Hi there. Sorry for the very, very late update. I had to do a lot of community service stuff and I had a major English and Art assignment. I hope you forgive me and hopefully still want to read my fic.

Thanks to Chibi-Inu13 for being my beta. And thank you for the great reviews. They were all wonderful.

Thanks to:


Shinobi Darkbeak











Saki-16: I'm hoping to make them appear soon. If it does not work out then I won't. I'm considering, though. Thanks!





shinobi-Sakura: She was not a thief back then. Her father sold her for money. To where? Well, it'll come out soon enough. There are some hints in this chapter. I think you'll figure it out. If not then just wait and see 'cause all will revealed. Thanks!

Sakura-Girl 2005

ligice76 (X5): yes, they sleep in the same room, but not on the same bed… well not yet anyway. Thanks!


Chapter 10

A crowd of people were lined up in front of the grand theater hall. Who would want to miss the premier of the world famous 'Romeo and Juliet?' No one. Sasuke and Sakura decided to join the excitement; not by choice of course.

The waiting had gotten to Sakura. She was not made for little black dresses, high heels or long line-ups. She was more for tight slacks, torn sandals, and quickies.

Throughout the past twenty minutes she had been struggling with the hem of her skirt. It seemed it did not go any further down then just above her knee. Along with that it was hard keeping her balance.

"Stop struggling," Sasuke spoke up. She had let go of his arm and it seemed she was receiving a lot of stares due to that fact, especially from the men.

Sakura cleared her throat, let go of the hem of her skirt, and grabbed Sasuke's hand instantly.

As if on cue, the line started moving further in and in a matter of minutes, they were headed in. Sakura was amazed at what she saw. It screamed high society. It was a little bit distracting for her, especially the crystal chandeliers just before the theater hall. It seemed there was a ball room located on the west side of the building, but that was a completely different matter.

Sasuke felt as if he had to literally drag Sakura. Her eyes seemed to be roaming around the place. It was nice, but come on, was it really worth it?

Her facial expressions were an amusing site. The way her mouth was always agape when she found something amazing, but she has not seen the best part yet.

When they finally reached the entrance of the theater, a man in a plain red suit and a sleek mustache greeted them each with a bow and guided them to their seating.

They had made their arrangements before hand for they knew the best seats in the house would be the balcony strictly across the stage, right above the grand entrance door. There were of course two velvet, red chairs with gold trim facing the stage. The balcony railing was approximately three and a half feet off of its floor.

Just as she entered, Sakura draped herself over the chair on the right. Since nobody, but Sasuke was there, she could relax all she wants. She hoped he would not care too much. Of course there is always the bad-ass attitude of his that could get her nervous.

Sasuke looked over at his 'companion' as she sat comfortably, not caring at all if his present was there or not. But he could not expect anything more from her. Her position did look kind of relaxing. He let himself also rest his back against the seat.

Sakura gave a slight chuckle at his position. "What is so funny?" he asked.

"It's just that, for once you don't look like you've got a stick stuck up your ass, is all," she told him.

"Hn," he went back to his stoic self and faced the front stage.

The lights dimmed and the crowd went silent. The chorus began and Sakura leaned over the balcony to have a better look.


Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life;

Whose misadventured piteous overthrows

Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.

The fearful passage of their death-marked love,

And the continuance of their parents' rage,

Which, but their children's end, naught could remove,

Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;

The which if you with patient ears attend,

What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.


Her face formed an 'o' shape as she watched the men in funny costumes move about. Her hands were tightly holding the balcony railing. Her back was now to Sasuke and he did not mind for he would rather watch her back then watch Shakespeare's boring works.

He placed an elbow on the handle and looked ahead with a bored expression. He could still here the voices of the actors in the first scene.

Gregory. The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.

Sampson. 'Tis all one. I will show myself a tyrant. When I have fought with the men, I will be civil with the maids-I will cut off their heads.

She smiled at the part. Apparently she liked it when the men moved their swords around even though this strange type of English was alien to her.

Her funny position made Sasuke smirk. It was not everyday that he would see Sakura so amused. He felt the strangest urge to do something, anything. Then he noticed how low the cut was on the dress from the back. He could see her spine clearly. There was definitely not much fabric covering her body and it was strictly too tight. Maybe that was the reason she was struggling so much in the line? Anyway, it was something Sakura should not wear.

