Well, hope you've enjoyed it so far…chances are, you haven't, sane people dislike SI fanfics by rule really, since the majority of them are totally unrealistic and retarded, and mine being a bit less retarded doesn't make much of a difference, I suppose…

Well, this is the final chapter, and I suppose my shorter, finished fanfics, like this and End of Evangelion: Darkness are fated to be less popular…

But hell, the ride was fun, I did enjoy being in the Evangelion universe…

Well, see you guys later, let's begin!

This last chapter is going to be quite long, I contemplated splitting it into two chapters, and making this a four chapter thing, but decided to just stick with my Three-Shot promise.

For those who've already seen this, I was trying to fiddle with it, add a link to the sequel and I accidentally deleted the entire goddamn thing sorry. :( I also promise to begin updating my billion fanfics. :)

Well, let's go!

Disclaimer: I don't own Evangelion or its characters. Gainax does, and they rock. Who else could create both Evangelion and FLCL!

Tokyo 3, Japan

Misato's Apartment

Sanbud Tehrani groaned as he rose from bed, the multiple alarms he had placed within an inch of his head apparently doing the trick.

He peered up at the clock, noticing it was six AM and grinned.

His first day of school at Tokyo 3 was today, although it was still a bit early, he simply liked to get up early and type a bit on his laptop, collecting his writing notes.

Yawning, the Fifth Child opened the door to his room, expecting a quiet, silent living room.

And that was what he found, although he did not expect the Third Child to be an element of it.

Shinji Ikari was busily frying some sort of food, apparently in his own quiet little world of cooking, the smell wafting into the Fifth Child's nose as he slowly approached Ikari from behind.

"Hey Shinji! Cooking huh? No wonder Sohryu calls you housebroken, you should really strike or something, you know! Viva la revolution! Crush the bourgeois!"

Shinji let out a startled yelp as The Fifth Child's stream of words slammed into his ear, surprising him beyond belief, and spun around, peering at Tehrani.

"Ah, hope I didn't startle you or anything, huh?"

Shinji just nodded quietly, turning back to his cooking.

"It's alright, I just…like cooking…that's all."

The Fifth Child cocked his head, peering curiously at the Third Child.

"Yeah, yeah…I can see that…I myself am quite the cook as well…I can…uh…cook eggs, and make a mean grilled cheese sandwich. All by myself!"

The Third Child peered at Sanbud, apparently not processing the humor, and then turned back.

"Eheh…well, actually, not the latter I guess, I just like calling grilled cheese sandwiches 'mean'. So…"

There was an awkward silence between them, almost tangible, pushing the Fifth Child away and into a sitting position beside the dining table.

"So…tell me Shinji, I'm curious, what do you think of the other pilots, Rei and Asuka?"

Sanbud quickly made sure his tape recorder was on, and then turned back to the Third Child's back.

Shinji sighed, speaking quietly.

"Well…uh…Asuka's unique I suppose…they're both unique in their own way, and complete opposites really…I think I admire Asuka though, for her strength and pride…She's something I could never be…"

Sanbud nodded; standing and patting Shinji's shoulder in a faux paternal way.

"Indeed, indeed…well…"

They both stiffened as they heard two doors opening almost simultaneously, the two females of the apartment apparently awake.

"…Well, I won't play this for her, will I?"

Shinji turned quickly to the Fifth Child, his eyes wide.

"Play what?"

Sanbud pulled the tape recorder out of his breast pocket, pressing it, Shinji's voice wafting out from it, "…I admire Asuka…I admire Asuka…I admire…Asuka."

The Fifth Child flashed Shinji a mischievous grin as the young pilot actually tried to snatch the tape recorder away, his face utterly serious.

"No…No! You can't show her that, you can't, that's not fair!"

"What's not fair, Shinji?"

Misato's voice wafted almost venomously behind the Third Child, startling him for what would not be the last time that morning.

Shinji's eyes darted at her and then he breathed a sigh of relief as he realized that Asuka was in the shower.

"Nothing…nothing at-"

"I admire Asuka."

"Stop it!"

Shinji almost shouted at his own recorded voice, then stopped, staring at Misato with a growing blush as Sanbud seemed to be dancing around like a leprechaun, letting a delighted laugh out.

