Elliot and Fin were in the locker rooms changing. Elliot was almost all ready, as Fin took a minute looking at his abs. Olivia and Jeffries came in knowing the men were changing. Elliot still had to change his shirt, and Fin threw on his shirt quickly. Olivia and Jeffries smiled at each other as they went to their lockers across the room. Elliot tried not to look behind him but he had that feeling that someone was watching him. Fin was frozen too and didn't want to turn around.

"You see if their looking" Fin said quietly.

"No you" Elliot said back to him.

"If who's looking?" Olivia asked startling them. Elliot and Fin turned around quickly, surprised, with their eye brows as high as they could go.

"What?" Elliot said.

"I said, to see if who's looking?" She crossed her arms over her chest. Elliot and Fin were frozen still.

"What?" Elliot said again not knowing what else to say. Olivia smiled before she turned around and went back over to Jeffries. Elliot and Fin turned back around embarrassed.

"Change your shirt" Fin said.

"No. You still have to change your pants" Elliot told him.

"I'm not changing in front of them" Fin whispered even quieter.

"Well neither am I" Elliot said back through his teeth.

"Fine" Fin said as he undid his pant buttons. Elliot just stood in front of his locker, not moving. Fin felt like the girls were watching but he knew he did have to change his pants. He started to pull them down when he heard giggles and he pulled them back up quickly. He tried again but pulled them back up again.

"Do it" Elliot said wide-eyed. Fin took in a deep breath before he quickly threw off his pants and threw on another pair. He didn't look at the girls he just closed his locker quickly and left. Elliot knew he had to take his turn now, but he was still frozen. Jeffries left the locker room with a smile and a wink at Olivia. Olivia smirked before she put on her serious face. Elliot pulled his shirt off but before he could get the other one he felt a hand on his back. He froze again as Olivia came around next to him seductively.

"Hey El" she said as she leaned in.

"Hi" he said frozen still, and very uneasy.

"You look great without a shirt on" She licked her lips. He let out a weird laugh. She lightly ran her fingertips along the front of his chest. It sent a tingle through his body.

"You know El, now that you're single and all…" she bit her lower lip innocently.

"Maybe me and you could… well… you know" she said taking a step closer. She let her body rub up against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What do you think?" she asked as she leaned in closer. He was so confused. His mouth had dropped open, and he just gave her a blank stare. She started to smirk devilishly.

"Close your eyes" she whispered. Elliot closed them without thinking.

"Kiss me El" he could feel her breaths against him. He started to lean and she quickly grabbed an apple from her pocket. She held it out in front of his mouth and he kissed it passionately. Jeffries watched laughing, as Olivia tried to keep a straight face. She hid the apple back in her pocket as Elliot pulled away and opened his eyes. Olivia licked her lips again.

"Talk to you later" She smirked again before she walked off. Fin came in a minute later.

"What happened!" he asked worried. Elliot had a wide smile on as he looked at Fin.

"Let's just say… she's a great kisser" Elliot winked.