Author's note: Just so you know: the chapters won't be this short. Since this was just the prologue I didn't make it pages and pages long. I just felt you should know that. Heh. Anyway – I'm a review addict/whore so I would love it if you reviewed. Thanks.

"You did what?"

The lawyer looked shell-shocked, her blonde lover looked stunned into another world and Michael stood there in the muncher's home with his mouth dropped open wide enough to catch oncoming bugs. Brian stood before all of them, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his black trench coat, and looked like he had delivered the most normal news to ever happen in Pittsburgh. Michael looked like he wanted to say something, maybe even yell something since he was always so dramatic, but he couldn't seem to get it out. Lindsay looked too shocked to say anything. Melanie was the only one able to use her vocals at the moment. Brian lifted his shoulders up in a shrug.

"I applied for the Art teaching job at St. James."

"You go from being a top Ad exec to being a fucking teacher?"

Melanie had always been loud. Brian simply nodded his head, anger burning in the pit of his stomach at the very mention of him being an AD exec. Thanks to Vance that would no longer be an option for him. After all the years Brian had worked his ass off for the stupid, ass ugly bald man this was how he got repaid. For years Vance had been trying to get Brian into some sort of trouble so there would be a good reason to get him fired. It had finally happened and Brian was gone from Vanguard forever. For years Vance had brought on surprise drug checks. Brian had been lucky the first time it had happened – he had been absent. The second time – he had managed to use Cynthia's piss to substitute his. The third time – four weeks ago he had been away on a trip to win an ad.

This time, however, a week ago, he hadn't been so lucky. There hadn't been any evidence of drugs in his system; he had stopped using four weeks ago when he realized how much of a danger it was to him and his job if he kept on using. Not only had it provided him the security that he could no longer get fired if also made him look a helluva lot better and made, other's told him anyway, his personality towards people a lot better. He wasn't sure if he liked this or not but he would get over it. So he had been fine when he had to piss in a cup. He had acted happy as he skipped off to the bathroom with his cup, although he offered to piss right there in front of everyone. They had told him to use the restroom. He came back to find, however, them digging through his desk and pulling out a little packet of E. Fuck.

Vance had fucking framed him.

The bald bastard even had a smirk on his face. He had all but giggled when he told Brian he was fired. Stupid bastard. If it hadn't been for the healthy glow from his drug free for four weeks body then he probably would've decked the little shit. That night had been full of drinking his ass off but, still, no drugs. He liked the way he no longer had dark shadows under his eyes, red surrounding his pupils and that hangover look he always had when he woke up. Sure, the enormous amount of alcohol that night had given it to him but, with the drugs; it had been a lot worst. He was better off without them. He probably looked better due to the lack of tricking. Since he had been working so fucking hard he had stayed late at the office every night for weeks. No more late night tricking for him.

And it had all been for nothing.

So, he had gone to St. James after seeing an AD on the computer and gotten the job of the Art teacher in, obviously, the art department. It couldn't be too hard. Plus, he was creative. How else had he survived so long at Vanguard? He was a fucking genius when it came to art. Michael suddenly burst out.

"Do you know what that means?"

Brian shrugged not caring.

"No more tricking,"

Brian broke in. "I haven't done that for weeks anyway."

"No more drugs!"

Michael was counting off on his fingers and Brian quickly pointed out that he hadn't had drugs in weeks either. The three of them looked slightly stunned but Michael pressed on.

"No late night excursions to Babylon except on weekends…and that's if you're not grading projects which I'm sure you will be. Brian – you're out of your fucking mind."

Brian rolled his eyes. Michael had always been such a drama queen.

"Look. I'll give them some glue and macaroni and put them to work."

Michael didn't think it too funny.

"It doesn't work that way."

"You're right. I'll give them glitter too. Relax, Michael. I know what I'm doing. It shouldn't be that hard anyway. I'll impress them with my cussing since we all know teachers aren't supposed to have dirty mouths, win the award for hottest teacher on the campus, and enjoy checking out the hot, young asses of the school boys in their school uniforms…those ties would probably play into something fun."

Michael rolled his eyes and immediately shut up. He was obviously giving up on getting to his best-friend. Brian just nodded at the three of them and made a move to leave.

"Well, that's the news I had for you. Maybe you can visit me and give me an apple or something."

He walked out the door before anyone could call him back and demand that he not take the job and demand that he get a job that would use his brilliant skills that he had worked on for years at Vanguard. That wasn't going to happen. Brian had a feeling that Vance had made sure every Ad company in the United States knew about his "drug holding". Brian would admit though – he wasn't looking forward to having to teach a bunch of bratty rich kids. He would probably lose control and lash out at one of them if they were smart ass with him and then he would lose yet another job.

Brian couldn't even see himself teaching.

For that matter – he couldn't see himself not doing drugs, not tricking and not clubbing.

Wow. Fuck. Before he knew it he would be in love and living a happy domestic life.