Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron or any related characters.

Author's Note: This takes place after season 3. The gang is in sixth grade, the first year of middle school.

"I'm telling you, we should do the report on Einstein," Jimmy told Cindy from across the library's table.

"Jimmy, Einstein is cool and all, but you've done every project you can on him. For once, can we please do Martha Washington?" Cindy asked.

Jimmy thought about that for a second. She was being nice about it, using his first name and all. I guess we do always do my idea. "Alright Cindy, we'll do Martha Washington."

Mr. Williams, through some cruel twist of fate, had decided to pair Jimmy and Cindy together for their history report. Well, in all honesty, he didn't really mind having Cindy as his partner. After all they had been through in fifth grade; they had become pretty good friends. They still argued and stuff, but it was different now. Back in elementary school they had argued because they disliked each other and had wanted to hurt their feelings. Now it was just two bright kids making conversation and sharing their views. Besides, he thought as he stared at Cindy copying down notes, she ain't too bad to look at.

Jimmy looked up at the clock and noticed that school was almost over. "Cindy, you should start packing up. The bell's going to ring any second," Jimmy said while putting his stuff away.

"One second," Cindy replied. After writing down a few more facts she put all of her books in her backpack. Just then the bell rang. "So, are we meeting the others at the Candy Bar?"

"Yeah, I could sure use a break from all of this studying," Jimmy said as he exited school.

Cindy stopped and shot him an icy glare. "Studying? You spent the whole period trying to convince me to do another report on Einstein," she spat while continuing her walk to the Candy Bar.

"I never said I was studying books," Jimmy replied as he flashed her a wide smile.

"In your dreams Nerdtron," she said, but Jimmy could tell that she was blushing.

"Hey guys!" Sheen yelled as he ran towards Jimmy and Cindy. Carl and Libby were right in tow. "So, we going to the Candy Bar?" he asked, excited about the prospect of more sugar.

"Yeah, let's get there before all those old people show up for the early bird dinner," Jimmy said as he picked up his pace.

Within a few minutes the five friends entered the Candy Bar and sat down at their usual booth by the window. They placed their orders and started chatting.

"You know, I just realized that today is Friday," Jimmy said.

"You can see why he's considered a genius," Cindy retorted while chuckling.

"Anyway, I thought we could kick off the weekend with a little trip to the Bahamas," Jimmy explained. All of a sudden everyone gave him their full attention.

"A non-scientific trip?" Libby asked skeptically.

"Hey, geniuses need to take a break too. I thought we could meet at my house around nine tomorrow morning. We'll take the hover car and have a nice day on the beach," Jimmy said while picturing Cindy in a two-piece.

"Yeah, I could use a little vacation," Cindy said. The others mumbled their agreement.

"Alright, it's settled. Meet me outside the lab at nine o' clock," Jimmy said as his milkshake arrived. "To a day of fun," Jimmy shouted while raising his glass.

"To a day of fun!" the other four shouted while clinking their cups.