It's a new story! hehe. Takes place in season 4, Ross and Rachel are together. I don't own anyone. Enjoy!

"It hurts!" Monica screamed. "Come on Joey!"

"I'm trying!" Joey screamed back.

"Well try faster!" Monica screamed jumping up and down.

"I can't do it under pressure!" Joey cried. "You do it man!"

Chandler looked at Joey freaked out. "ME? I thought we both agreed you would do it!"

"Please Chandler it really really really hurts!"

Chandler looked at Monica who was in an incredible amount of pain. "Fine."He swallowed hard and looked down at Monica's foot.

"I'm gonna go for a walk.." Joey said jumping out of the hole. "Good luck." He said a little freaked out.

Monica looked at Chandler. "So.. are you gonna pee on my damn foot or what!"

Chandler started sweating. "It's really hot in here..."

"Chandler it really hurts! Chopping my foot off would probably feel a lot better then this! HURRY!"


"COME OOONNN!" Monica whined.

Chandler closed his eyes took a deep breathe he was about to take off his shorts but he stopped and opened one eye. He could see Monica wasn't kidding about the pain. "Knock knock."


"Say who's there."

"Pee on my foot damnit!"

"I can't."

"Please Chandler!"

"I can't I went to the bathroom before we left."

Monica gave out a loud groan. "I HATE YOU!" Monica screamed and kicked him with her foot that was stung making it hurt even more. "AHHHHHHH!" She screamed.

Chandler stood watching Monica not sure what to do. "Umm... so... umm.. why can't we.. make... sandwiches with jellyfish?"

Monica glared at Chandler. "Make the pain go away!" Monica grabbed Chandler's arm for support and rubbed her foot which made it hurt more. She squeezed Chandler's arm really hard.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed taking her hand off of his shoulder and backing away. He rubbed his arm.

"Chandler come on! You're a man! Make the pain go away!"

"What do I do!"

"I don't know!" She said hopping on her non hurt foot.

Chandler stood watching Monica jump wondering what to do. An idea popped into his head that probably wouldn't work and would probably cause more physical pain to him but it was worth a shot. He put his arm around Monica's waist to stop her from hopping around.

"Are you gonna pee on me?"

Chandler smiled and kissed her passionately. He could picture Monica screaming and kicking and hitting him when they pulled apart. But it was a good kiss. He slowly pulled away and was a little scared of what was going to happen.

Monica still had her eyes closed and was leaning against the sandy wall. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked at him.

"So does your foot still hurt?" He closed his eyes really tight and pictured her slapping him around hoping that she would scream before she started to hit him so he had a head start at getting out of the hole.


"Your foot... the thing you've been.."

"Right.." Monica smiled. "I think what you did worked... but I umm.. can kinda.. feel the pain coming back."

"What? You want me to kiss you again?" Chandler looked at her shocked and backed away.

"Well it worked."

"You're not mad?"

"Chandler do you want to kiss me or not?"

Chandler gave Monica a weird look and thought in his head for a little while. She was a good kisser.. the kiss was good. He was too worried about Monica hurting him then the kiss... but he remembered it was a good kiss... "Turn down kissing a really hot girl or wait until her jellyfish sting comes back and wait for her to kill me..." Chandler quickly ran over to Monica and began kissing her.

Joey paced around the kitchen in the beach house. Where were they? It had been about 2 hours since he left. Maybe Chandler is still trying to pee on her... maybe he can't do it and she killed him because it hurt so much. Maybe water filled his hole and Monica and Chandler are still in the hole and another jellyfish stung Monica... or maybe..

"Hey Joey." Rachel smiled causing him to jump.

"Hey..." He scratched the back of his head.

"What's wrong?" Ross asked wrapping his arms around Rachel's waist.

"N.. nothing.. I umm I'm gonna go for a walk." He nodded and left the house.

"That was weird."

"Yea.. I wonder what's up with him.." Ross kissed Rachel's head.

Monica stopped kissing Chandler and slightly pushed him so he would move his head up a bit so she could breathe. She smiled and played with his hair. "Why can't I stop kissing you?"

"I don't know.. but I can't stop kissing you either." He smiled back and went down to kiss her but she pushed him up. "What?"

"What time is it?" She said looking up at the sky. The sun was setting.. Why was the sun setting? It shouldn't be setting why was it setting? She wasn't making out with Chandler that long.

Chandler looked at his watch and his eyes widened. "6:51!"

"We've been making out for 3 hours! Oh my god!" Monica screamed jumping up.

"It's ok.."

"What do we do? What if they ask us where we've been? We can't tell them that we were on the beach making out! That's weird! They'll freak out!"

"Like you're doing now?"

"Oh my god Chandler what do we do!"

Chandler smiled and put his hands on her arms. "Calm down Mon..."

"Why am I calming down! Why aren't you freaking out!"

"Because.. there's nothing to freak out about. Ok."

"Why? Why isn't there anything to freak out about!"

Chandler laughed. "We'll keep it a secret.. they don't need to know right away right."

Monica nodded. "Right... what do we tell them?"

Chandler thought. "I need a kiss to get my mind working."

Monica slapped Chandler's bare chest really hard.

Chandler's eyes widened. "OW!" He rubbed his chest and looked around and saw some kids making sand castles. "We tell them that we were having a sand castle competition." He smiled.

"You're a genius!" She smiled."Ok so we had a sand castle competition and I won!Come on lets go!" She grabbed his hand and they walked towards the beach house. When they reached the house Monica stopped and looked inside. Ross and Rachel were cuddled up in a chair, and Joey and Phoebe were playing in the sand. "What.."

The door opened and Joey's head popped out. "You guys where the hell have you been!" He yelled quietly closing the door.

"Building sand castles." Chandler said quickly.

"What! You didn't tell me? "

"It was a competition between me and Chandler sorry Joey."

"Did you pee on her foot?"

Monica and Chandler's eyes slightly widened. "Yes."

"No." They both screamed at the same time.

Joey gave them a confused look.

Monica laughed. "He did pee on my foot.. but umm.. he missed.."

"Oh.. is your foot ok?"

"Yea.. the sand castles really helped." She smiled at Chandler.

"Oh ok well we better get in there we've been waiting for you guys so we can get dinner."

So how was that? I'm not so sure about this fic.. I've had this idea for so long but there have been stories from this episode so I didn't want to do it.. maybe it can just be this one chapter or more.. I don't know. Let me know what you think. Please review.