Hey everyone this is a new story, I originally wanted it to be a oneshot but then realised it would be way too long, plus it would take forever to write.

DisclaimerI do not own any of Harry Potter, it all belongs to JK Rowling, I just write about her creations!

Rated T


Two Months To Live


"I don't understand." he told her.

"It's a muggle disease, the doctors say I have about 2 months." she told him, her eyes filling with tears, it had been so much harder than she thought it would be.

"A month for what?" he asked in fear of knowing the answer. Her head was bowed and her bushy hair was falling in front of her face shielding her from his view. He couldn't see the tears that were rolling down her cheeks but he knew they were there.

"To live" she whispered, her voice sounding every bit as though she was crying. He gasped, even though he had prepared himself for the answer. Just hearing her say that she was going to die broke his heart.

"No, no, wizards are much more advanced in medicine, Madame Pompfrey will be able to cure you in no time Hermione." he told her reassuringly. She shook her head.

"No, it's too late, they could have if I'd had been in the early stages, but I'm not." she said breaking down into sobs.

He pulled her towards him, engulfing her in his arms. It was too soon, she was only seventeen, this wasn't supposed to happen.

"There's nothing that can be done?" he asked fearing his voice would crack because of the tears he was holding back.

"No, they've done everything they can do."

He kissed the top of her head letting the tears roll down into her hair. They stayed that for a long time, lying out on the grass in front of the Whomping Willow. None of the teachers who knew about her illness had the heart to tell them to come in. Not even Snape or Filch.

"Draco," she said finally pulling her head away, "I'm going home on the weekend; my parents want me at home."

He sat there speechless, he had a day left. A day until the only person who he had ever cared for and in return, cared for him disappeared from his life forever, for tomorrow was Friday.

"What?" he asked weakly.

"I'm leaving on Saturday evening, the teachers know, we don't have to go to lessons tomorrow."

"I won't-" he started the tears making his voice croaky; "I won't see you after that?"

She looked down, it was all the answer he needed. It was all wrong, this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he was going to propose to her, he had already had the ring made. It was in the common room he and Hermione had share since the September the year before. He had planned on waiting until Graduation when he could ask her parents for permission, if they said yes; he was going to ask her during the feast. Not even Harry and Ron knew of their relationship so that would be when they found out.

"We have tomorrow and all of Saturday..." she began.

"Hermione, I love you, tomorrow and Saturday isn't long enough. Don't you understand, not even sixty or seventy years is long enough" he cried. She looked at him, the tears still rolling down her cheeks. She stared into the gray eyes she used to hate. They too were full of tears.

"I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay here with you, my parents don't know about you. I didn't know how to tell them that I'd rather spend the last two months of my life with a person they didn't even know existed." she said.

He looked down at the floor in despair, he felt utterly helpless. There wasn't a thing he could do to stop what was going to happen. He pulled her towards him again this time holding her as if this was the last time he would ever hold her.

The teachers looked on sadly. Professor McGonagall had tears screaming down her face as did Hagrid, Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick.

"I never thought that relationship would work, I told her she was makin' a huge mistake." Hagrid said.

"It is a terrible thing is illness." Dumbledore said.

Hermione and Draco never made it back to their common room that night. They fell asleep on the grass still holding one another like they had the night before. The teachers had eventually woken them up, so the students wouldn't know when they went for their first lessons.

"Harry, Ron, could I talk to you?"

Harry and Ron turned away from their game of chess to see Hermione in the doorway of the common room with Draco; both looked as if they had been crying all day. They had.

"What is he doing in here, in fact how did he get in here?" Ron asked looking livid.

"Ron, he's Head Boy, he knows all the passwords." Hermione said her voice breaking slightly.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Harry asked worriedly. He always was more observant than Ron.

"I need to talk to you."

"Okay, well tell him to go away" Ron said pointing towards Draco.

"I'm not going anywhere!"

Hermione sat on the couch that was closest to the chess board that Harry and Ron were playing on, they took it as a sign to follow her, as did Draco.

"Harry, Ron, you know I love you guys right." she said both nodded looking slightly scared.

"Yeah, we love you too." Harry told her. She smiled at him; he was obviously going to be easier to tell.

"Well, I love Draco too.' she told them. Ron's jaw dropped, Harry's expression didn't change, almost as if he expected this to happen.

