Disclaimer: I only own Talia and Nat…the rest I'm just borrowing…

A/N: Sorry about the delay in getting this up, but I wanted to make sure that that I got everything in since this is the gasp last chapter. When this idea started in my mind last summer, it was really nothing more than the idea of Mattie babysitting Mac's kids, but after 33,916 it has developed into so much more. Since this sadly is the end, I wanted to thank all of you for reading and reviewing. I really enjoyed all of your feedback and I'm glad that you liked what I have written. You guys are the best!

Also, I want to take a moment to announce my temporary hiatus from all things fan fiction. I'm now hitting that point where it's crunch time for finals and that's going to be my primary focus. As a result, I won't be writing any new JAG fics and my reading and reviewing of things may also drop off, so don't be offended if you don't hear from me. Once I take this time to recharge and return in the year 2006, I hope you all will still remember me, because you all really are awesome!

Chapter 22:

"Merry Christmas Eve!" Chloe greeted cheerily, grabbing the phone when it rang.

"Right back at you," Mac grinned from where she sat her own kitchen table, "Good morning, sweetie."

"Good morning," she plopped onto the couch in her grandmother's living room, "I thought you were going to call tomorrow."

"Something came up."

"Is everything okay?" her voice was laced with concern. Mac operated like clockwork in more ways than one, and any deviation from plans always freaked Chloe out.

"Yes, everything's great."

"Well, then what…" she trailed off as it hit her, "Oh my God!"

"What?" it was Mac's turn to be confused.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!"


"Sorry," she bit her lip to keep herself from squealing, "He proposed, didn't he?"


"And you?"

"Yes," Mac grinned, the memory of the proposal fresh in her mind.

"So that dream of mine is finally coming true?"

"Yes, and so is mine."

"Aww!" Chloe responded in typical teenage girl fashion, "I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Me neither," she looked down at the delicate diamond on her left hand.

"It's about damn time!"

"Chloe!" she scolded, "Don't say damn."

"Fine, but can we focus on what's important?"

"And that would be?" Mac asked, knowing she was driving her little sister crazy.

"Your wedding, duh!"

"Oh that."

"Yeah, that," Chloe laughed, too happy to harass Mac back, "When will it be? Spring, summer, or are you going tie the knot by midnight on New Year's Eve?


"Because that would be so incredibly romantic…"


"Imagine, you and Harm pledging your eternal love for each other as the ball drops…"



"Harm and I got engaged, we have not set a date yet," Mac said calmly, "We will not be throwing a wedding together in the next ten days."

"Okay, I can work with that," she continued thoughtfully, "We could do summer. The ceremony at the Academy, and then an outdoor reception."

"You're getting a little ahead of yourself."

"You're right. I have to call Mattie."

"Calm down," she chuckled, "You cannot call her right now."

"Why the hel – heck not?"

"Because Harm is currently on the phone with her."

"Valid reason."

"Slow down on the wedding planning stuff too; you and Mattie are the first people we've told."

"You haven't told Harriet yet?" Chloe sounded shocked, "She is going to flip."

"Harm and I are going over there around lunch," she explained, "The boys will take the kids, while Harriet and I cook for the party."

"She is going to flip."

"I know," Mac smiled as she contemplated her friend's reaction.

"You're smiling right now, aren't you?"

"So what if I am?"

"You should be," Chloe smiled as well, "I'm so happy for you, Mac. Congratulations!"

"Thank you."

"Now, I have to get ready for a fabulous 'Madison Family Christmas Fiasco' so I have to say goodbye," she sighed dramatically, "Send that gorgeous fiancé of yours my love."

"I will."

"Doesn't just hearing the word fiancé make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?"

"Yes, Chloe, it does," Mac loved the way the word sounded, "Now go get ready."

"I will," she paused a beat, "Eeee! Okay, I'm done. I'll see you in three days."

"I can't wait," Mac hung up the phone as Harm walked into the kitchen, "Hey you."

