurenai-sensei's happiness she was trying to save.

"Well…y…you see…we…well I- I mean what do you think of Kurenai-sensei?" Hinata asked bluntly. Kakashi smirked a bit under his mask. Was Hinata really trying to set up Kurenai?

"Well Kurenai is a wonderful person and an excellent Jounin. Why do you ask Hinata?" Kakashi asked already clearly knowing her response. He had noticed as well Kurenai's look of detachment whenever she saw everyone else with a loved one.

"We- Kiba, Shino and I… we're trying to find her someone to spend Valentine's Day with… And… And I thought you would. Would…b…be a good choice Kakashi-Sensei." Hinata said her face blushing a very unnatural shade of crimson. Kakashi felt a hearty chuckle rise in his throat.

"I agree with you. Kurenai and I have been friends for a long time. Perhaps we could give this a go. But I need to head off now Hinata keep me posted on this situation through Naruto alright?" and with that he was off leaving Hinata alone with Naruto.

"Wow Hinata-chan, this is such a kind thing to do for Kurenai-sensei." He said. This only caused Hinata's blush to get worse. She let out a nervous giggle and smiled.

Meanwhile Shino had walked towards the park. He had seen no one worthy of his sensei's love yet. That was he had seen no one of worth until Asuma appeared lighting yet another cigarette. Shino knew that Asuma and Kurenai were good friends, and had also noticed a bit of a spark coming from Asuma's end.

"Asuma-sensei." Shino called to the older Jounin. Asuma noting he was no longer alone came closer to Shino.

"Ah, Shino nice to see you. Kurenai wasn't too late today was she?" he asked a bit of concern in his eyes. Shino smiled under the collar of his high topped shirt. The spark was definitely there.

"No she wasn't too late at all. I actually had a question for you though Asuma. Kurenai has been alone for a long time. Kiba, Hinata and I are trying to end her loneliness and it is my opinion that you would do this job very well. I request that you give Kurenai a chance at least for Valentines Day." Shino asked politely. Asuma appeared to be thinking very hard.

He and Kurenai had been friends for a very long time, since their academy days. She was beautiful and mysterious, and she seemed to like him. But he had never pictured them together as more then good friends. Maybe Shino was right…maybe they had certain chemistry. And who was he to deny a beautiful woman a date?

"Shino, I'll do it! Keep me posted alright kid?" and with a nod from Shino Asuma was off.

"That was easy, now to wait for the others." And Shino sat down and played with some of his bugs. (Shudders I hate bugs personally….)

Kiba was by far scrutinizing the most amount of male Jounin he could. He cared deeply about Kurenai, like the rest of his team, but he wanted to find her someone as special as he felt she was. Kiba was so deep in thought that he didn't even notice Akamaru running off in the opposite direction till he had almost completely disappeared.

"AKAMARU! Where the hell did that dog get to?" Kiba growled harshly as he began to search for his dogs scent. This was getting ridiculous. Kiba felt not only that there was no one worthy of his teacher in this village but also that maybe she was doomed to be alone….

"Ah, Kiba Looking for this little guy?" a familiar voice asked kindly. Kiba looked up to see Iruka holding Akamaru and petting him softly. The dog seemed to be thoroughly content. In Kiba's opinion anyone who could manage Akamaru so well had to be worthy of his teacher's love!

"Thank you Iruka-sensei! Say you don't have a girlfriend do you?" Kiba asked bluntly. Iruka looked a bit taken aback by the question but proceeded to shake his head no. Kiba smirked happily as he took back his dog. "Excellent, how would you like the honor of taking Kunerai-sensei on a date?" Kiba asked hopefully. Iruka blushed.

Kurenai, the lovely Jounin he had known since he began in the academy. He had noticed her getting more and more distracted lately was she really feeling that alone that her trainees were looking to find her dates? He thought to himself that had she ever shown any interest in him he would have gone out with her in a heartbeat.

"Uh, ya sure no problem Kiba. Anyways I have to head up to see Tsunade. Let me know what's going on alright?" Iruka said as he headed towards the Hokage's place. Kiba smiled triumphantly. He headed towards the park to meet up with his fellow teammates.

As soon as all three had assembled in the park they regaled of their choices and reasoning. Each seemed hell bent on their choice. Kiba decided that they had to make a sort of compromise. After all it had been a joint effort and all three Jounin choices were of excellent taste.

"So then each Jounin will have one date, and after all of the dates we get Kurenai to choose whichever one she had the best time with and they spend Valentine's Day together. It's so perfect. How can it possibly fail?" Kiba said loudly. It was then that Shino also spoke up to raise his point.

"What if Kurenai-sensei refuses?" and with those simple words he sent all of their hopes down the drain. Kurenai could very well say no, and if she did they all wondered if she would ever be the same.

"We- We can't let her say no. I-if we give her no other choice, or make it worth her while or surprise her with it, she can't say no!" Hinata said happily. The boys looked over at their usually shy and quiet companion. She blushed lightly but continued to smile. The boys nodded and began to plot their dates for Kurenai.

"Me dating Kurenai… it could be a very good thing. She is very beautiful and a very good Jounin. But, do we have a spark between us as more then just co-workers and friends?" Kakashi thought as he lay in his bed, his 'book' next to him.

With a great sigh he decided to sleep on the subject and maybe have some dreams about Kurenai and himself taking part in aspects of his 'book'. (He he:P )

Meanwhile Asuma was thinking similar thoughts. " Kurenai and I. I have thought about it so much. But I don't know. I have never felt she saw me as a romantic possibility. We trained together grew up together. Is it possible we have hidden feelings for each other? Shino seemed to think I liked her. But hey she is good looking and we are very close friends…. Maybe this could work out well… maybe…" and with that final thought he drifted into a deep slumber.

Finally Iruka sat awake in his apartment. "Could Kurenai and I have a possible connection? She's always treated me with nothing but kindness and caring. I have always wondered what it would be like to be with her in another sense. But she's never really seemed to notice me in such a way. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, I mean it is only one date rihgjt? Right?..." and he too fell into a sleep full of beautiful dreams.

Kurenai was preparing herself some instant ramen in her apartment. Yet another lonely evening. She had seen so many new couples budding today after training her kids. Hinata was even making an effort to get Naruto to notice her today. Sakura was still pleasantly chaing Sasuke who was beginning to give into her and Shikamaru had finally asked Ino out. Why was it that the yong kids could find that sort of companionship, but when she, a grown woman, looked for it, she could never grasp it.

"Am I doomed to be alone forever? I wish…I wish there was some way to find someone who is right for me…" and as she finished the thoghut Hinata, Kiba and Shino burst through her door.

"Kurenai-sensei sorry for…for barging like this…"Hinata began softly. Kurenai couldn't help but let a small smile touch her lips. She could always depend on these three to mess things about. She wondered what they had in mind this time.

"Well out with it guys. What have you done now? There's only so many times I can get you out of trouble with Tsnade-Hokage-Sama." Kurenai giggled out. They all looked at her seriously. She held her tongue and stopped her laughing. This must be serious if Kiba wasn't cracking any jokes…

"Kurenai, we've noticed you've been distracted lately. And so we've discovered the source and we have a solution. But, before we reveal it, we want a promise. A promise that no matter what, you'll try it, for us." Kiba said thoughtfully. Kurenai smiled and nodded her head. After all what was the harm if it would help her?

"Alright time to put operation "Stupid Cupid" into effect!" Shino said happily.

hope you enjoyed read and review :)