"WHAT!" Ron yelled, standing up. Hermione's eyes filled with tears at the tone of his voice.

"Ron, please sit down, I'm not finished." she said timidly.

"What, are you going to tell us you're pregnant too?" He screamed.

"Shut up Weasley, before I break your neck!" Draco shouted at him, wrapping an arm around Hermione protectively.

"Draco, please" Hermione said quietly.

Harry pulled Ron back onto the couch. He didn't like the look on Hermione's face; he wondered too if she might be pregnant. It was impossible he knew, Hermione was waiting for marriage.

"There's something else,"

"Yeah well, we gathered that.' Ron said sharply. Harry and Draco both glared at him.

"I have Cancer." she said quickly. Harry looked up shocked.

"What?" he asked breathlessly. Ron looked at him confused.

"What is that?" he asked all traces of anger gone from his voice. Hermione had started crying again.

"No, they can cure it right, I mean you're getting treated, you'll be fine right, Hermione. Hermione?" Harry asked frantically. She slowly shook her head. She fell against Draco who instantly put his arms around her.

Harry slumped against the back of the sofa. Ron who had figured out that it was an illness, most likely a muggle one.

"What do you mean no? You're not getting treated. Hermione are you mad, you need to get to a doctor!" Ron cried.

"I've already seen one, there isn't anything anyone can do. I have two months." she sobbed into Draco's robes.

Ron put his head in his hands.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." she told them.

"Why?" Harry asked, his tears rolling freely down his face and neck.

"My parents want me home."

"You mean we won't see you again?" This caused Ron's shoulders to start shaking. His whole body being shook by his crying. Hermione freed herself from Draco's grasp and ran into Harry and flung her arms around him. Ron joined in, both of them hugging her fiercely. Each of them crying. Draco watched on helpless. His own crying hadn't stopped either. They stayed like that for an hour before the dinner bell was called.

They walked down to the Great Hall. Dumbledore was making the announcement to the school that night. Opening the large doors, they saw the whole hall had been decorated. It was obviously for Hermione but none of the other students knew that. They were talking excitedly. It had been decorated according to Hermione's taste. Piles of books were magically suspended in midair over the tables. The ceiling was enchanted to look clear and bright even though it was raining. Hermione gasped, she saw Professor Dumbledore smiling at her and she once again broke down into sobs. She ran through the gaps in the tables and flung herself at him. He seemed slightly shock but nonetheless hugged her back. She made her way back to the Gryffindor table where she saw Harry, Ron and Draco already seated. She smiled to herself; it seemed ironic that the only time that they could get along was a time when she would shortly be leaving. Everyone seemed shocked that Draco Malfoy, enemy of Harry Potter, was choosing to sit with them.

"Students, can i please have your attention, you are all probably wondering why we are having such a dinner in the middle of a school term, and the reason is Miss Granger, your Head Girl. She has worked so hard in the past year and every year since she came to Hogwarts seven years ago, that we have decided to hold a feast." Professor Dumbledore said. The plates suddenly became high and full of food. The food had never tasted so good to Hermione. She ate everything she could, until the main course dishes disappeared and were replaced with desert. All her favorites were there, Pavlova, Apple Crumble, and Chocolate Gateaux. At the end of the dinner it was time for everyone to find out. She had no idea how she would cope with it. Draco wrapped his arm around her tightly. A gesture that caused every single person in the Great Hall jaw's to drop.

"There is an announcement to be made before you make your way back to your common rooms. Miss Granger is leaving Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry tomorrow." he announced. Gasps were heard all along the Gryffindor house table. No one had expected her to leave. She was supposed to graduate with flying colors.

"You may leave now"," he told them smiling. Hermione looked up shocked; he was going to tell them later. She felt relieved, no one would come up to her and ask her how she felt about it.

The next day passed all too quickly for Hermione and Draco who hadn't left each others side for a second since she had told him 2 days before. Before Draco knew it he was waiting with Harry, Ron and Hermione for her parents to arrive in Dumbledore's office. He was going to collect them via floo powder.

"Can I have a minute with Harry and Ron please?" she asked Draco, both of them already openly sobbing.

"Sure." he told her before kissing her on the nose and smiling. He walked over to the back of the office where there were chairs. He sat on one and waited.