"Hey you," he sat pulled over a chair so he could put his arm over her shoulder, "How did Chloe react?"

"She was over the moon," she settled comfortably in his arm, "And Mattie?"

"She was thrilled and managed to twist it into proof that she should always get her way."

"How did she manage that?"

"I was initially against her working as a babysitter during the school year."

"Good thing you didn't or I never would have been at the picnic."

"Wouldn't have mattered."

"Why not?"

"Because," Harm took her hands in his, "We would have found our way to each other anyway."

"Really?" she stared into his eyes.

"Mmhmm," his thumb played with her engagement ring, "Destiny would have made it happen."

"Destiny?" she considered leaning in closer to him.

"Yes, destiny," his lips a breath away from hers.

"I like that," she answered, giving him a kiss.

"I'll get it!" AJ Roberts raced across his house to the front door and swung it open dramatically, "Uncle Harm, Auntie Mac!"

"Hey, honey," Mac picked him up into a hug.

"Are those the presents?" he asked, spotting the Christmas wrapping paper in the bags Harm carried.

"I don't know," Harm shrugged, "Have you been a good boy?"

"The best!" he declared as Mac set him back down.

"Then there might just be down something in there for you," he set the bags down on the ground.

"Did you get me what I asked for?" he tried to look into the bags, but Mac blocked his way.

"You have to wait until tonight," she told him firmly.

"Okay," he grumbled, but his face lit up when he decided her words meant yes, "Nat! Guess what!"

"What?" the little boy bounded over.

"I'm getting a frog!"

"For real?" Nat's jaw dropped.

"For real!"

"Awesome!" he high-fived his friend and looked at his mother, "Does that mean I get a frog too?"

"I..." Mac began amazed at how the mere idea of an amphibian made both boys grin from ear to ear, "Don't I get a hug?"

"Hi Mummy," he hugged her and then Harm, "Will you get me a frog, Uncle Harm?"

"We'll see," he debated saying yes, but a warning glare from Mac changed his mind. It was too soon in the engagement for him to handle the wrath of an angry marine.

"Don't worry," A.J. assured his friend with a slap on the shoulder, "They got me a frog, so I'm sure you'll get one too."

"Good," he grinned.

"Let's go play," he dashed off, followed by Nat.

"Slow down," Harriet walked in holding Talia.

"Okay," was the dual response from the other room.

"Did I hear A.J. say frog?" her eyes narrowed in on the bags of presents.

"Hi Tali-babe," Mac ignored her friend, taking her daughter into her arms.

"Do not try to change the subject," she continued forcibly, "Because if you bought my son a frog, I will…"

"You will what?" Mac asked knowing perfectly well why Harriet had trailed off.

"Congratulations!" she gave her friend a hug hug.

"Squish!" Talia giggled from between them.

"I'm just so excited for your Mommy," Harriet ticked her chin, "Sorry."

"S'okay," Talia smiled back amicably and looked up at her mother, "Play?"

"Yes," Mac set her down, patting her lightly, "Go."

"I knew there was a reason behind the sudden need for a babysitter last night," Harriet gave Harm a hug.

"What's going on?" Bud came down the stairs with Jimmy, who immediately toddled after the voices of the other children.

"Bud, are you dense?" Harriet grabbed Mac's left wrist so he could see the ring.

"Congratulations!" he gave Harm a man hug and Mac a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you," Mac smiled as Harm wrapped his arms around her.

"You don't seem surprised," Harriet accused her husband, "You knew!"

"I told him not to tell you," Harm told her.

"So what?" she glared at Bud.

"Harriet, I…" he was interrupted by a muffled thud from the other room.

"That's your problem," Harriet shrugged, "According to the agreement you came up with, you men have the kids until tonight. Good luck."