There should be a warning label in bold, red letters saying, 'Do Not Wear In Public Place,' or even better, 'Do Not Wear If Faking A Marriage.' He wondered why even such dresses were out in the market.

He tried so hard to restrict the blush that was creeping up his cheeks. Thank goodness no one was around.

Oddly, this all seemed so familiar. Was it Naruto or Neji at age fourteen? Thankfully, Sasuke stayed in the sidelines. Well, maybe cheering for the home-team? Anyway, curiosity was eating away at him, biting and tearing away all the boredom.

He moved forward slightly on his seat. Yes, his hands could definitely reach her waist now. He lifted his hands forward and was just a few inches from touching her. He could feel his fingers tingling and his brain screaming, 'This is so wrong, this is so wrong, THIS IS SO WRONG!' He was so close, he could actually-


Sasuke quickly retrieved his hands and turned his flushed face to the opening of their space. There was a man there with the same attire as the man who had escorted them. Except this one had messy hair, no moustache, and a goofy grin.

"Umm… sorry if I've disturbed, but would sir and madam care for a drink?" He brought his hand with the tray and moved it forward slightly for them.

Sasuke looked as if he was about to rip his head off and shove it up his behind. The man gulped and sweat dropped seeing Sasuke's face.

"No, it's ok. We've had one before. Thanks for the trouble." Sakura gladly cut the tension.

"Ok. H-have a good evening m'am," with that the man exited the room, still locked in an intense gaze with Sasuke.

When he left Sasuke sat back in his seat, arms crossed, and eyes closed.

Sakura wanted to say a few words to him, but it seems he was angry and she knew better not to disturb him in this state. So she resumed to her position.

A good one and a half hour later, the play was nearing an end and Sakura looked as if she was about to fall off her seat in exhaustion. It was mostly due to boredom. Her eyes were closed and her elbow was resting comfortably on the armrest. There was a small line of drool present on the side of her lip. Speaking of her lips, they were slightly parted due to her silly position.

Since there was still half an hour left, Sasuke did not bother to wake Sakura up. He let her rest while he went out for a walk. His legs felt numb and besides he was afraid he would do something to Sakura (a/n: nothing perverted people). He walked down the staircase located on the right and went straight to the first floor.

It was still busy outside, even though the play was reaching its climax. Sasuke decided he had best get a drink before the play finishes. As he was about to leave the room, he spotted something blond in the crowd. He knew who it would be. It would be best if he hid from him for he did not want to talk right now.

One the serving men approached him with a drink, but before he could reach for the glass, somebody else had beaten him to it. Sigh. Uzumaki.

"Thank you," he offered a smile to the man and turned to Sasuke. The server took this as a cue and left them. Naruto gave him an awkward look. Then he realized it. He put on a grin. It widened. He was about to say something but Sasuke took the opportunity himself.

"Don't say it, Uzumaki," Sasuke stated flatly.

"I wasn't going to. Where is Sakura anyway?" The light from the chandeliers illuminated his hair, one shade lighter.

"She's still watching." He put his hands in his pocket in a bored way.

Naruto shook his head. "You never learn."

"What can I say; I'm not the one for Shakespeare," he spoke almost in a mocking tone.

Naruto took a sip from his drink. "One never leaves a lady behind."

"She never asked for me stay. She'd rather have me gone then bored," he answered, looking away.

"Whatever. She probably got used to your cold-ass attitude. I can't blame her," he responded and took another sip.

"What about you? Where is Hinata?" Sasuke did his best to change the subject.

"Oh, she's in the ladies room." So much for that. "Say, Uchiha."


"Have you heard what happened in the market located on the outskirts of the city?" Naruto questioned in a serious tone.

"No. Why?"

"Apparently, they've found two children beaten and unconscious on one of those isolated camps. They were around seven. Nobody had claimed them so they were orphans. There's still investigation going on and I thought you might know something about it," he finished off and did the same with the drink in his hand. Naruto looked serious. It was not something you get to see everyday. Hard as it seemed to admit, but Sasuke felt nervous.