"I just want you to know that how ever much I moaned about doing your homework for you, I really loved it. It made me get inside your heads, you know, I knew what you were thinking. All our adventures together meant the world to me. They really did. And as much as you will want to come and visit me, I don't want you to. It will be too hard and it will hurt too much. I love you." she said. Ron spoke first.

"Hermione, whatever I said about you and Malfoy, I want you to know that I approve now." Hermione starter to grin through all the tears.

"Hey I mean it and I never really thought you were pregnant, I was just mad. I knew you would never, you know.

You didn't did you?" he asked. She hit him.

"No Ron!"

"Yeah well that's what I thought. I just wanted to make sure," he said grinning.

"Hermione, I love you, you know that right?" he said. Hermione nodded, the tears spilling out. He hugged her tightly and kissed her on both cheeks and the forehead. He stepped back and Harry stepped forward.

"Harry," she started, "I'm going to miss you so much! You are so brave and you are going to win this war okay?

Do it for Sirius okay?"

"I'll do it for you, I'll find a cure for Cancer, I swear I will." He told her. She smiled sadly.

"What if you can't?"

"I will." he said determinedly.

"Harry, you can't save everyone. You do do a hell of a job, but you just can't okay, and it's not your fault."

"I love you."

"I love you too." she smiled. She was caught in his hard embrace. She stayed like that for several minutes before he kissed the top of her head and pulled away. He wiped the tears away from her face.

"Hey, don't cry, okay, you'll be at home while we're in Transfiguration." he told her, trying desperately act cheerily.


He hugged her tightly again before stepping back with Ron. Draco took this as his sign that he could come back over. The four of them sat on the couch nervously waiting the arrival of Hermione's parent. When they did the flames in the fireplace turned a bright green before both Mr. and Mrs. Granger came stumbling onto the rug in front, after they had stood and brushed themselves off, Dumbledore came, landing smartly on his feet.

Hermione promptly burst into tears at the thought of leaving Hogwarts.

"Honey, are you ready?" Mrs. Granger asked sadly, her eyes brimming with tears. Hermione slowly nodded her head. She walked up to Professor Dumbledore.

"Sir, you have been an inspiration to me all through the years I have spent here, I would just like to say thankyou." With that she hugged him. The twinkle in his eye had gone.

"Miss Granger, you have been an example student here, it has been an honor meeting you." He bowed before her. Mr. Granger picked up her trunk and walked towards the fire place. Hermione turned her attention back to Draco. The tears had already fallen and were now running down his chin. Hermione gave a sob before running into his arms. He held her tightly, knowing this would be the last time he would. He couldn't bear the thought and pretended as if he was saying goodnight. She was sobbing openly into his chest, with Harry, Ron, Dumbledore and her parents watching on sadly. She pulled away before grabbing his hand and leading him to her parents.

"Mum, Dad this is Draco." she told them smiling despite her tears. They shook his hand and smiled politely.

"Hermione, we need to get going love." Mr. Granger said.

Draco pulled her towards him and kissed her. On the forehead, on both temples, on both cheeks, her nose and lips.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I know, I love you too, so much." she sobbed.

"Don't go, please." he pleaded.

"I have to." she said. She took one last glance at him before climbing into the flames with her parents.

"Hermione, I trust you will be able to get your parents home?" Dumbledore asked. She nodded and shouted the command to make her way home. She was gone in a puff of smoke.


Draco fell back against the couch, not quite believing she was gone. Dumbledore looked on sadly at the scene before him. Three young people who had lost a dear friend. It was unbearable.

"Come back," he whispered to the fireplace. When nothing happened he ran forward and grabbed a handful of floo powder. Before he could go anywhere a firm grip on his shoulder stopped him. When he turned around to yell at whoever had caught him he saw Dumbledore looking sadly at him while shaking his head.

"No Draco, she didn't want you to see her for a reason."

"I don't care, I love her. I need her." he cried. Harry and Ron were both sitting on the couch, heads in hands and not bothering to look up at them.

"Honey, you take your bags upstairs and I'll get us a snack." Mrs. Granger said. Hermione took her bags up to her room. She hadn't been in that room for eight months, it didn't feel right. She was meant to be in her and Draco's head common room. She lay down on the bed and cried. Cried because she was scared, cried for her parents, cried for him and cried for what might have been.

Okay, first chapter done. I won't continue if nobody likes it, so if you like it, review!

Coral Candy

P.S I am working on the next chapter of After She Awakes at the moment expect it sometime next week.