I followed Aunt Constance to the staff room. I was confused because... well... she walked there. When we arrived, Miss Cackle had the same gloomy look on her face that my aunt did. "Alright, what's going on?" I asked slowly.

"Cindy, dear... we have something to tell you." Aunt Constance never called me Cindy. Only my mother did.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, just a few minutes ago, your brother Charlie was born."

"A boy! Well, that's such great news!" I squealed with excitement.

"Yes, well..." Aunt Constance's voice began to crack... I could've sworn her eyes were tearing. "Your mother was having difficulties during childbirth and, well..." she began to cry, "your mother just passed away, Cindy."

"What?" I knew she had made a mistake. Hadn't she?

"I'm sorry, Cynthia." Aunt Constance gave me a hug.

And then, right there, I just lost it. I began to cry, tears pouring down my cheeks. That hug was the most comforting thing Aunt Constance could give me. "It's all my fault!" I said, burying my face in her shirt.

"No, Cynthia! Don't say that," my aunt said through her tears.

"It is! If I was there, I could have helped her." I couldn't control my crying. "What's going to happen to Charlie? What's going to happen to me!" I began to bawl again.

"You couldn't have helped her, darling. You'd need to be at least a level 40 to get anything done..." She kissed my forehead. I couldn't bear to tell her I was above a level 40. "You can stay with me. I'll ask Amelia if you can join the staff. After all, you are far too advanced to attend the school." She smiled, sniffing.

"And Charlie? What will we do with him? He can't live without a mother! He just can't! Oh, Aunt Constance! I can't bear to live like this!" I gave her a tight hug.

"We'll get Charlie. We can raise him here. He'll be a powerful warlock with Cackle's training. Especially from you."

I began to smile, but it quickly faded. "I guess so. Thank you, Aunt Constance. If you don't mind, I'd like to sit outside alone for a while."

"But of course, darling." She said. I couldn't bear to lift my arms and trudged out the door.

I took a seat on the bench outside where the girls were learning how to mount broomsticks. They were having a lot of trouble, and watching them fall was getting annoying. I went over to Mildred and grabbed her broomstick. "Watch." I said, and flew around the school a few times. When I landed Miss Drill was extremely impressed.

"That was great, Cynthia!" She said, smiling.

"Thank you." I said, with a faint smile. I went to sit down again with my back towards the girls. Ethel came up to me from behind and pretty much stood there for a while. "Hello, Ethel." I said, not turning at all.

"My goodness, you frightened me!" She said. "How did you know I was here?"

"It comes with the 26th level..." I said glumly.

"Oh..." She looked away. "I heard about your mother. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay," I said, "Thank you." Then she did something that shocked me. She put her arm around me and came to sit down with me.

"Do you want to talk?" She asked. I was going to say no, but I began to tell her what had happened, and about how much I loved my mother. I also told her about my baby brother and how I would be joining the Cackle's staff. She seemed thrilled. "I can't wait to have you as a teacher!" She said, smiling. I told her thank you but I needed some time alone.