Misato smirked, poking Shinji in the side teasingly.

"Heh, I always knew you had a crush on her, eh? Huh?"

"Ohh Shinji, don't tell me you're her honeybunch? Sugar baby? Love kitten?"

"Love baby?"

Misato joined that line of teasing with a giggle as Shinji's blush deepened.


Sanbud chuckled, continuing the teasing while making sure that he took the tape out of his recorder and replaced it with an identical but blank one.

Shinji seemed to be broiling within himself, his eyes actually frantically looking back and forth between Sanbud and Misato, his emotions about to explode or implode into themselves for that matter.

And right as Asuka Langley Sohryu opened the bathroom door, wrapped in a modest towel, a strangled shout came into her ears, making her blush, if only for a second or two before her mind devolved into rage.


Tokyo 3, Japan

Tokyo 3 Public School

"He strolls towards her, the mysterious stranger in black, flashing the young freckled woman a charming grin. She seems to blush and then."

He stopped narrating into the tape recorder in his breast pocket as he got close enough for Hikari to hear, and gave her a little bow, which was really more of a nod.

"Class Representative Hikari, eh?"

"Uh…yes, you must be the new exchange student, Mr. Tehrani."

The Fifth Child gave her a flashy smile and patronizing thumbs up.

"You can call me Sanbud, Hikari."

Hikari nodded, raising an eyebrow at the odd new student and then shaking it all away on account of politeness, turning to the assembled class as the Fifth Child walked alongside her.

"Well, this is our new classmate, Sanbud Tehrani from America. Feel free to ask any questions you want after he makes his introduction, Sanbud."

The Fifth Child stared at the class, making sure to use his mysterious smile and his threatening glare for each different student.

"Why hello, I'm Sanbud Tehrani, revolutionary, writer, genius and madman. I hope I have a goodtime with you…people, and if not, I'll try to make the best of it…Any questions?"

"Ooooh! Have you written anything we might have read!"

"What do you mean, genius?"

"Or madman?"


These questions were cut off by a loud question from an otaku in glasses everyone knew as Kensuke Aida.

"Is it true you're the new Evangelion pilot!"

"Yeah, what type of Evangelion do you have!"

"What's it like?"

Sanbud smiled smugly, and cleared his throat, first checking to make sure his tape recorder is on.

"Well…I suppose I could tell you…"

Asuka and Shinji suddenly peered at Sanbud curiously, while Kensuke made sure he had a piece of paper and pencil with him. Unable to find such things in a classroom, he decided to use a pen to carve it into his skin.

"I pilot the Deathscythe Hell! It comes to me when I shout out 'Big D!'...I'm the energist to my robotic monster, so I power it, and when I'm inside, I transform into a blonde guy and activate Deathscythe's Super Saiyan alter power, 'Shell Bullet Gallic Gun!', which shoots out a giant trident at my opponents! With my robot, I will protect you all!"

All the girls seemed to blush while the guys seemed to clap in applause, while Kensuke Aida carved the paragraph up to "Super Saiyan" into his arm until Shinji told him to stop.

The Fifth Child smirked and took his seat, which was, painfully enough, directly between Shinji and Asuka.

Goddamn karmic justice!

Asuka sent a glare towards the Fifth Child, scowling.

"What was that crap you just told them, huh! Where'd that come from, telling them lies about yourself, you must not even know you Evangelion, idiot rookie!"

Asuka smiled, expecting a Shinjiesque apology, or at least a shiver or cower.

Instead the Fifth Child hung his head low, and then turned to Asuka, with almost tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry…It's just…my memory has been bad since…my mother went crazy and hung herself last year…"

Asuka's eyes widened in almost fear as Sanbud continued.

"And since my…father abandoned me and called me a weakling!"

Now it was Shinji's turn to look away in sympathy and depression.

The Fifth Child burst out of the room, these parental nightmares ripping apart his very soul, tears in his eyes as he ran out of the classroom in front of everyone.

Suddenly, all eyes fell on Asuka and Shinji, the girls giving threatening glares at Asuka, even Hikari, who shook her head disappointingly.

