Disclaimer: I wish the boys were mine. But unfortunately, they are not.

Timeline: Post Not Fade Away

Pairings: Spike/Angel

Warnings: m/m implications, but that's about it.

A/N:This is achallenge fic (given out by the LJ community Idealfiction).

The challenge: Write a 200-300 piece (fanfiction or original) based on the quote: "...that accident ruled every corner of the universe except the chambers of the human heart." -Snow Falling on Cedars, David Guterson.

Booted feet land with a thud on a thick stack of books.

I give him a look. Spike merely shrugs. I shove his legs off. Our collection, built up over the past three years, is a small one—about a percentage of what we had at Wolfram and Hart—and if he puts a single mark on any of the books, I'm going to throttle him. It's already hard enough doing all the research on my own—there's only Spike left now, and though he occasionally pitches in, most times he just chops up the demons.

He picks absently at a cuticle as he watches me flip through the dusty pages. "You done yet?"

"No. Stop asking me that."

"But I'm bloody bored."

"So entertain yourself."

"'S what I'm doing, git. Why do you think I'm annoying you?" He lifts an eyebrow. "Could at least gimme a kiss, Peaches."

I sigh and do my best to ignore him.

To be honest, I have no idea why, out of all of my lovers, he is the one who is still with me. He annoys me on a regular basis. Sometimes I don't know how we manage to live together. Or why I even love him.

But he is the only thing in my life that doesn't feel destined. I was sent to Buffy, was meant to get a soul, it was prophesized to sleep with Darla, and pretty much every event over the past couple centuries was plotted out and written down on a scroll.

Spike, though…Spike just sort of stumbled along. And perhaps that's why he has outlasted them all. Because we were never meant to be. Because the Fates had not thrown us together.

Because I alone choose to love him.


Feedback is loved and adored. :)