Disclaimer: I tried to steal Jack Sparrow from Disney, but they caught me, so I don't own him.

AN: This is it, the epilogue to the story! It's been a very difficult work for me, but I've finished it, just like I said I would! Yay for me! Anyway, please leave a review to let me know how I did. I know it wasn't one of my best, but at least I was able to finish it without leaving people hanging. Glad so many people enjoyed the story, and keep a sharp eye out for my newest Pirates fic: Sirens of the Sea!


It truly is amazing how life can change so suddenly. Eleanor Cornwallis quickly became Eleanor Sparrow, beloved wife of the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl. The raid on the Silver Blade had left few survivors, none of which could answer questions as to the whereabouts of Eleanor Cornwallis. Therefore, no one managed to connect the newly dubbed Eleanor Sparrow to the dead wife of the deceased Captain Godfrey Cornwallis. The two small Cornwallis children were pronounced dead or missing, along with their mother.

The Lord and Lady of Kent, parents to Eleanor, were heartbroken and horrified at what had happened to their daughter and grandchildren on their voyage to the Caribbean, but had made a rather sudden and remarkable recovery from the tragedy only a few months later, acting as though nothing was wrong with the world. Friends and neighbors of the supposedly 'grieving' family believed that the Kents were merely in a state of denial over the death of their child and grandchildren, and shook their heads whenever they saw the Lord and Lady walk past them on the street, bright smiles plastered on their faces.

In truth, their recovery hadn't been denial. Actually, merely weeks after wedding her dashing pirate, Eleanor had secretly returned to Port Royal with her new husband to assure her parents of her safety and her happiness at marrying the man that she had loved for so long. Although her parents had been horrified at the new and sudden marriage, they knew that this was a chance for their daughter to have love and joy in her life, which they could not deny their eldest child. Edward, upon hearing the news in a letter from his sister and new brother-in-law (who he very much liked and approved of), had leapt for joy and had set to writing down the entire romantic tale in a book for Marie and Joshua to read when they were older.

It wasn't long before several little Sparrows were soon roaming the deck of the Black Pearl, their father at the helm and their mother below decks, teaching them all manners of math, science, and literature. Eleanor made sure that Marie and Joshua had their last name officially changed to Sparrow, just so that they would not feel different from their six half-brothers and sisters.

Over the next twenty-five years, and upon retiring from all of his adventures and mishaps, Jack had a rather hard time providing good ships and crews for each of his eight children, all of which had followed their father's footsteps to take up his profession with joy and a great sense of adventure (as well as a particularly nasty streak when it came to harassing the Royal Navy).

But in the end, what else you expect from a fleet of Sparrows who called themselves the Pirates of the Caribbean?

AN: Kind of cheesy ending, but that's all I could come up with. Short but sweet endings are sometimes the best, don't you think? Anyway, thank you to all of my readers and reviewers, you all rock! My next story should be coming out soon, so keep an eye open!