Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of its characters or anything like that. Although it would be nice so I could set all this Harry/Ginny business right…Also I'm really hoping I do not have to put one of these at the beginning of every chapter because I WILL forget. -.-

Rated as Mature to be careful because of language and some Sexual situations including snogging and some rather naughty words and extreme violence. Might deserve a teen rating but I don't know yet so just Read and review…flame if you want, I always appreciate others views on my work but try to keep it civil…thank you and enjoy.

Character Death warning This fic is not for the feint of heart

This fic takes place shortly after the events of HBP…so if you haven't read it and don't want the details spoiled I suggest you leave now ..

So without further adieu I present to you my first fanfic: "Falling into Destiny"

Chapter 1: The Breaking point…

"Sirius…Professor I…no it's not like that…Ginny I'm sorry…Bill…wait! No! Ron…Mione run! Don't let him…STOP!" Harry Potter suddenly awoke in his bed at Number Four Privet Drive. He was drenched in a cold sweat. "Another dream…" he said to himself as he reached for his glasses. "Another…nightmare…"

Harry slipped on his glasses and stared around his room. "Maybe it's this place…" he let out a light laugh, trying to make himself feel even a little better about that dream. He thought to himself trying to recall the details. He had seen her again…that women who had murdered Sirius. He had chased her and tried to cast it…"Crucio" he had shouted. He didn't hate her enough…

Then Professor Dumbledore came into view in his mind's eye. "Harry, I trust Professor Snape." He had said.

"But professor…Malfoy and Snape-"

"Professor Snape, Harry."

"Sir, they're plotting something, something for him. I know it." Harry told him.

Then the scene from the top of the tower appeared. He watched as the death eaters appeared at the door. Dumbledore tried to persuade Draco. Then Snape appeared. At that moment, Harry Potter, "The Chosen One," was forced to watch helplessly as one of his last remaining father figures was killed.

Then he had reached the bottom of the steps…" I'm going to catch Snape…I'll kill that Bastard!" he thought. His thoughts were side tracked as the same curse that took Dumbledore's life now whizzed barely over the red-headed Ginny Weasley. In that moment, he nearly lost her…

He saw the funeral. "Ginny…I can't lose you. Please…you have to understand, I'm sorry…" One tear rolled down her cheek. Her beautiful cheek as Harry still thought. He, however, did not see this.

All of these things had already happened. Tonight was the first night that new nightmares began to come to him. These things were fantasy. They had to be. The burrow had been attacked. That thing hung over the Weasly house…the dark mark. Harry had seen the wall torn apart as the Weaslys along with Hermione, Fleur and Gabrielle sat around the dinner table. Bill had stood against the dark shape that entered through the hole in the wall. "Incendio!" he had said. The shape was drenched in flames and ran off howling madly, but then another voice came from the darkness outside. "Impressive blood traitor…" This voice was purely mad. Then, suddenly, there was a bright green light and a rushing sound. This mingled with the screams of the people Harry truly cared for.

Tomorrow was the day Harry was supposed to meet Ron and Hermione to discuss their plans for finding and destroying the Horcruxes. Little did Ron and Hermione know that Harry had managed to procure the remaining three Horcruxes during his time alone. It had been 2 months. Hogwarts would not be re-opening. At least not until Lord Voldemort was stopped.

The first Horcrux was Helga Hufflepuff's cup. Harry had oddly enough stumbled across it in Nocturne Alley, In Borgin and Burkes to be more precise.

He had broken in during the night time and destroyed the vanishing cabinet. From the ensuing explosion the cup had been knocked from a high shelf.

The second, the Amulet of Salazar Slytherin was found on a death eater. Harry had cornered Avery and McNair in the woods just south of little Hangelton. In his two months of searching he had barely let a moment go by without practice. His spells had reached a new degree of power. Harry hit them both with Sectumspectra and that was it.

After searching them carefully, Harry found the pendant and called for Ministry of Magic Aurors immediately. He hadn't been doing anything except depriving them of their wands but he had found much more. Avery and McNair joined Lucius Malfoy in prison. Still, Harry couldn't help but wonder who R.A.B. was. Harry had a nasty feeling that they had taken the Horcrux from R.A.B. not too long before.

