Disclaimer: No, I don't own KnD…

Summary: Drabble. 86 is angry, stay away. Stay far away. hints of 86/274 (Fanny/Chad) set before Operation: END


Bright red hair dripped with sweat as one annoyed head of decommission grumbled under her breath. Her footsteps stomped angrily at floor of the Moonbase. Some agents -- who were trying to hide from her wrath -- swore that cracks were forming beneath her feet. The head of decommission had her hands at her sides, balled into fists and her knuckles clenched white.

No, Numbuh 86 wasn't upset because her latest mission ended in disaster, or that the supposed-to-be decommissioned teenager for the day had just escaped and was probably gushing his heart out with every single secret the Moonbase had to offer to the Delightful Children from Down the Lane, if that's what you're wondering…

In fact, during all of these misfortunes, 86 had been actually pretty calm! If you asked Numbuh 99, who had been with her during all the missions she had ever had, she only swore loudly and insulted every boy in a mile radius for five minutes each. It usually took her hours (not including the time between the missions) to degrade the male population of her team.

This rage that she had right now was a very personal case. It was discovered by the girl while on the way to the large kitchen of the moonbase.

And what Fanny, AKA Numbuh 86, heard from the giggling gossip-whores of her section made her very, very pissed.

According to her sources, there was only one culprit to this very alarming dillema...

One agent had unleashed this fury, the same agent that would experience this fury…

Which Numbuh 86 was now very willing to offer.

She stopped directly at the giant door in front of her, scoffing at her victim for being so extravagant and exaggerated. The large door was for intimidation, and unfortunately for the fool, she wasn't intimidated. The nerve of him! Does he even think that his stupid door could defend him! thought the infuriated Irish.

Oh, was he in for it… If she looked mad a while ago, she was a friggin' inferno now!

With all the strength she could muster, she kicked the gigantic door open, inwardly smirking at the sound of wood hitting the wall. The person occupying the room had his head shot up, obviously surprised at Numbuh 86's entrance. When he realized exactly who entered his room, his face immediately returned to its calm demeanor but with slight mischievousness present.

"Well," started the agent, "it seems like Numbers 326 and 99 couldn't keep their mouths shut…"

His almost impish tone startled the girl, but her surprise was hid very well. Instead, her face twisted in anger, and she screeched at the top of her lungs.


And chaos, if there weren't already enough, ensued.


A/n: A small 86/274 friendship (sorta) fic. shrugs What can you say? It's cute, it'll work. But I'm very upset of Chad during the END episode, though… Fanny looked pretty upset for a moment.