Just call me Cynthia. After all, that is my name. I had a weird experience just last week. I thought I might share it. It all started when my Aunt Constance came over. At the time, my mother was pregnant with my younger brother Charlie and had nobody to watch me when she went into labor. So, she suggested I go with Aunt Constance that day to the Academy where she taught. Well, broomstick in hand I waved goodbye to my mother and departed that very day.

The ride there was alright, but when we landed Aunt Constance gave me a smile and said, "Cynthia, they're not on your level, these witches. Take it easy on them." She walked inside.

I took a look at the tall building, and then transported myself into the staff room as my Aunt had told me.

"Welcome, Cynthia." Said an old, yet welcoming voice.

"Hello, Miss Cackle." I replied. I looked around. A nervous old woman introduced herself.

"Miss Bat," she swooned, "Pleasure's mine!" She shrieked. I looked at her strangely.

I felt a chill go down my back, the sign that meant someone had transported behind me. It was obviously my aunt. "Miss Bat," She started, "I ask that you not frighten my niece as she has just arrived."Angry and defeated, the old Miss Bat walked into a cupboard and slammed the door.

A weird sort of fitness woman simply smiled and said, "Miss Drill."
Aunt Constance motioned for me to follow her and announced, "How about a tour, Cynthia?" I smiled and we delay-transported ourselves to the potions lab. In mid-arrival to the lab, I listened to the chattering girls who were already there. "Remember what I told you, Cynthia," my Aunt whispered, "They're well below your level."

We were about to step out of the transport when I added, "How much is 'way below my level', Aunt Constance?"

"Well," she said, blankly, "They're amazed when I appear after a transport. 'Pops out of nowhere' is the usual response." I was shocked to hear this. "Wait until I call you, Cynthia." Aunt Constance said. She appeared in the lab and I listened anxiously. "Today, girls," She started, "As you all know, I brought my niece, Cynthia. Cynthia? The girls would like to meet you!" She called into the air.

This was my key. As instructed, I appeared next to my aunt, and all of the girls gasped and chattered excitedly.

"Today, girls," Aunt Constance began, "I will ask one girl to be Cynthia's official acquaintance, to give her a tour of the school and help her locate all of the rooms. This girl must also introduce Cynthia to all of the girls." Many girls raised their hands, but one girl was already in Aunt Constance's mind. "Ethel Hallow, during lunch break today, please wait in your room. I will be bringing Cynthia there."