Ok last chapta up everyone! Yeah! Thanks everyone for being supportive in the re-posting of this story. Reviewers, yet again, you rock:

unknown legacy

aQuA rhapsody




Jiyuu no Megami

Little TinkerBell Girl

lady sakura cosmos

Crystal Knight

TonyOctober 2.0

Thanks again,

Kitkat & snick3rdoodl3


A Hit to the Head

By: Kit Kat and Snick3rDooDl3

Chapta 5: Back Again

Serena opened her eyes rapidly and screamed. The scouts and Darien were lying on the ground, bloody and beaten. The monster seemed to be focusing all of its energy into a huge power ball forming above its head. He'll kill them!

She leapt to her feet in panic and looked side to side. Where is my wand! She had no clue what to do.

'The Crystal is merely part of you. Its strength comes from the love in your heart for the people around you. It could not exist without you…' Princess Serenity's words burned in her head and she knew what she must do.

"NO!" She jumped in front of all her friends with her hands held out.

"Serena, no get out of here!" Darien tried to crawl to her but he was too weak to move.

The monster screamed and hurled the energy surge toward Sailor Moon. She began glowing a blinding white light, energizing. The surge came closer and Serena closed her eyes, thinking of everyone. Mina, Lita, Aimee, Rei… Darien. The world went silent as light flooded every corner.

Serena opened her eyes and saw that the Imperial Crystal was emitting a light in front of her and everywhere around her. The light consumed the energy surge and hit the monster, tearing through its body. It let one last piercing cry before disappearing completely.

The blinding light then retreated back into the Crystal. Serena smiled and touched it. The Crystal gently dissolved into Serena's body. Then, she turned around to check on her friends.

They were revived by the Crystal and began waving and running to her happily. Serena laughed in relief and then fainted to the ground, overwhelmed with exhaustion. Her wand reappeared, clutched close to her heart.


"I hope she's ok…"

"Look she's waking up!"

Serena awoke with her smiling friends all around her. She tried to sit up but a sharp pain in her head made her fall back.

"Ow ow ow!" she whined and they all laughed.

"Take it easy, your head took a nasty hit!" Darien smiled lightly and ran his fingers over her cheek.

"It did? I hardly remember what happened." She grinned sheepishly and rubbed the top of her head.

"You saved our asses, that's what happened!" Lita yelled appreciatively.

"Ouch not so loud." Her head seemed to have two dorfs pounding their hammers away in her brain.

"You all better let her rest some more." Luna was curled at the edge of Serena's bed. They nodded and got ready to leave.

"Hey, wait a sec guys," Serena called and they turned back to her, "What'd you get me?"

"She's back!" they all cheered as they left… Well, all except Darien. He stared at her and she blushed. Luna took the hint and followed the rest out of the room.

"Hey…" he walked to her side and kneeled near her bed.

"Hey." Serena slightly gulped and continued to stare into his wonderful eyes. Darien…

"I missed you."

"Y-you did?" she said surprised. She thought he would have liked the more graceful, more romantic Serena better.

"Of course," his voice lowered to a whisper, "Only you can make me laugh, smile, blush, carefree, happy, and fly all at the same time."

"But what about the polite, poised, perfect me?"

"No, only you can make me feel this way. I love the real you. It makes me feel… free."

"Even when I trip or cry or fail a test?"

"Yes." She shuddered and closed her eyes. He loves me. The real me.

Darien brushed his lips to hers as she held his face close. When they broke away she shyly smiled and swept back his bangs with her fingers to look in his eyes. It's good to be back…


Thanks for reading everyone! Reviews are nice (hint, hint).

.. Kit Kat & Snick3rDooDl3