"Bye," Mac gave Harm a quick kiss be for following Harriet into the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Nat knocked on the door of the study on the first floor of the Roberts' house. After the afternoon at the park, Harm helped Nat get ready for the party in Jimmy's room while Mac did the same for Talia in the study.

"Come in," Mac looked up from tying the bow on the back of Talia's red and white party dress to see the two most important men in her life, "Now don't you two look handsome?"

"See, I told you that your sweater looked good," Harm ruffled the little boy's curly hair.

"I guess," he shrugged, still not too pleased with his red sweater.

"And you look like an angel," Harm picked up Talia and whispered in Mac's ear, "And you look sexy."

"Same goes for you," she whispered back.

"Are you getting married?" Nat interrupted the moment abruptly, "A.J. said you were getting married."

"Why don't we sit down?" Harm suggested and they moved to the couch, where Nat sat in between the adults and Talia in her mother's lap.

"What A.J. said was right," Mac began, "Uncle Harm asked me to marry him, and I said yes."

"What about Daddy?" he asked the one question she had been dreading.

"Remember when we talked about divorce?" she asked him.

"Yeah," he nodded, "You and Daddy can't live together because stuff changed and your loved stopped, but you both love Talia and me."

"That's right," Mac smiled at his summary, "And I always will love both of you, but now I love Uncle Harm too. That's why I want to marry him."

"Okay," he paused to think," When you married Daddy, did you love him?"

"Yes, I did."

"What if love stops again?" he turned to Harm, "What if you make Mommy cry too?"

"Nat, I love your mommy with all of my heart," he looked the little boy in the eye, "When she is happy, I am happy, and I will never make her cry."


"Promise," Harm offered his hand and they shook on it, "And your mommy is not the only person I love either. I love you and your sister, and I want to be a part of your lives forever."

"Like a family?" he considered what Harm said carefully.

"Yes, like a family," he said and Nat gave him a hug.

"I like our family," he smiled up at him.

"So do I," he agreed, pulling Nat onto his lap.

"Me too," Mac slid over so Harm could put his arm around her shoulders.

"Met too," Talia echoed, resting her head against her mother's chest and holding Harm's fingers in her tiny hand.

The annual Christmas party at the Roberts house went as smoothly as all others, with the exception of a few excited exclamations. As the word of their engagement traveled through the house, there was a continuous stream of gasps followed by demands to get a closer look at the ring as well as slaps on the back statements of about damn time. When it came time for dinner, the table was overflowing with adults and children in high chairs, but the group could not have been happier.

"I have always thought of Christmas as a good time, a time when men and women seem open their hearts freely, a time for family, and a time for friends," Bud began his traditional toast, "It's hard to believe this is our seventh year hosting this Christmas party. In those years, we've had our share of ups and downs. We've seen friends come and go, and then come back again. We've experienced losses, but at the same time we have never lost our love. We know that each of us loves and is loved and that gives us a great power, because it is only in love that we can overcome adversity. So this Christmas, I ask God to bless our family, our friends, and most importantly bless our love. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas," the entire table responded as they clinked their glasses.

"Daddy," little A.J. whispered fiercely at Bud, "You forgot to ask God to bless someone."


"Mommy's babies!" he exclaimed and everyone's eyes flew to him. A.J. grinned happy to be the center of attention and decided to make an official announcement, "My mom's pregnant."

"Harriet!" Mac was the first to speak, "Are you really pregnant?"

"Twins," she answered, smiling at Bud.

"Oh my gosh! That is so wonderful," Mac grinned from ear to ear.

"Congratulations!" Harm added and the sentiment was echoed by the entire table.

"Thank you," Bud and Harriet responded.

"Anyone else have earth shattering announcements?" Harm asked with a smile, "Because we should really get those out of the way now."

"I got a question," Nat raised his hand.

"Yes, Nat?" Harm asked.

"If A.J. gets to have a baby, does that mean you and Mommy will get me one?"

"Um," Mac turned bright red while the rest of the table chuckled in amusement, "Maybe."

