Disclaimer: I don't own Furuba.

Warning: Slash and Fluff!

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, but I'm writing like 30 fics right now. If you like these check out my Furuba fic 'That's How'. Ciao!

Replies to my reviewer!

Bass Star Cardians Webmistress: I'm really glad you like it. Hope you enjoy this one.


The Mabudachi Trio sat in Hatori's house, just talking and listening and drinking coffee (tea for Ayame, "I don't see how you can drink that! It's horrible!"). They did this every Saturday, just relaxing and enjoying each other's familiar company.

They made time for one another, never forgetting their highschool promises, to always stick together; and so Ayame closed the shop early every week, Shigure took a break from his usual pastime: nothing, and Hatori made sure he was occupationally free and mentally prepared.

It was just another one of those days and, as Shigure and Ayame had run out of things to spout, it had gotten comfortably silent. Out of nowhere Ayame got up from his armchair and went to stand in front of Hatori. Ignoring the dragon's widened eyes and surprised expression, he settled down in his lap, a thoughtful look on his face. Behind him the Juunishi doctor spluttered quietly, not sure what to think. The hyperactive snake was usually very friendly, and touchy-feely, and...clingy; but this was different.

Finally Ayame spoke, "Yep. This is a good place." It was such a simple statement but all three understood it.

"About time, Aya!" Shigure exclaimed, grinning from behind his mug. Ayame smiled, and leaned back, getting comfortable, before taking a sip of his tea. 'Gure's grin became a smirk as he looked at the dragon's face. "Breath 'Tori!"

The End.

A/N: Hope you liked it. Check out my other fics. Also, I am currently working on a KyoYuki oneshot. I'll post a note on here when it's done. Ciao.