"Asuka Sohryu, I don't care what you said, but going as far as making him run out of the room like that! Come on Asuka, Shinji, let's go get that boy back!"

Asuka and Shinji nodded warily, although Shinji had no idea why he was coming, since he really wasn't at fault. However, Hikari had used her commanding tone, so there was really nothing he could do.

Meanwhile, Sanbud Tehrani stood down the hall and around the corner, well away from the classroom he had just run out of, giggling to himself.

Ahahha…I'm so glad I sneaked a peak at their personal files when Misato wasn't looking…It was quite stupid of her to leave them in her briefcase and get wasted like that. Pity.

Sanbud turned around, yawning between chuckles, and looked at his watch.

Hmmm, this is good material…They should be coming in approximately two minutes for the clichéd, chase-me-down-and-apologize shindig. Should be good, I better get read-

The Fifth Child's cell phone interrupted his thoughts, and he picked it up absentmindedly, answering it.

"Oh hey, yeah, yeah, I'm fine mom…Yeah, well; I don't really feel like talking…Yeah, whatever…Yeah…"

He cocked his head, yawning as he listened to the cell phone.

"Yeah, sure, whatever dad-"

It was then he noticed that Asuka, Hikari, and Shinji were standing there, staring at him with wide eyes after apparently having listened in on his conversation for a few crucial seconds..

He peered at them, nervously chuckling, while continuing to talk to the cell phone, although he'd hung up, seconds before.

"Sure…whatever…um…sugar daddy?"

The Fifth Child realized that no such ploy would have any effect on the raging red-haired demon that was approaching him.

"Uh…I just…pretend to talk to my parents on my cell phone to heal my psychological woes! It's a Freudian thing, goddamit! AAAAH! OWW! GOD! OWW! Does this mean you don't love me anymo-OW!"

Tokyo 3, Japan

The Outskirts of Tokyo 3 Public School

Shinji Ikari sighed, making his way down the steps of the school, alone, Asuka having gone off to talk to Hikari.

What a day…The Fifth Child seems weird…although I guess Touji was right about all the chosen Children being really we-

Shinji's mental thoughts were cut off by the agony of remember Touji, standing there before him, smiling, laughing, messing around, even when he'd first met him.

"Sorry kid, but I had ta hit ya, I wouldn't have been satisfied without hittin' ya."

"Hey kid, you lookin' for trouble!"

Shinji looked up, suddenly, startled by a real voice directed towards him for once, not some haunting specter's sound.


In front of him was the well known basketball player and all around tyrant and bully of Tokyo 3 Public School, Tasumichi Oda

He was tall for his age, although he ruled the school simply through intimidation; everyone gave into his needs to avoid fighting with him. He'd supposedly sent more children to hospitals than the last three angels.

Shinji stumbled backwards, clearly afraid of the boy's threatening gaze. Perhaps when he had come to this city he would've stared at the bully apathetically and taken his fists with self-guilt and hate.

But things had changed; Shinji was a different person, albeit still gloomy and listless at times, his will to survive and avoid unneeded pain had increased. Perhaps his loss of apathy had made him more cowardly. Or maybe he was just overanalyzing.

He stumbled back a few more steps, looking at the silently advancing Oda.

"What-What do you want?"

Oda almost snarled, although Shinji stood his ground, surprisingly.

"What do I want? You think you're all high and mighty, just cuz you pilot those goddamn things? Well, you know what? You're nothing but a goddamn idiot, you m murderer!"

Shinji sighed, peering into Oda's gray, almost lifeless eyes, contrasting to his twitching, enraged face.

It's another one…another victim…Another victim of mine…I probably stepped on his uncle, or let an angel burn his sister, or something like that…I deserve it, I suppose…

Apparently, after all this time, not much had changed in Shinji's mental state and philosophy, although little change had great affect.

Suddenly as Oda's fist swooped towards Shinji's head, it was blocked by a forearm that came out of almost nowhere.

In front of Shinji Ikari, having intercepted the attack was the Fifth Child, Sanbud Tehrani.

Oda scowled.

"The new kid, what the hell do you want? I'll kick your ass too!"

Sanbud smiled, standing firm between Shinji Ikari and Oda.

"You won't lay a finger on this Child, do you understand!"


