Notes: This is a Leon x Joachim yaoi fic, with a little Walter x Joachim on the side. Don't like, don't read, simple ne?

Disclaimer: Leon, Joachim, Walter and any other Castlevania characters mentioned do not belong to me. I'm just borrowing them for the sake of this ficlet.

Rated: T (May Increase Later)


The very words were enough to strike terror into the bravest of mortals. It was called Eternal Night, the castle and home of a vampire lord. Not once in a hundred years had light shone down through the sinister, whispering trees. Not once had any man ever returned home after he ventured inside. Strange creatures lurked there, with claws and teeth that could tear flesh from bone and bone from flesh, plants with sharp vines and pointed thorns that could hook and rip though clothing, ensnaring and choking their victims without a sound.

Those that were lucky enough to make it into the castle were met by an army of even stranger creatures. Dead that could walk and fight again, ancient soldiers that were little more than gleaming bones and grinning skulls under aging and rusted armour. Creatures with the body of a lion and the wings of an eagle. Creatures of legend.

But for those who lived there, life could be as hellish as it was for the humans.


Silence was something a vampire was used to. Silence came with darkness, and that was what all undead beings thrived upon. In the depths of the castle's waterway was a single cell, an almost forgotten room in the home of purest evil.

Occasionally a sound would penetrate its thick stone walls; the drip of icy cold water, the distant roar of the waterfall, and sometimes, just sometimes, the faint sounds of footsteps from beyond the heavy set iron door that served as a prison gate.

A pale, narrow face would always turn towards those sounds, silvery hair shadowing unnatural, almost glowing violet eyes. But then they would look away again, and the small figure of a man curled up on the stone floor would sigh, and maybe even curse aloud at the creature that had banished him to that place.


Joachim despised everything about that vampire; from his long, elegantly curling red hair to his mesmerizing scarlet eyes. He hated that face, that voice, how such a creature could have such a control over his body.

He longed for revenge.

But trapped as he was, that was near impossible.

Another tormenting sound drifted into his hearing, and almost through force of habit, he turned to face it. It took a moment for his senses, dulled by months of labouring in the near pitch black, to fully register what he was hearing. The smooth tingle of a magical seal shattering like glass across the walls, the sharp scrape of a door being pulled back, and soft, almost silent footsteps on the floor.

Seconds later, he scrabbled to his feet, slipping slightly on the damp mossy floor. Eyes narrowed as they picked out the figure standing by the door. Everything, from the leering expression to the gleaming eyes was so very familiar.

"What do you want?" His voice was a low hiss of anger.

"Now Joachim, I'm sure you've had quite a while to think this over" The voice was deceptively light, almost cheerful.

The younger vampire suppressed a shudder. "Think over what? How I can kill you?"

A smirk. "Hardly. I . . . have come to make you an offer"

"And that would be?" Joachim tried to disguise the surge of pure hatred that rushed through his veins. He wanted to attack Walter, to lunge forward and rip his cold, still heart out of his chest. But the master of the castle was infinitely older than he was, stronger, and of course, he had the ebony stone. The stone that would allow its master to call eternal darkness on any place he wished. The stone that made him the undisputed ruler of the castle. Joachim had tried to gain his freedom once, and look where that had landed him.

Trapped for days, months, maybe even years in a cold cell with little fresh blood to drink. Even a human's company would be welcome; to pass the long hours he had spent labouring in sorrow and feeling sorry for himself.

The continuation of the vampire's words roused him from his thoughts.

"You know me well enough, and I know you like no other" The figure moved closer, and Joachim instinctively moved back. "I know what you need, what you crave . . . I gave you immortality, young one, and that is a gift many would go down on their knees and beg for."

Before he could stop himself, Joachim felt a derisive laugh escape his throat. "Immortality is nothing if I have to spend it in a place like this. Even hell treats it's creatures better that you treat me!"

For the first time, Walter's voice softened to an almost gentle tone. "I treated you badly. It was something that you did not deserve, and you know that I am truly sorry for it. I was angry. I over-reacted."

A gloved hand crept up to cup his face tenderly, but he pushed the arm away and circled around the older vampire warily. It was like a game of cat and mouse.

"You came to make me an offer, so speak!"

"Swear that you will serve me once again, and I will release you from this place. Tomorrow another knight will arrive in an attempt to rescue his beloved. This mortal is smart, and I could use anther trusted soul to watch my back"

This time it was Joachim who smirked. "I swear my loyalty to you, and that what would happen? You would treat me nothing better than a slave!"

"Joachim" Walter moved forward, arms outstretched, a look of deepest hurt on his handsome features, "I want to be forgiven." His posture suddenly grew more . . . sensual. His voice was heavier, tainted with something that Joachim had learnt to hate over time. "I want you . . . freely, as you once did"



The silver-haired vampire folded his arms across his chest. "I said no. Go and play your own games. You lure humans here to kill them, so you never needed any aid before. Go ask the Succubus for help, I'm sure you'll find her much more willing than I could ever be. I could not care less what happens to you."

Walter stared at him angrily, and Joachim felt another cruel smile curve his lips. "But . . . if you think that you are too old to handle a mere human by yourself . . ."

Walter straightened up. His face was a mask of anger that had quickly replaced the look of forged hurt. "Shut up! Insolent wretch! You are making a grave mistake. This will be the last chance I give you. Ever."

"Leave me alone. You have my answer" The younger man turned his back. He did not see the rage that flickered across his master's face.

There was a stunning blow to his jaw, and he reeled back, tasting the coppery tang of blood in his mouth. Unconsciously, his hand came up to ward off another blow, but this time his wrist was caught in a grip of iron, and he bit his lower lip in an attempt to not cry out.

The dry cracking of bones made him start, and he wrenched his hand free. Nursing it with his good hand, he backed away as far as he could go. He jumped slightly as his back hit slimy stone.

Ruby red eyes watched him impassively, and then Walter turned.

He moved to the door, and gave a mocking bow. "Then I hope you enjoy your stay here, little one. It will be all of eternity before you see the outside world again"

The door was shut with a slam, and Joachim didn't even have to look as he cast his eyes over intricate iron to know that a seal of incredible power had been placed over it. He was trapped once more, hungry, alone and for now . . . in silence.


At the castle's entrance a young man stood. He was dressed in typical attire for a knight or lord, with a flowing cape of red and gold. Clear green eyes looked up at the highest tower, shadowed brightly by a blood red full moon. He hesitated, took a step forward, and then walked forward until the darkness of the castle's foyer swallowed him up.