As Dumbledore had suspected the third Horcrux was a possession of Ravenclaw's. The founders quill was found in the ministry of magic relic department. Surely Harry thought Voldemort must have made an idiotic mistake but, where better to hide something important than where the enemy would never look? Harry stole this quill. The ministry had enough of its own troubles no one noticed for days.

That left, the snake. Nagini… The snake couldn't be far from Voldemort. Harry would just have to cross that bridge when he came to it. After what he did to McNair and Avery this would be nothing. The most pressing matter at hand however was that dream. It was too vivid. In a few hours Harry would be leaving for the burrow to meet Ron and Hermione. "No…"he told himself. "You have to go now Harry."

With this thought, Harry Potter got dressed and for the second time in his life, disapperated, illegally.

Harry appeared on a hill with a crack. It was early morning and the sun had just recently risen. He had gotten up later than he thought. It didn't take him long to recognize this as Stoats head hill, the same hill they had taken the port key to the Quidditch world cup from. After thinking back, (it seemed like a lifetime ago) Harry got his bearings and began towards the burrow. This had been an exhausting job walking that morning in his fourth year and now he was sprinting and, of course, cursing his poor apparition skills.

A rain began to pour as he reached the bottom of the hill but by the time he was closer to the burrow it had subsided to a drizzle. As Harry rounded the last corner in his journey his eyes met a disastrous sight. The burrow was ripped cleanly in two. The kitchen was in plain sight. Pieces of the staircase were all around what was left of their garden and Harry could easily see into Ron's room.

" 'Arry!" a girls voiced cried out. Harry who had been surveying the scene with a mingled look of horror and disbelief on his face suddenly looked away from the house with his wand drawn. Fleur's sister Gabrielle stopped in her tracks, facing his wand. He lowered it and she collided with him, holding onto him around the waste. " 'arry…it was 'orrible…zees men came and zey took her." Harry's heart skipped a beat.

"They took who? Gabrielle…?" he asked forcing her to release him and falling to his knees so he would be more of her height.

"Harry zey killed Fleur…zey killed my sister…" she said through scattered sobs.

Harry blinked not entirely realizing what she had just said. Fleur? Fleur was dead?

"Zey killed Bill 'arry zey killed Bill too."

Harry stood and looked over Gabrielle. He had been so caught up in the scene of chaos he had not even noticed the other people who were there. There was Mr. Weasly standing over Mrs. Weasly who was on her knees crying over…Bill. Harry's eyes widened with shock. Bill couldn't be dead. He was Bill. Bill was too cool to die. It had always been that way. Bill was just too cool.

He broke away from Gabrielle and ran towards Mr. and Mrs. Weasly . As he did he almost didn't notice the body of Fleur sprawled shortly in front of them. He stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes widened in shock. She was dead…dead. Gabrielle had now sat next to her sister and began to hold her hand. Harry moved to Bill.

"Molly…Molly please, you can't do anything now. Come on Molly lets go inside." Arthur Weasly said as he tried to comfort his wife. Mrs. Weasly was inconsolable. She was holding Bill and tears flowed from her face like a waterfall. It was impossible to understand her words. Harry didn't know exactly how long he stood there before Mr. Weasly noticed him. "Harry…Why are you here?" he asked.

"I was supposed to come today Mr. Weasly." Harry told him.

"Harry some bad things have happened here-"

"Who did this?" Harry interrupted him. His voice was filled with anger.

"It was some Death eaters Harry. Fenrir Greyback, well Bill took care of him. He was in werewolf form. Then, Draco Malfoy came with Bellatrix Lestrange. She killed Bill and Fleur. Then Malfoy tried to attack Hermione and Ron step-"

"Ron! Where's Ron Mr. Weasly?" Harry interrupted yet again.

"Oh-Ron's well inside what's left of the house but Harry…I wouldn't…"

Harry didn't wait for Mr. Weasly to finish. He broke into a run towards the ruins of the burrow. Ron couldn't be dead. There was no way Ron Weasly could be dead. He ran into the ruins of the kitchen. Where was he? Where was he? "Harry, over here." Hermione Granger's voice came from behind the table. Harry moved it out of the way.