"Although I am simply a mildly athletic writer, I shall rip you large bullies apart, because I have a fiery inner angst, rage and passion! RAUUUGH!"

Sanbud zoomed forward, an afterimage of him standing left because of his lightning speed, and launched a flying dropkick towards the bully's chest, sending him flying a good ten feet into a nearby tree.

Oda stood, groaning, blood dripping from his mouth.

"What the hell! I'll get you, how is that possible?"

Sanbud leapt under Oda's kick, sending a powerful punch into the bully's head, crushing his skull and knocking him out instantly.

The Fifth Child landed, sighing, suddenly his energy low.

"Why do I always…have to release my super…emo powers…I only hurt others…I've got to stop listening to Linkin Park."

A/N: Psyche.

Sanbud smiled, standing firm between Shinji Ikari and Oda.

"Hey guys, what're you doing? Hopefully good writing material."


"I'm sorry guy, but Shinji here is one of my comrades, and I can't let you hurt him, just because I don't care about your loss, you reta-OOF"

Sanbud stumbled back from a direct punch to the face from Oda, and almost spun around, as if he were floating.

"Wow…that was pretty awesome…"

The other boys stared at the Fifth Child, utterly confused.

"Hey, do that again, it was a head trip…I mean seriously…Have you ever been punched? I mean, I've choked, and I'm sure you've punched, but have you ever been on the receiving end? It's pretty euphoric."

"What the hell are you-ARGH"

Oda crouched down to nurse the punch that Sanbud had given him to the head.

"See? Isn't it awesome? I'm serious, it's pretty cool in moderation."

"You little!"

"Come on, hit me as hard as you can, come on! I mean, I've got a pretty good pain resistance, so it just feels pretty cool, like I'm high or som-AAAAAAAAAAUGH!"

Sanbud felt absolutely no euphoria as Oda landed a direct hit kick to his groin.

The Fifth Child writhed awkwardly on the ground, nursing his Precious, groaning.

"Oh…you 'tard…You big fat 'tard…Why did you do that? I said punch me…goddamn…"

Suddenly the three boys were interrupted from their activities, Shinji staring dumbfounded, Sanbud laughing and groaning, and Oda utterly confused. They were all saved by the bell, figuratively, although it was more of a siren. The Angel Siren.

Seconds later, Oda was gone and the two remaining boy's stiffened as their cell phones rang simultaneously.

They looked in the direction of the Headquarters and then locked eyes, staring at each other silently, a mutual feeling of apprehension between them. For the first time since Shinji Ikari had met him, the Fifth Child actually seemed nervous.

Tokyo 3, Japan

NERV Headquarters, Control Room

The four Children rushed in, clad in their plugsuits, Sanbud peering around the alien Control Room in his dark gray plugsuit, noticing the solemn gaze of Commander Ikari.

Misato Katsuragi peered down at the pilots, and then began speaking.

"The 14th Angel has appeared, it's approaching Tokyo 3 in approximately three minutes. Asuka, Rei, and Sanbud, you'll take the lead. Shinji, I'm sorry but…"

Shinji looked at Misato's gloomy face and then realized the problem, spinning around to meet the glaring gaze of Gendo Ikari.

"Sorry Shinji…but you know, after that last incident…your father's put your Evangelion on lock until he announces otherwise…"

Shinji seemed to sigh, although one couldn't be sure whether it was in disappointment or relief.

Asuka's piercing voice interrupted, almost cackling like a stereotypical warty witch.

"Hahah, don't worry Shinji, I guess I'll be taking care of this Angel, you're not really up for it."

Shinji seemed to mumble something indiscernible and turn away as the other three pilots made their way out of the Control Room and towards their Evangelions.

A hand stopped Sanbud before he could leave, however, and when the Fifth Child turned, his eyes met the gaze of Misato Katsuragi.

"Miss Katsuragi, what is it?"

"Ah, it's just that…it's a NERV regulation that before a pilot's first battle, they must enter in their will and testament, in case of…"

The Fifth Child nodded, their roles reversed, he almost like an adult comforting a child.

"I know, I know, Dr. Akagi informed me of the rule when I arrived and I wrote it up already."

Misato nodded thoughtfully as Sanbud handed her a folded piece of paper.