He placed the glass on one on the servers who were passing by and turned back to Sasuke. He looked confused. "What are you talking about? How would I know what's going on? I barely watch T.V."

"Think about it. Your father had owned those camps and right before he passed away, he claimed that they were empty. He would have them cleaned and used as a charity house. Not to offend, but he does not seem like the guy who would do something so kind. I think you would know that." He placed a hand of Sasuke's shoulder, looked him straight in the eye and spoke again, "when that Will is cleared, you'll see what I mean."

"What?" He was definitely dazed at what Naruto had just mentioned. How would Naruto know this stuff anyway?

Just when he was about to ask another question, Sasuke was interrupted by Naruto. "Hinata! Ready to go?" It was amazing how Naruto had changed his expression.

"Yeah," she said with a warm smile. When she noticed Sasuke, she turned and offered a greeting. "Good evening, Sasuke."

"Good evening," he shook his head slightly and replied.

"Well we'd best be leaving. Say 'hi' to Sakura for both Hinata and I, would you?" he asked. In return Sasuke nodded in acknowledgment. They both left arm-in-arm. Sasuke watched them leave, still confused about what Naruto had said.

He decided it was best to let it unfold itself. It was about time that the play ended and it was best to get Sakura now, to avoid others attending here.

They had finally arrived safe home and Sakura went straight to bed. It was around eleven at night and sleep was no longer a statement. Although, it had taken her all of her might not to fall asleep in the car.

It was cold out and the windows and door were closed by the servants. The cold wind had stopped just as soon as Sakura climbed on the bed.

There had been something bugging her all night. She had a gut feeling that something was going to happen tonight, something bad; maybe it was just her imagination? Who knows?

It is no secret that wherever she goes, trouble is usually likely to follow steps behind. Just how many though? This began eating away at her now. It took away her sleep like nothing.

She pulled her blanket over her face and tried to stay calm. It was getting pretty warm in there. That was maybe from worrying too much.

She took a few steady breathes and tried to relax.




She flicked her eyes open. Her heartbeat raced. That was definitely not her breathing. She sat up and opened the lamp on the side table. She nearly dropped it, but was able to catch it. She looked around the room, but nobody was in sight.

She placed a hand on her chest and was able to relax. With a sigh, she flicked off the lamp and went back to her attempt at sleep.




There it was again. She pushed herself on her elbows but she was suddenly knocked down. She clutched her stomach in pain. She tried with all her might not to scream. She wanted to let Sasuke sleep.

After a few seconds, she was hit again, but this time it was a slap on her face. She did not have time to touch her left cheek for a heavier weight was straddling her. She wanted to open her eyes badly, but she knew she would not be able to make out the face of her attacker in pitch black.

Her wrists were held back so she could not counter attack. She felt a tear trickle down the side of her face.

"Stay still," she heard him say. It was a clear demand. He shifted her wrists from two hands to one above her head. His right hand went missing for a while.

This gave Sakura some time. Since her attacker was busy getting something, she slid her knee upwards and made a direct hit on her attacker's stomach.

He seemed dazed for a second but remained in the same position. She lifted her remaining knee and hit his right thigh.

This gave her some points for the grip on her wrists was loosened. She quickly pulled them free. She grabbed his shoulders and smashed together her forehead with his. She felt blood on her forehead and was not sure if it had belonged to her. It did not seem too important to her at the moment.

She pushed the attacker's body backwards. He fell off the bed. Due to the cushiony carpet, his body did not make much noise. Along with him, she got off the bed.

He sat up, but Sakura did not notice this. She was too busy trying to guess his position. She lifted her foot and kicked on the far end of the bed where she thought her might be. She did come in contact with something.

For the next minute she felt nothing nor did she hear anything. She cautiously moved towards her lamp. She switched it on and looked around.

There was nothing out of the ordinary. She was supposed to see her attacker, lying there unconsciously. He was not there. She looked at her surrounding in a panic.

Gasp. She felt a blow on her skull. She was knocked-out cold.

A/N: Well that was my longest chapter so far. Hope you've enjoyed it. To tell you the truth, I was running out of ideas, but thanks to all of you who reviewed and kept this story alive. After all, I cannot disappoint my audience. Thanks for your continuous support and again, sorry for the delay. Hope you can review!