Hermione was sitting on the ground. She had a few scratches on her face but they appeared to be minor injuries. Ron's head was on her lap. He did have very serious wounds. Ron's chest had appeared to have been ripped open by some sort of blade. Harry recognized these wounds. He looked at Hermione. "Sectumspectra?" She nodded to confirm his suspicions. Hermione had stopped the bleeding with a spell but she couldn't heal the wound. It was too deep for her . It was too advanced. "Harry…" Ron said.

"Oh Ron! You're awake!" said Hermione and Harry noticed she was crying.

"Harry, He called her a mudblood. I couldn't let that go could I mate? I think I'll take another nap now…thanks Mione." Ron finished. He closed his eyes and dozed off again.

"He protected me Harry…" Hermione said, brushing Ron's hair out of his eyes.

"Has anyone-" Harry started.

"Gone for help?" Hermione finished his question for him. "Yes Fred and George left a few minutes ago." Suddenly there were a couple of cracking noises and the Weasly twins were beside them. Their faces were grim. Seconds later there were two more cracks and two Ministry of Magic officials appeared. "Oh my!" the first said.

"We've got to get him to St. Mungo's immediately." The next said quickly.

"It's alright now miss…we've got him." They told Hermione. She was reluctant to let him go but they were M.O.M officials after all. When they both had him, the familiar cracking noise happened again and they were gone.

"Hermione what happened?" Harry asked her. " Harry…They attacked… Greyback and Malfoy and Bellatrix. Malfoy had me against a wall and he said he was going to kill me. He said he had waited for it forever. Then Ron stepped in between us and hit him with the Bat Bogey Hex. Well, he must have taken lessons from Ginny because it was amazing. Malfoy hit him with that spell and disapperated. Bellatrix thought they had lost and she left as well. But Harry she took-"

Then, it occurred to Harry. Ginny…Where was Ginny? He hadn't seen her but she had been on his mind since he had woke from that dream. "Hermione where's Ginny?" Harry interrupted her.

"They took her, Harry. Bellatrix took her and Disapperated." Hermione told him.

"No…" Harry said. "Where the hell could she have gone!"

"Harry, we don't know." Hermione told him.

"Actually…" George chimed in. Fred stomped on his foot. "No Fred. He needs to know. Harry has feelings for Gin…you can tell, look at him"

"Where is she?" Harry said facing George.

"Well it's just a hunch but, You-Know-Who moved his headquarters to Azkaban early this morning. If she's with them, she'll be there won't she?" He said.

"I'm going to Azkaban." Harry said forcefully as he stood up. Harry Potter didn't hear Hermione and the twins trying to convince him not to go. He walked outside. The images rushed through his head. Sirius, Dumbledore, and now Bill and Fleur…they were all dead because of him. Now Voldemort had taken Ginny. This was it. This was the Breaking Point. Harry stepped over the charred, burnt corpse of Fenrir Greyback. If they hurt her, he would kill every last Death Eater.

Harry let out a scream. He pulled the Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff relics from his pockets. He tossed the pendant, quill and cup onto the ground. Then, raising his wand above them Harry screamed, "REDUCTO!" There was a great BANG, and Dust and rock engulfed Harry. Everyone, even Mrs. Weasly was watching him now. When the dust had cleared a crater lay at his feet. Three of Lord Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes were now no more. So this was the power of Hate. Hermione rushed up behind him but stopped a few feet away. "Harry were those the Horcruxes?" He didn't answer her.

"I'll be back with her Hermione, and this will be over." He said. For the third time in his life Harry Potter disapperated illegally. This was the power of Hate.


Ok…yes I'm sorry that I killed Bill but that's how my story is going to happen. So I'm apologizing to the Bill and Fleur fans. Overall I hope you liked it please send your Reviews I love to hear from other people.! Oh and chapter one wasn't exactly my best work ever…so bear with me chapter two will be longer I promise. Please Review!