And with that the Fifth Child departed, jogging forward to catch up with Ayanami and Sohryu.

Tokyo 3, Japan

Asuka stiffened within her entry plug, staring at the large creature that was approaching her red Evangelion.

A few blocks down, hidden behind a large building were Units 00 and 05, ready to supply backup the second the German pilot needed it.

I don't need that damn idiot and that wonderdoll to help me, dammit! I'll take this thing myself!

Suddenly the 14th Angel made itself visible, a great floating monstrosity that seemed to stare at Asuka, albeit without any visible eyes.

"Here it comes…I don't need Shinji to destroy these damn creatures…I can do this myself!"

She pulled out the large machine gun her Eva had been equipped with, firing a full round at the approaching Angel.

An invisible line around the creature rippled, but stood, the A.T. Field apparently stronger than Asuka had calculated.

"What! The A.T. Field should've been neutralized completely by now! I'll kill you!"

The German Child continued to fire and scream, even after the Angel's contracting almost paper-like arms had ripped apart Evangelion Unit 02, leaving it out of commission.

Sanbud almost gasped as he saw Asuka's Unit 02 collapse, feeling a bit of pity at the sight of a pretty girl being defeated.

Hmm, I suppose I'm backup, preparing to enga-

He was cut off as Unit 00 rushed forward almost instantly, armed with what looked like some sort of metal cylinder.

In fact, she didn't really seem to be using it like a weapon, instead holding it forward as she charged towards the Angel.

What the hell? Could that be?

Tokyo 3, Japan

NERV Headquarters, Control Room

Misato's eyes widened as she beheld the data screen in front of her, depicting Rei rushing forward with a N2 bomb cradled in her arms like a baby.

"Rei! Without a weapon? What are you-"

"Does she want to blow herself up?"

Gendo stood up quickly, startling the crew with his acting and the lines creased in his sweaty forehead.


"She's going to use the N2 bomb as a weapon! She's going to blow herself up! Engage the plug ejection, now!"

Tokyo 3, Japan

The Fifth Child's eyes widened as he realized what Rei was charging with.

"What! I'm still down here, you bitch! I'm still down here! I don't want to die!"

Sanbud's eyes widened in disbelief, not sure if he should assault Unit 00 or retreat from the inevitable explosion at once.

He didn't have time to react as the huge bubble of heat slammed into him, sending his Evangelion flying backwards.

Tokyo 3, Japan

NERV Headquarters, Control Room

The technicians stumbled backwards, some of them gasping and making strangling noises as the explosion shimmered on their screens, the data screens going black with static for a few seconds and then reappearing to show a demolished crater where Unit 00 had once been.

Misato spun around.

"What is the current status of the pilots!"

"They're all alive…Apparently the Fifth and Second Children managed to weather the explosion without much damage to their Evangelions. The First Child's plug was ejected in time, she's still alive, although communication is down…I believe Unit 00 has been destroyed."

"And the target?"

Misato's question was answered as the floating 14th loomed in front of their screens, apparently unharmed except for a thin layer of smoke and rubble resting on the Angel.

"Dammit…Sanbud, deploy against it, its A.T. Field must've been weakened by that! I think…"

The Fifth Child's wary face appeared on the screen in front of her, a trickle of blood coming from his mouth.

"You think?"

"Just go, just go, we don't have a choice, you know that! You can defeat it!"

Sanbud simply nodded and the screen went blank.

Shinji Ikari stood their, clenching and unclenching his fists.

They're still suffering because of me…Asuka, Rei, Sanbud…everyone…Just because I can't pilot…and even if I do pilot, I'll still hurt other people…But, even if I hurt everyone…I need to protect…I realize…I need to protect those around me, when I can…regardless of the consequences.

The Third Child turned, staring determined directly at Gendo Ikari, whose face was unreadable as always.

"Let me pilot it, father!"

The Commander's face seemed to twist into an odd smirk.

Tokyo 3, Japan

The Fifth Child swore as he received the long metal spear that had been sent up to him by elevator, staring at it as his Evangelion lifted it up.

