Disclaimer: C'mon! Do you really think I own Harry Potter!

Author's Note: Heh…so we find out who Harry's savior is in this chapter. Some of you got the answer right, kudos to you.

As for those who wanted it to be Rodolphus/Draco/Snape, I'm sorry I don't do Slash. I have nothing against homosexuals, I just don't like reading/writing it.

Review Responses are at the bottom.

Chapter Two:


"That's right, me," Bellatrix Black sneered at Tonks before looking coolly at Anthony and Terry. "Out. Now."

Tonks watched on in shock as the two former, honest-to-the-bone Ravenclaws nodded obediently and hurriedly walked out of the room before shutting the door behind them.

"You're not fit enough to be up and about," Harry told Bellatrix as she walked over to them as if she had all the time in the world. He actually sounded concerned, much to Tonks' bafflement. "Back to bed until Bill gets back with the potions."

She merely scowled at him. Apparently, she did not like being called fragile or ordered around. "You forget who gave you the extra power to defeat the Dark Lord," she hissed at him.

"And you forget who nursed you back to health when you were sick and weak for giving me so much of it," Harry shot back, matching her glare for glare.

Bella's glare didn't waver but she stepped away from him, conceding defeat. "I'm not going up there again, though. This is too good to miss," A smirk now graced her lips as she glanced from Tonks and Harry. She brushed past him and seated herself on a black-leather armchair.

"Suit yourself," grunted Harry before turning back to a seemingly stupefied Tonks. "Oh, c'mon, Tonks! Don't act so surprised. Do you actually think that I was able to get out of that hell hole and defeat Voldemort without any sort of help? Bella here," he gestured to the woman on the chair, who waved mockingly at the Auror. "Rescued me when none of the Order so much as tried to. They probably don't even care about me now that Voldemort's gone."

Tonks shook her head. "Harry, that's not true!"

"Oh? Then kindly explain this to me," He thrust a small Daily Prophet clipping into her hands and waited.

Tonks looked at the article's title, dated two days ago, and was immediately puzzled.

Harry Potter's Will Revealed!

"You wrote a will?" she asked, scowling. She had told him many times before not to be pessimistic about his future and was a bit affronted that he hadn't listened to her.

Harry sneered. "No,"

Bella let out a giggle. "Oh dear. The Ministry's in trouble, isn't it?" she said, sounding delighted.

"They were in trouble long before they made up my will, Bella," He nodded to Tonks. "Read the rest of it," he told her.

Anger grew steadily in Tonks as she read the rest of the article.

Early this morning, the Ministry of Magic revealed the Boy-Who-Lived's last will and testament, which, under Mr. Potter's request, had been left with them for safekeeping. Now that Mr. Potter's death has been confirmed, the will has been revealed. The will states that Mr. Potter has left 20 percent of his total assets to the Ministry of Magic, another 30 percent to St. Mungo's and the remaining 50 percent to numerous private parties.

The private parties have yet to claim their inheritance.

Allenia Thorne

Daily Prophet Reporter

"This is absolute rubbish!" Tonks exclaimed, furious. "St. Mungo's, I can believe, but the Ministry! They might have been more believable giving it to a Hungarian Horntail! It's an insult to you!"

Harry stayed silent as he observed Tonks rant. She was angry enough to defect from the Ministry, he was sure of that, but would it be enough to want to totally take them down? He needed her on his side, it would be regrettable if he had to fight against the person he considered his sister. But if worst came to worst, he'd battle her to purge the corrupt Ministry.

Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke. "Tonks, for the past few years, you've been the closest thing to a sister to me," he said, choosing his words carefully. "You've been there with me through a lot of crap and you've been with me through the few good times, too. Now, once again, I want…need you to be there for me…to join me."

The Auror blinked at him. "Join you in what, exactly?"

Harry shrugged. "Some might call it a revolution. Others, rebellion. A few, they call it…well…"

Bella rolled her eyes. "For Merlin's sake!" she huffed exasperatedly, earning herself a glare from Harry. "He means we're going to take over the Ministry, execute corrupt officials, establish a new Wizarding World Order and maybe get some revenge as well. Violence is only Plan B on the 1st and 3rd objectives." The former Death Eater shrugged. "Pity that."

"Why?" asked Tonks, wide-eyed.

The Boy-Who-Lived was stony-faced as he looked at her. "Because I'm sick and tired of incompetent officials hiding the truth from the public. I'm tired of them looking the other way just because some Death Eater game the money when the people they vowed to serve are suffering. I'm tired of them meddling in things that don't concern them, including my life. And I'm especially tired of them imprisoning innocents."

Tonks's eyes widened even more and they moved to Bella. "You can't mean her,"

Harry and Bella both scoffed.