"I'll be really good," he pleaded.

"Nat," Mac began.


"Hey, buddy," Harm broke in, "You know A.J.'s older than you, so you'll have to wait until you're his age before we can get you a baby."

"Okay," Nat sighed and went back to his food.

"Harm!" Mac slapped his arm lightly, "Why did you tell him that?"

"He dropped the question," he shrugged.

"That is so not the point," she shook her head.

"You sound like Chloe," she stuck out her tongue in response and Harm did the same.

"Ahem," the admiral cleared is throat.

"Right, sorry," Harm turned a little pink and held up his glass, "To the twins."

"To the twins!"

"Hey Dad," Harm stood before The Wall that night as he did every year, "I finally did it. There were times I truly never thought this would ever be possible, but it's happening. I gave her Grandma Sarah's ring last night and she said yes. Mac and I are getting married. She's got the greatest kids too. You'd love them, Dad, and I might just be able to make a fighter pilot out of her little boy, Nat. I guess he's going to be my little boy now too. It's amazing," he lightly traced his fingers over his father's name, "I love you, Dad. Merry Christmas."

Harm walked away from The Wall, his shoes creating silent footsteps in the fallen snow, and found his car parked where he parked it every year. This year there was a difference. This year the car was still running and in the backseat were two slumbering toddlers and in the passenger seat was his beautiful Marine. When he got in the car, Harm smiled back at the children and then at Mac. They kissed gently and he whispered, "Let's go home."

THE END (And they lived happily ever after…)

A/N: Well, what did you think? This is your last chance to review on this, so I want to hear from everyone because I love you all! (But not in a creepy way…I swear…hehehe!)

TV Angel 711 – I'm glad you like the proposal! I was getting choked up when I was writing it, which was bad because I was in class. Anyway, I hope you liked the ending!

Cbw - You liked the last ending…yay! What do you think of this one?

Anacharlie – I'm happy you conquered your laziness and decided to give this one a chance. Thanks!

Judy52sa – I'm kind of sad to see it end too because it's been fun writing the entire thing, but these fluffy chapters leave me with a smile on my face. Thanks for reading!

Nix707 – You guessed correctly, this one was the final chapter. I didn't really realize that it was so close to being done until I actually posted the last one. Thanks for coming along for the ride and I'm glad you liked it!

Jaggurl – Okay, there was a slight delay in getting this up there, but I hope it was worth the wait.

JamieAKAaclassyone – On the Mic issue, I side with Mac too because he is there father and should be some part of their lives. But the way I justify it is that Mic does keep contact via phone/letters and in time gets the visitation thing down and is some part of their lives. Although Harm will definitely take on the traditional father role for Nat and Talia. Anyhoo, I'm glad you liked this fic and thanks for all of the reviews!

Prinnie – Yeah, that sentence about the shoes didn't make sense…I meant they were on display. But I'm glad that didn't stop you from enjoying the proposal and hopefully I didn't make any other random errors that distract you from this ending.

Sammy – I'm happy you liked it and thanks for reading!

Daisymh – You read all of it at once, I'm impressed and honored. I hope you liked this last chapter too!

Lani – Your reaction sounds like Chloe's reaction…hehehe! I hope you found the ending filled with joy!

MiDushiNoSushi – Thanks for reading and thinks for all the reviews, I loved all the feedback you gave me on how realistic situations were. I agree that Mic should be a better father, but I like to imagine that sometime in the next year Mic gets his life in order and has some role in their life. Besides, all that really matters to me is the happy Harm/Mac family unit!

Starryeyes – Thanks for reading!

BrittanyLS – Thanks…coming up with the proposal was a lot of fun!

Aboxforpandora – So I gave you the announcement to the JAG family, but we'll have to see about the other requests…hehehe! I know what you mean about classes, my next b-day is my 20th and I think I'm ready for a quarter life crisis from the work!

Thanks again everyone…it's been fun!