Why do I pilot, anyway? I swore as a child…that if I ever found the chance…no, I swore that I WOULD find the chance, the chance to change the world in my image, the chance to destroy the world with a press of a button, I would do it unflinchingly. So why do I defend this wretched place now against these Angels? If I were to allow the Angels to win, wouldn't it just accomplish the goal I know I yearn for?

Sanbud paused as his Evangelion landed in the approximate area that Misato had told him the Angel would arrive.

But…maybe it's that I'd like to go down in infamy…I'd like to accomplish something horrible myself, not fail and allow someone or something else to do it…It's not God, or faith, the hell with that rubbish…Or maybe it's that I really do love this place, underneath all the misanthropy…No…no…It can't be…Can it? Do I really love the people around me?

The Fifth Child sighed as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

How disgusting.

In front of him floated the Angel, its paper-like arms suddenly unfolding and flying directly towards him.

He spun the spear around, deflecting the attack, and then charged forward, screaming at the top of his lungs, the weapon held aloft ready to pierce as he got closer and closer.


The Angel retracted its arms swiftly, back into the folded position under what seemed like shoulders.


A shimmer of light surrounded the Angel for a split second and then disappeared as Unit 05 continued to charge, the A.T. Field unexplainably down.


A burst of light, and then a great pressure, slammed into Sanbud Tehrani's chest almost simultaneously as he slammed the spear into the Angel's core.

The great white beam sliced directly into Unit 05's chest, sending it flying backwards just as the spear plunged into the Angel's core, crushing it.

The Fifth Child's body shook, his eyes wide as humanely possible, his body shivering and stiffening, his hands palm up as they formed stiff claws.

He could not move, he could not see, all was darkness. But there was no pain, his body had released enough chemicals to make sure of that, the pain was so unbelievable that the Fifth Child never felt it.

The only thing that moved were his lips, dry, releasing an almost guttural sound, a human voice.

"Lord…help my poor soul…"

Tokyo 3, Japan

NERV Headquarters, Control Room

The entire Control Room was silent, and then burst into cheers and hoots as the target was identified as neutralized.

Gendo smirked; ignoring Shinji Ikari's shivering form.

Of course it had been a success, even if the Fifth Child had been "neutralized" as well, it had gone well, all things aside.

Misato Katsuragi turned away, her feelings of joy of the Angel's defeat suddenly falling into deep guilt as the small screen in front of her showed Evangelion Unit 05's mangled remains, a great hole in the Evangelion's black chest.

She turned away, clenching her fists, and in turn, her soul.

War is war…War is hell…I can't think about things like this now…Maybe after this hell is done, I can try to give the Children the justice and life they deserve…They don't deserve to go through this at that age…But…But it is their duty, at their age we had to go through Second Impact…They…They have no excuse.

Misato dropped a small folded piece of paper and turned away to a rejoicing Control Room.

Asuka Langley Sohryu would heal, and then fall into chaos. Shinji Ikari would go on to be the savior and wretch of the world.

But as Aoba cowered in front of Lillith's manifestations, and as Shinji helplessly watched Asuka's mindrape, that piece of paper would lay there, unchanged and unread, a miserable testament to a forgotten soldier.

It read:

A Young Man's Will

Oh when I depart from this cruel place

Into the loving misery of death's cold embrace

Do not close my pale eyes, do not kiss my face.

Do not mourn my passing, the life that death devoured.

Not a single black garment, not one damned flower!

Not because I am "in a better place".

That is but a farce, life is but a waste.

A series of unending pain,

Interrupted by meaningless gain.

I am not bitter, I am not to blame.

Despise life's design, and the fragile human mind,

Binded so easily by the death throes of time.

Blinded so simply by death, you will find.

So do not bemoan me when I am felled.

For I'll be waiting for you all, at the gates of Hell!

By the way, my last words are the last words of Edgar Allan Poe…I just felt like throwing that in, ehehhe, it seemed fitting for me, and besides, the title of this fanfic is a…oh wait, it's a Mark Twain reference…Well, two great American writers.  And the poem that consists of the Fifth Child's will is written by me.

Hope you few who actually read this enjoyed it, I felt like actually making a good SI fanfic, which I may or may not have accomplish. But anyway, later, check out one of my many other fanfics.

Watch, as the story continues...h