"Of course not. This is no alternate reality, Nymphadora," she sneered at her niece. "To tell the truth, I haven't changed all that much. I'm merely willing to set my eyes—and my wand—on another target."


"That's a story for another day, Tonks," said Harry, smirking slightly. "Now, have you decided to join me or not?"

The Metamorphmagus hesitated visibly. "Harry, you know I consider you a brother as well but…you'll have to give me some time to think about it,"

He nodded in an understanding manner, though inside he felt a bit disappointed. "Very well. We'll give you 48 hours, no more, no less," He gestured towards a door that looked out of place in a grand setting such as the room. "That leads to the Apparation Room. We'll contact you in two days to get your answer,"

"But I have so many things to ask you!" Tonks protested.

"Two days, Tonks. Just two days," he said. "If you choose to join, I'll answer any question you might have."

She looked at him shrewdly. "And if I choose not to?"

Harry merely smiled. "Goodbye, Tonks,"

Tonks sighed, walked into the Apparation Room and appeared in her apartment moments later.


"Well, that didn't go too bad, now did it?" Bella said out loud once Tonks was gone. "What a pity,"

An amused smile played on Harry's lips as he turned to face his companion. "Have I mentioned that you're a complete sadist?"

She grinned back at him, the expression reaching her eyes, a rare occurrence. "Not today, you haven't."

"Forgive me then. Bellatrix, you are indeed one of the most sadistic people I know,"

Bella curtsied prettily like any noble lady would. "Why thank you,"

Harry observed her as she burst into a fit of giggles. It was a wonder to see one of the Most Wanted witches on Earth giggle like a school girl; it certainly did not fit the image. But he had found out a day ago that Bella strove to break any image that one would fit her with. Well, except for the creative killer image. That one, she was quite proud of.

His observation was cut short when the door to the room Tonks had gone into just moments ago burst open.

"It's about time," he said dryly as he saw the eldest Weasley standing there, clutching a backpack. "Did you get what I asked for?"

Bill nodded, setting the backpack on a nearby chair. He played with his Egyptian bracelet nervously. "We might have a bit of a problem, Harry."

Harry froze midstep towards the bag. The smallest problem could possibly throw a wrench into their machinations. "What went wrong?"

The cursebreaker grimaced. "I think Kingsley Shacklebolt might have seen me."


Albus Dumbledore sighed warily as he looked at the monstrosity before him. Really, this much paperwork should be illegal, especially for one his age. But, alas, there had been many documents that had been obscured when Tom had still been alive. Now that he was dead, they were all surfacing.

The old man looked up eagerly as the door to his office opened. Anything to get away from the paperwork.

"Ah, Kingsley, what brings you to my office this perfect evening?" Dumbledore asked upon seeing the Head Auror entree his office.

"Albus, I saw someone, earlier, who very well should have been dead," started Kingsley slowly. "And I'm pretty sure I was seeing right. Either Bill Weasley has a very convincing doppelganger out there with the same way of speaking or he's come back from the dead."

Dumbledore stood up, a troubled look on his face. Kingsley was right. Bill Weasley should have been dead. He had been killed by Rodolphus Lestrange when he had been on a reconnaissance mission. They hadn't seen the body, of course, but the Death Eaters had sent the Weasley family the cursebreaker's treasured earring.

"And where did you see this look-alike, Kingsley?"

"In Knockturn Alley, buying some potions from a dealer," was the reply.

Dumbledore reached for a quill on his desk and took out his wand. "Come, Kingsley. We must go see Molly about this," He touched his wand to the quill and said, "Portus."

He held the quill to the Auror and together, they vanished from the Headmaster's office.


Author's Note: So there you have Chapter 2. I'm sorry I'm so slow in updating. It's not intentional, I swear.

Review responses to Chapter 1:

Xyverz- LOL I'm sure you'll find a way to keep your interest ;)

Shadowed Rains- Ah! A fellow perfectionist! So…did you guess right?

Android181- . Eh…I'm trying to avoid clichés right now. So that's a definite no.

The Dark Lord Potter- Hehe…I know but other people haven't looked there.

Just Me- She will, don't worry. It'll just take some time.

PsychicLunar- I'm sorry if you're disappointed with Bella being the one. But she did help him though, so I guess they're even.

Oblivionknight7- Heh…sorry if it's confusing. I'll try not to make it that way in future chapters.

Jollander- Like I said before, not many people look there.

Dragon Sword Master- I'm sorry but no, Harry will not pair up with every female in the story. It isn't right.

Althea- I'll take it if you're offering. :D

LT2000- No bashing of Cho here. I ship her and Harry, though not in this story. I didn't mean for Dumbledore to come out manipulative, it just happened. I write these things without knowing what happens beforehand. I'm not one to plan in advance.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

To all the others who reviewed, thank you very much for reading my story.