
Two Months To Live

Chapter 6

Coral Candy


Ginny quickly excused herself from the boys and as she passed the Slytherin House table, gave Draco a sharp look that clearly said follow me. Draco rolled his eyes but nether the less reluctantly left the table and followed her into the nearby corridor. She was waiting by a statue of a famous medi-witch, with her arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. Draco could tell she was not happy.

"Where's Hermione?"

"What do you mean where's Hermione?" Draco asked dumbly, he knew what she meant, but he wanted to keep her waiting just a bit longer.

"You were meant to stay and convince her!" Ginny exclaimed, slapping him upside the head.

"It wouldn't have helped, she made up her mind," he told her, rubbing his head, for a small girl, she sure was violent; he had no idea how Harry put up with her.

"You'll go back!"

"What's the point if she's coming here?"

"What's the point? Draco... she's coming here?"

He nodded, and waited to see her reaction, he wasn't disappointed she made a questioning face and he nodded, understanding what she was asking and then she gave the loudest, highest pitched squeal he'd ever heard, he was surprised the teachers didn't come rushing out to check what all the noise was.

"She said yes?" Ginny asked excitedly. Draco nodded enthusiastically; she grabbed him round the neck and pulled him down to be embraced. He was shocked at this and wasn't ready for the display of affection from someone who he'd disliked for the past six years. He awkwardly patted her on the back and waited patiently to be releases, he could tell it wasn't going ot be soon though because she was currently jumping up and down, still attached to him.

"Ginny?" Harry's voice startled her and pulled her back to reality. She spun around to see Harry looking rather confused at the pair of them. Ginny was beaming wildly and Draco was wearing an expression as if to say he was as confused as Harry was.

"Harry!" She squealed, running forward and jumping up and holding him in a hug. He looked down at her, clearly shocked at her actions.

"Um, Gin? What's going on?" Ron asked from beside Harry, he was giving Malfoy a cold look, he still had not got used to the fact that he and Hermione used to date. Or were still dating, but Ron did not know that.

"Can I tell them?" Ginny asked Draco, he shrugged and nodded, "Draco and Hermione are getting married!"

Both boy's jaws dropped, Harry had to quickly shake himself from his daze to catch Ginny who had launched herself into his arms.

"Married, but Hermione went home. She's ill, how could you be…" Ron trailed off, looking from Harry to Ginny to Malfoy.

"Draco went to her house to ask her. He asked Dumbledore if he could go and then I don't quite know what happened after that." Ginny explained, dropping down from Harry she turned to Draco. All three Gryffindors were wearing expressions that clearly read, 'What did happen?'

"When is she coming?" Harry asked, clearly eager to see her again.

"Later on, she's coming with her parents; they want to speak to Dumbledore."

"Wait, hold on!" Ginny shushed them with hand movements that came dangerously close to Ron's head, "Tell me every detail!"

She linked arms with the Slytherin and dragged him down the corridor, back towards the Great Hall.


"So at first she didn't say yes?" Ginny asked again, she was sitting at the Slytherin house table and was receiving funny looks from the students.

"Yes." Draco said tiredly, she'd made him recall everything he had said, he couldn't remember all of it in his panic to convince her to say yes.

"Okay, I have to go and tell Harry!" She jumped up excitedly and raced out of the doors, Draco couldn't remember a time where he had seen her so lively, of course he hadn't known her all that well, and he still didn't now. Ginny was treating him as if they'd been friends for all the time they'd been at Hogwarts together.

He looked around hiself to see many people giving his weird looks, many looked disgusted. He rested his head on the table in front of him. The lack of sleep starting to catch up with him now. He had spent most of the night before convincing Hermione that marrying him was the right decision.

"Marrying Granger huh?" an amused voice said quietly to his left, "You know I think I had a dream like this once."

"Shut up Zabini"

"What crawled up your-"

"I said shut up! Please?" Draco asked lifting his head briefly to glare at the boy sitting next to him before dropping it back down again.

"Okay, okay. Can I ask what this you marrying Granger thing is all about then?"

"What do you think it is?"

"Um, a joke?"

"It's not." Draco said, Blaise's shock wouldn't have been apparent to anyone who had seen him, he controlled his emotions well, no one would have seen the surprise etched on to his face because there was none. He stared down at the blond's head, waiting for him to lift it.

"Well, aren't you going to make a joke, insult me?"


"Why not?"

"It's your decision." Blaise stood up from the Slytherin table and walked away towards the doors leading out from the Great Hall, taking a muffin on the way.


"Mum, Dad?" Hermione asked quietly opening the door an inch or so to see if they were still awake. She saw her mother bolt upright from her slouching position on the couch where she and Hermione's father were watching TV.

"Yes?" Mrs. Granger asked a little too eagerly. Hermione smiled and held up her left hand showing them the ring that Draco had given her after she had accepted, her mother screamed enthusiastically and jumped up, wrapping her daughter and her soon to be son in law up in a tight embrace.

"Jimmy, come here too."

Just the look in her fathers eyes at the prospect of a group hug was enough to life the whole family's mood.

A/N – You have NO idea how absolutely, unbelievably, really, really, really sorry I am that the update for this is almost 2 years late! I have had the busiest schedule ever what with my two-year course finals and everything. I have no idea if people are still interested in this but if they are, please, please, please review. You'll make my day.


X x x x